Understanding Hibernate ORM for Java/J2EE 

http://www.codetoad.com/java_Hibernate.asp http://www.codeguru.com/cpp/data/mfc_database/sqlserver/article.php/c10079/

Introducing Hibernate ORM using a Simple Java Application

Saritha S.V July 12, 2005


As you all know, in today's enterprise environments working with object-oriented software and a relational database can be cumbersome and time consuming. Typically, in an enterprise application, if you are passing objects around and sometimes reach the point where you want to persist them, you will open a JDBC connection, create an SQL statement and copy all your property values over to the PreparedStatement or into the SQL string you are building. This may be easy for a small value object, but for an object with many properties, you may face many difficulties. As myself have experienced and most of you Java Programmers have seen, the object-relational gap quickly becomes very wide if you have large object models. Thus, the activities involved in persisting data are tedious and error-prone. So, we go for Object-relational mapping (O/R mapping) which is a common requirement of many software development projects.

Why ORM? 

The term object/relational mapping (ORM) refers to the technique of mapping a data representation from an object model to a relational data model with a SQL-based schema. So, what can an ORM do for you? A ORM basically intends to takes most of that burden of your shoulder. With a good ORM, you have to define the way you map your classes to tables once; which property maps to which column, which class to which table, and so forth.

With a good ORM, you can take the plain Java objects you use in the application and tell the ORM to persist them. This will automatically generate all the SQL needed to store the object. An ORM allows you to load your objects just as easily: A good ORM will feature a query language too. The main features include:

  1. Less error-prone code

  2. Optimized performance all the time

  3. Solves portability issues

  4. Reduce development time


Hibernate is in my opinion the most popular and most complete open source object/relational mapping solution for Java environments. Hibernate not only takes care of the mapping from Java classes to database tables (and from Java data types to SQL data types), but also provides data query and retrieval facilities and can significantly reduce development time; otherwise, spent with manual data handling in SQL and JDBC. It manages the database and the mapping between the database and the objects.

Hibernate's goal is to relieve the developer from 95 percent of common data persistence related programming tasks. Hibernate adapts to your development process, no matter if you start with a design from scratch or work with a legacy database.

Hibernate generates SQL for you, relieves you from manual result set handling and object conversion, and keeps your application portable to all SQL databases. Hibernate allows you to store, fetch ,update and delete any kind of objects. Hibernate lets you develop persistent classes following common Java idiom — including association, inheritance, polymorphism, composition, and the Java collections framework.

The Hibernate Query Language, designed as a minimal object-oriented extension to SQL, provides an elegant bridge between the object and relational worlds.

Key features include:

  1. Integrates elegantly with all popular J2EE application servers, Web containers and in standalone applications. Hibernate is typically used in Java Swing applications, Java Servlet-based applications, or J2EE applications using EJB session beans.

  2. Free/open source. Hibernate is licensed under the LGPL (Lesser GNU PublicLicense).critical component of the JBoss Enterprise Middleware System (JEMS) suite of products.

  3. Natural programming model. Hibernate supports natural OO idiom; inheritance, polymorphism, composition, and the Java collections framework.

  4. Extreme scalability. Hibernate is extremely performant, has a dual-layer cache architecture, and may be used in a cluster.

  5. The query language. Hibernate addresses both sides of the problem; not only how to get objects into the database, but also how to get them out again.

  6. EJB 3.0. Implements the persistence API and query language defined by EJB 3.0 persistence.

What Is a Persistent Class? 

Hibernate provides transparent persistence; the only requirement for a persistent class is a no-argument constructor. In a persistent class, no interfaces have to be implemented and no persistent superclass has to be extended. The Persistent class can be used outside the persistence context.

Persistent classes are classes in an application that implement the entities of the business problem. Let me illustate this with a simple eg : login entity. The persistent class can be like:

public class Login {
   /** persistent fields */
   private String userName;
   private String userPassword;

   /** default constructor */
   public Login () {

   public String getUserName() {
      return this.userName;

   public void setUserName(String userName) {
      this.userName = userName;

   public String getUserPassword() {
      return this.userPassword;

   public void setUserPassword(String userPassword) {
      this.userPassword = userPassword;


Persistent classes have, as the name implies, transient and also persistent instance stored in the database. Hibernate makes use of persistent objects commonly called as POJO (Plain Old Java Object) programming model along with XML mapping documents for persisting objects to the database layer. POJO refers to a normal Java object that does not serve any other special role or implement any special interfaces of any of the Java frameworks like a Java Bean.

The Ultimate Goal 

Take advantage of those things that relational databases do well, without leaving the Java language of objects/classes. I will say, the ultimate aim is: Do less work, Happy DBA.

Hibernate Architecture 

I believe Hibernate provides persistence as a service, rather than as a framework. I will show two common architectures incorporating Hibernate as a persistence layer. As I have already explained, for persisting objects Hibernate makes use of persistent objects commonly called as POJO, along with XML mapping documents.

In Web (two-tiered) Architecture, Hibernate may be used to persist JavaBeans used by servlets/JSPs in a Model/View/Controller architecture.

In Enterprise (three-tiered), Architecture Hibernate may be used by a Session EJB that manipulates persistent objects.

Typical Hibernate code 

sessionFactory  = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx  = session.beginTransaction();

//Data access code


The first step in a Hibernate application is to retrieve Hibernate Session. Hibernate Session is the main runtime interface between a Java application and Hibernate. SessionFactory allows applications to create a Hibernate session by reading the Hibernate configuration file hibernate.cfg.xml. After specifying transaction boundaries, the application can make use of persistent Java objects and use the session to persist to the databases.

Getting Started with Hibernate 

  1. Download and install Hibernate. Hibernate is available for download at http://www.hibernate.org/.

  2. Include the hibernate.jar file in the working directory.

  3. Place your JDBC driver jar file in the lib directory.

  4. Edit the Hibernate configuration files, specifying values for your database. (Hibernate will create a schema automatically.)

A Simple Java Application 

Here is a sample application that I developed; it uses Hibernate.

[... check org for the rest ...]

documented on: 2008-02-12

Java ORM: lessons learned 


By mirleid in Op-Ed
Mon Mar 13, 2006

ORM stands for Object Relational Mapping. At its most basic level, it is a technique geared towards providing an application with an object-based view of the data that it manipulates.

I have been using ORM in the scope of my professional activities for the better part of three years. I can't say that it has been a smooth ride, and I think other people might benefit from an account of my experiences.

Hence this story.

ORM: a primer 

The basic building block of any application written in an OO language such as Java is the object. As such, the application is basically a more or less large collection of interacting objects. This paradigm works relatively well up to a point. It is when such an application is required to deal with something with a completely different worldview, such as a database, that the brown matter definitely hits the revolving propeller-shaped implement. The term Object-Relational impedance mismatch term was coined to represent this difference in worldviews.

The basic purpose of ORM is to allow an application written in an object oriented language to deal with the information it manipulates in terms of objects, rather than in terms of database-specific concepts such as rows, columns and tables. In the Java world, ORM's first appearance was under the form of entity beans.

There are some problems with entity beans:

The first problem does not kill you, but it also does not make you stronger. In fact, the dependency on a container implies that proper unit testing of entity beans is convoluted and difficult. The second problem is where the real pain lies: the programming model and the sheer number of moving parts will make sure that building a moderately complex, working domain model expressed as entity beans becomes a frustrating and tortuous exercise.

Enter transparent persistence: this is an approach to object persistence that asserts that designers and developers should never have to use anything other than POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects), freeing you from the obligation to implement life-cycle methods. The most common frameworks that claim to provide transparent persistence for Java objects today are JDO, Hibernate and TopLink. At this point, I'd like to clarify that I am not about to discuss the great JDO vs EJBernate 3.0 religious wars, so, don't even think about it.

Hibernate and TopLink are reflection-based frameworks, which basically means that they use reflection to create objects and to access their attributes. JDO on the other hand is a bytecode instrumentation-based framework. While this difference might not seem to be immediately relevant to you, please bear with me: its significance will become apparent in due course.

ORM: the 50000 feet view 

At a high level, you need to perform the following tasks when using an ORM framework:

Assuming that you have sufficiently detailed requirements and use cases, the first step is a well-understood problem with widely accepted techniques available for its solution. As such, we'll consider the first step as a given and not dwell on it.

The second step is more controversial. The easy way to do it is to create a database schema that mimics the domain model: each class maps to its own table, each class attribute maps to a column in the given table, relationships are represented as foreign keys. The problem with this is that the database's performance is highly dependant on how "good" the schema is, and this "straight" way of creating one generates, shall we say, sub-optimal solutions. If you add to that the fact that you will be constrained (by the very nature of the ORM framework that you are using) in terms of the database optimisation techniques that you can use, and that that one-class-one-table approach will tend to generate a disproportionately large number of tables, you realise pretty soon that the schema that you have is, by DBA standards, a nightmare.

The only way to solve this conundrum is to compromise. From both ends of the spectrum. Therefore, using an ORM tool does not really gel with waterfall development, for you'll need to continually revisit your domain model and your database schema. If you're doing it right, changes at the database schema level will only imply changes at the metadata level (more on this later). Obviously, and by the same token, changes at the domain model level will should only imply changes in the metadata and application code, but not on the database (at least not significant changes).

Creating the metadata for mapping your domain model to the database is where it gets interesting. At a high level, the basic construct available to you is something called a mapping. Depending on which framework you use, you might have different types available to you doing all kinds of interesting stuff, but there is a set that is commonly available:

A direct to field mapping is the basic type of mapping that you use when you want to map a class attribute of some basic type such as string directly onto a VARCHAR column. A relationship mapping is the one that you use when you have an attribute of a class that holds a reference to an instance of some other class in your domain model. The most common types of relationship mappings are "one to one", "one to many" or "many to many".

At this juncture, we need an example to illustrate the use of these mappings. Let us consider the domain model for accounts in a bank; you'll need:

The relationships between them are as follows:

Please note that the terminology that I am about to use is somewhat TopLink-biased, but you should be able to find out the appropriate Hibernate or JDO equivalent without too much trouble. Anyway, once you have figured out the relationships between classes in your domain model, you need to create the metadata to represent them. Prior to Tiger (JDK 5.0), this was typically done via a text file containing something vaguely XML-like describing the mappings (and a lot of other stuff). If you are lucky, you'll have access to a piece of software that facilitates the creation of the metadata file (TopLink provides you with something called the Mapping Workbench, and I understand that there are Eclipse plug-ins for Hibernate).

With TopLink and Hibernate, once you have the metadata file you are away. If you are using JDO, there is an extra step required, which is to instrument your class files (remember that JDO uses bytecode instrumentation), but this is relatively painless, since most JDO implementations provide you with Ant tasks that automate it for you.


What follows is an account of my experience (and exploits) with TopLink. Some of the issues encountered will be, as such, somewhat specific, but I think that most of them are generic enough to hold for most ORM frameworks.

The first problem that you face is documentation. It is not very good, ambiguous, and only covers the basics of the framework and its use. Obviously, this problem can be solved by getting an expert from Oracle (they own TopLink): I guess that that sort of explains why the documentation isn't very good.

The second problem that you face is that if you are doing something real (as in, not just playing around with the tool, but actually building a system with it), you typically have more than one person creating mappings. You would have thought that Oracle would have considered that when creating the Mapping Workbench. They did not. It is designed to be used by one person at a time, and there's no chance that you can use it in a collaborative development environment. Additionally, it represents the mapping project (the Mapping Workbench name for the internal representation of your mapping data) in such a huge collection of files that storing them in a VCS is an exercise in futility. So, mapping your domain model becomes a project bottleneck: only one person at a time can edit the project, after all. As such, the turnaround time for model changes and updates impinges quite a lot on the development teams, since they can play around with the domain model in memory, but they can't actually test their functionality by trying to store stuff to the database.

When you finally get a metadata file that holds what you need to move your development forward, and you run your code, you start receiving angry e-mails from the project DBA, reading something like "What in the name of all that is holy you think you are doing to my database server?" [… the rest half of TopLink specific problems omitted …]

EJB 3.0 helps here 

by ttfkam on Mon Mar 13, 2006

New versions of Hibernate implement the EJB 3.0 EntityManager interface. So instead of separate XML schema definition and mapping files, you simply annotate the POJOs and go.

The downside is that persistence info is in your Java source. The upside is, well, that persistence info is in your Java source.

And using EJB 3.0 means that you can swap between Hibernate in standard J2SE apps, JBoss, Glassfish, and the others simply.

and Spring makes it even better 

by Lars Rosenquist on Mon Mar 20, 2006

By using the TransactionProxyFactoryBean and the HibernateTransactionManager to manage your transactions. Use the OpenSessionInViewInterceptor to support lazy initializing outside of a Hibernate Session scope (e.g. web context).

Spring Framework data access classes… 

by claes on Mon Mar 13, 2006

seem to help a lot.

It seems as if every time I start a new project I go around and around with exactly the same issues — how "close to the database" or "how close to the object model" to put the interface.

Currently I think if you know something about databases you're better off starting with a schema that really, truly, reflects the actual "business objects" of your application. Then wrap this in a couple of DAO (buzzword, blech) classes (The Spring Framework classes help here), and deal with it.

Once you get the schema right, it tends to stay put. In our current major project I end up actually doing something at the SQL> prompt about once a month or so, mostly for debugging. That tells me that the model is good — matching both the underlying logic, as well as being easy to get at from the Java classes.

To go up a level, there are a couple of things like ORM (HTML page generation is another) where there are constantly new frameworks, new buzzword, and "better" ways to do things. My feeling is that when this goes on for a while, it just means that the problem is just plain hard, and if magic frameworks haven't fixed it in the past, they arent' going to fix it in the future.

Thanks for the write up.

With Hibernate 

by skyknight on Sun Mar 12, 2006

You open a session, which means getting back a session object from a factory, with which you will associate new objects and from which you will load existing objects. Such object manipulations are surrounded by the initiation and termination of transactions, for which you can specify the isolation level. I don't know about other frameworks, but Hibernate does take transactions seriously.

ORM is definitely not a tool that people should use if they don't have a solid understanding of relational database technology and issues, or perhaps more generally an understanding of computer architecture. Rather, it should be used by people who have substantial experience writing database applications and have after much hard-won experience gotten tired with the grinding tedium of manually persisting and loading objects to and from relational databases. You need the understanding of relational databases so that you can get good performance from an ORM, and without it you'll have the horrible performance that the original piece characterizes in its anecdotes.

I've been dealing with the ORM problem for 5+ years, with a brief escape for grad school. I've written raw SQL. I've used home grown ORM frameworks written by other people. I've written my own substantial ORM frameworks in each of Perl, Python and Java. I've actually done it twice in Perl, with my latest instantiation being pretty good, and yet still being dwarfed in capability by Java's Hibernate. As such, I've recently started learning Hibernate. Hibernate is extremely complicated, and most certainly not for the weak of heart or for a junior programmer with no relational database experience, but it is also extremely powerful. In learning Hibernate I've been very appreciative of many of the hard problems that it solves, problems with which I have struggled for years, in many cases unsuccessfully.

Mind you, even with Hibernate, ORM is still ugly. The fact that you need to persist your objects to a database is largely an artifact, an accidental component of your development process stemming from limitations in today's technology, not an intrinsic facet of the thing that you're trying to accomplish. Also, ORM is inherently duplicative, in that you end up defining your data model twice, as well as a mapping between the two instantiations of it. Such is life… It would be nice if we had "object servers", as well as cheap and performant non-volatile RAM, but we don't, and we aren't going to have such things for well over a decade at least, not in reliable versions anyway.

As someone who has slogged through implementing his own ORM on a few occasions, I can say that it is a great learning experience, but if your goal is a production quality system, then you should probably use something like Hibernate. The existence of Hibernate alone is probably a strong argument for using Java when writing an application that requires complex ORM. I don't know that C# has solved the problem, but I haven't looked, honestly.

Mileage varies 

by Scrymarch on Sat Mar 11, 2006

I've used Hibernate on a few projects now and been pretty happy with it. I've found it a definite productivity increase on raw JDBC - there's simply less boilerplate, and hence less stupid typo errors. The overwhelmingly most common class -> table relationship is 1:1, so you cut out a lot of code of the

account.setAccountTitle( rs.getString(DataDictionary.ACCOUNT_TITLE) );
account.setAccountBalance( rs.getInteger(DataDictionary.ACCOUNT_BALANCE) );


It does irritate me that you end up with HQL strings everywhere, but you ended up with SQL strings everywhere before, so shrug. Really the syntax should be checked at compile time, instead of implicitly by unit tests. Such a tool shouldn't even be that hard to write, but I guess I'm lazy. I'd be uneasy letting devs near HQL without a decent knowledge of SQL. For mapping, we used xdoclet or hand editing the result of schema-generated xml files. Usually the same developer would be adding tables or fields, the relevant domain objects, and required mappings.

Now I think about it though, every time I've used ORM I've laid out the data model first, or had legacy tables I had to deal with. Inheritance in the domain model tended to be the interface driven variety rather than involving a lot of implementation inheritance. Relational database have a pretty good track record on persistance, maybe you could let them have a little more say.

We did still get burnt a bit by lazy loading. We were working with DAOs which had been written with each method opening and closing a session. So sometimes objects would make it out to a higher tier without having the right dependant detail-style attributes loaded, which throws a lazy loading exception. We got around this by moving the session control up into the business layer over time. This is really where it should have been in the first place, not being able to go:

session.open(); // or txn.start or whatever

is kind of crazy.

These projects were with small teams on the scale of half a dozen developers. Sounds like you were on a bigger project, had higher interpersonal communication overheads, etc. Just to put all my bias cards on the table, I gave a little yelp of pain when you said "waterfall".


by bugmaster on Mon Mar 13, 2006

I've had some very happy experiences with Hibernate. It lets you specify lazy-loading strategies, not-null constraints, caching strategies, subclass mapping (joned-subclass, union-subclass, table-per-subclass-hierarchy), associations, etc… All in the mapping file. And it has the Hibernate Query Language that looks, feels and acts just like SQL, but is about 100x shorter. Hibernate rules.

Once you know ORMs, most of these problems go away 

by Wolf Keeper on Tue Jul 10, 2007

I'm familiar with Hibernate. I can't speak for the others. The learning curve is steep, but once you've got it you can build applications very fast.

  1. 'Derive your database schema from the domain model.'

    Hibernate is flexible enough to work with an existing schema. You can write your Hibernate objects to work with your database, and not vice versa. You lose the ability to use polymorphism in some of your database objects, but ORM remains very handy.

  2. 'The first problem that you face is documentation.'

    The Hibernate website is a font of information, and the Hibernate In Action book remains the only IT tome I have read cover to cover. It is outstanding.

  3. 'you typically have more than one person creating mappings.'

    Hibernate handles that fine. The XML files governing Hibernate behavior are human-readable, and can be team developed just like any other Java code.

  4. 'you realise that that happens because the ORM framework will not, by default, lazy load relationships'

    The importance of lazy load relationships is highly documented in Hibernate and the default behavior for a few years now.

  5. 'This time, though, in order to make a call on whether a relationship should be lazily loaded, you need to trawl through all the use cases, involve a bunch of people, and come up with the most likely usage and access scenarios for each of the classes in your domain model.'

    You have to do this whether you use an ORM or just JDBC. Your JDBC code can just as easily hit the database too often. Either way, the research should be done before the application is built and not after.

  6. ' The problem is that reflection-based ORM frameworks figure out what needs to be flushed to the database (as in, what you created or updated, and what SQL needs to be generated) by comparing a reference copy that they keep against the instance that you modified. As such, and at the best of times, you are looking at having twice as many instances of a class in memory as you think you should have.'

    I believe Hibernate simply tracks whether an object has been changed and does not keep a reference copy. Regardless, there's well documented guidelines for evicting objects you don't need from memory to cap memory use. And RAM is cheap.

  7. 'At a high level, the only way that you can get around this is to actually figure out which classes are read-only from the application standpoint.'

    Again, whether you use ORM or SQL and JDBC, identifying read-only classes is part of application development. Setting up read-only caches of objects that don't change is easy.

  8. 'Surrogate keys'

    I have to disagree that surrogate keys are a drawback. Put a unique constraint on the columns you would have preferred as a primary key (i.e. what would have been the "intelligent keys"). Then you can do joins, updates, deletes, etc… using the intuitive primary key column and the application can chug right along with surrogate keys.

It's also worth mentioning that Hibernate also has easy tools for using straight SQL and for using prepared statements and languages like Transact SQL, PL/SQL, or PL/pgSQL.

I can't say ORM is the best solution for mapping between object oriented languages and databases. But for big applications, it's much easier than rolling your own JDBC code for all of the database work. Someone skilled on Hibernate with input in your project planning could have made life *tremendously* easier.

Comments from a successful ORM-using architect 

by Ufx on Mon Mar 13, 2006

I've had the pleasure of using an ORM for multiple projects, and my experiences have compelled me to reply to your article. Our platform is .Net, which offers some more flexibility in the reflection space due to generic type information being preserved. This is particularly useful when figuring out what type your lists contain.

First, let me first state the requirements of one of my projects. There is a client application that must support the following:

  1. Occasional disconnections from the master database, usually caused by an internet service interruption. While disconnected, all changes must be stored, and as much work as possible must be allowed to continue. Upon reconnection, changes must be merged with the master database and the user notified of any conflicts.

  2. Extremely granular security of virtually every user-updateable field.

  3. General safety against malicious messages. Par for the course here - nobody must hit our webservices unless expressly authorized to do so.

  4. Excellent performance. The application will be in a setting where work must be done very quickly.

As an architect and developer working this project, I added my own required features above those required by the application:

  1. Minimal configuration. The point is to reduce work, not generate more of a different kind.

  2. SOA data transaction batches. We have code that should function either on the client side or in our own internal network. Transactions must be handled in both cases transparently.

  3. Simple optimizations for lazy and eager loading. I don't want to create custom DTOs just because we need a little more of the object graph than usual.

  4. Transparent security. Outside of the UI layer, security breaches are an exceptional condition and shouldn't need boilerplate nastiness to verify that a transaction is authorized.

  5. Transparent disconnected functioning. Except in very specific circumstances, data access code should not care whether or not it is being executed in the disconnected environment.

  6. Transparent concurrency control. Again, code should generally not care about handling concurrency errors unless there is a specific exception, and these should be handled in a generic fashion.

  7. Ability to execute user-defined functions or stored procedures when necessary.

  8. Transparent cache control. Accessing an object ought to have one interface, regardless of whether or not the object is cached.

We currently use an ORM that meets all of the above requirements. Allow me to share my thoughts on some very big issues we had to solve regarding these requirements, and mix in some responses to your issues.

As far as configuration is concerned, the system uses a configurable conventions class that allows programmatic configuration of defaults, and it uses attribute decorators for all other configuration. I know that this ties our domain model to a specific data model, but in our situation that tradeoff wasn't so bad. Furthermore, my experience is that data schema and object schema are usually versioned together anyway. Contention for configuration is exactly the same as contention for the domain objects themselves, so there are rarely problems. I'm surprised that your system did not allow you to split the configuration files by some logical boundaries that would've reduced the contention issues you had.

The key factor to easy mapping is consistency. Most mapping issues arise out of essentially idiomatic models being twisted for no good reason. Put your foot down: Everything must follow the idioms unless there is a *very* good reason not to. Usually that reason is performance, and when the need arises you most likely have to introduce an extra step in your mapping in the form of a DTO. While this reduces the transparency of the system, in my experience the need for these is rare enough not to have to worry about it as the vast majority of the system should be plenty performant by default. If it isn't, you're using the wrong technology!

Developer productivity is the most important resource. The more time you save with an excellent model, the more time you have to work on optimizations when the need arises. Normally you should not be coding with consistency-breaking optimizations in mind. Typically when confronted with a performance problem, we need to either eagerly load something, or we need to cache something, or we need to create an index. Most performance issues can be resolved in a matter of minutes.

Your statement about reflection-based ORM frameworks needing to keep copies of the object in memory isn't entirely accurate. Our system does not do this, and instead relies on user code to tell the data layer what to send back to the database. I find this works rather well, because most of the time you definitely know what has changed.

Security-wise, the rich metadata that an ORM provides was a godsend when writing our security system. Because there is exactly one gateway in which all transactions flow, and this gateway had all of the information necessary to perform a verification, even our extremely granular security was easy to implement in a generic manner.

Our disconnected architecture was also aided by the metadata and design of the ORM. When we went into disconnected mode, queries were simply re-routed to a SqlLite driver instead of the default webservices driver. Also, the single point of entry for all returned data allowed for easy caching of that data.

Most good ORM systems can use natural or surrogate key structures. My preference is for surrogate keys, because let's face it: Natural keys change and developers are not always experts in their application's domain. Not every developer can make the call as to what is a natural key 100% of the time and what is a natural key 95% of the time. It's far easier to drop a unique constraint than it is to change your key structure when the inevitable happens.

I understand that our requirements are quite different from those that exist in the web-based world. The world will be a happier place for us developers when we can dump the web as an application platform and replace it with an application delivery platform.

documented on: 2008-02-12

Open Source Persistence Frameworks in Java 


Hibernate is a powerful, ultra-high performance object/relational persistence and query service for Java. Hibernate lets you develop persistent objects following common Java idiom - including association, inheritance, polymorphism, composition and the Java collections framework. Extremely fine-grained, richly typed object models are possible. The Hibernate Query Language, designed as a "minimal" object-oriented extension to SQL, provides an elegant bridge between the object and relational worlds. Hibernate is now the most popular ORM solution for Java.

The SQL Maps framework will help to significantly reduce the amount of Java code that is normally needed to access a relational database. This framework maps JavaBeans to SQL statements using a very simple XML descriptor. Simplicity is the biggest advantage of SQL Maps over other frameworks and object relational mapping tools. To use SQL Maps you need only be familiar with JavaBeans, XML and SQL. There is very little else to learn. There is no complex scheme required to join tables or execute complex queries. Using SQL Maps you have the full power of real SQL at your fingertips. The SQL Maps framework can map nearly any database to any object model and is very tolerant of legacy designs, or even bad designs. This is all achieved without special database tables, peer objects or code generation.

ObJectRelationalBridge (OJB) is an Object/Relational mapping tool that allows transparent persistence for Java Objects against relational databases.

Torque is a persistence layer. Torque includes a generator to generate all the database resources required by your application and includes a runtime environment to run the generated classes.

Castor is an open source data binding framework for Javatm?. It's basically the shortest path between Java objects, XML documents and SQL tables. Castor provides Java to XML binding, Java to SQL persistence, and then some more.

Cayenne is a powerful, full-featured Java Object Relational Mapping framework. It is open source and completely free. One of the main Cayenne distinctions is that it comes with cross-platform modeling GUI tools. This places Cayenne in the league of its own, making it a very attractive choice over both closed source commerical products and traditional "edit your own XML" open source solutions.

TriActive JDO (TJDO) is an open source implementation of Sun's JDO specification (JSR 12), designed to support transparent persistence using any JDBC-compliant database. TJDO has been deployed and running successfully in many commercial installations since 2001.

JDBM is a transactional persistence engine for Java. It aims to be for Java what GDBM is for other languages (C/C++, Python, Perl, etc.): a fast, simple persistence engine. You can use it to store a mix of objects and BLOBs, and all updates are done in a transactionally safe manner. JDBM also provides scalable data structures, such as HTree and B+Tree, to support persistence of large object collections.

Prevayler is the free-software Prevalence layer for Java. Ridiculously simple, Prevalence is by far the fastest and most transparent persistence, fault-tolerance and load-balancing architecture for Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs).

JPOX is a full compliant implementation of Java Data Objects (JDO) API. The JDO API is a standard interface-based Java model abstraction of persistence. JPOX is free and released under an OpenSource license, and so the source code is available for download along with the JDO implementation.

Speedo is an open source implementation of the JDO ™ specification.

Jaxor is a code-generating OR mapping tool which takes information defined in XML relating to the relational entities to be mapped and generates classes, interfaces and finder objects which can be used from any Java application (including JFC/Swing, J2EE and command-line tools). The actual code generation is handled by Velocity templates rather than by fixed mechanisms within the tool. This flexability allows easy tailoring and modification to the formatting or even the code that gets generated.

pBeans is a Java based persistence framework and an Object/Relational (O/R) database mapping layer. It is designed to be simple to use and completely automated.

SimpleORM is Java Object Relational Mapping open source project (Apache style licence). It provides a simple but effective implementation of object/relational mapping on top of JDBC at low cost and low overhead. Not even an XML file to configure!

Simple data storage API to help developers to focus on their applications instead of writing JDBC code.

XORM is an extensible object-relational mapping layer for Java applications

Space4J (or S4J, for short) is a free prevalence implementation in Java. Prevalence is a concept started by Klaus Wuestefeld on how to store data in a real object oriented way, using only memory snapshots, transaction logs and serialization. In addition to the basic functionality it offers transparent support for clustering, passivation and indexing.

O/R Broker is a convenience framework for applications that use JDBC. It allows you to externalize your SQL statements into individual files, for readability and easy manipulation, and it allows declarative mapping from tables to objects. Not just JavaBeans objects, but any arbitrary POJO. This is the strength of O/R Broker compared to other similar persistence tools. It allows the developer to design proper object-oriented classes for persistence, without having to be forced to use JavaBeans only, and it has full support for inheritance hierarchies and circular references. One of the design goal for O/R Broker was simplicity, which means that there are only 4 public classes, and an XML Schema file for validation of the very simple XML configuration file. In short, O/R Broker is a JDBC framework that does not dictate domain class design, whether that be having to conform to the JavaBeans spec, having to extend a superclass or implement an interface, but allows persistence independence and proper object-oriented class design.

Mr. Persister is an object persistence API, that makes it possible to read and write objects of any size to and from relational databases. The implemented/planned features includes easier JDBC operations via JDBC templates (Spring style), automatic connection / transaction handling, object relational mapping, dynamic reports, connection pooling, caching, replication, debugging and more.

A small (less then 50KB) persistence framework.

JDBCPersistence is yet another OR mapping layer. It differs from its peers in both implementation and API. Using bytecode generation at its core the framework generates classes that implement JDBC Logic which is specific to a table/bean pair. JDBCPersistence generates persistor classes at runtime on demand incurring no noticeable overhead on the development process. The entire framework configuration is done via API, which significantly improves start-up time and reduces library size.

A lightweight persistence framework for Java (JDK5.0 or later). Extremely simple to use, works whith annotations, does not require any configuration/mapping file, runs whith any JDBC compliant database (no SQL dialects to configure) and supports multi-device persistence.

Super CSV is a CSV package for processing CSV files. Super CSV is designed around solid Object-oriented principles, and thus aims to leverage your Object-oriented code, making it easier to write and maintain. Super CSV offers the following features:

Velosurf is a database mapping layer library for the Apache Velocity template engine. It provides automatic database mapping of tables and relationships without any code generation. It is a lightweight placeholder to heavy persistence systems.

Ebean is Object Relational Mapping Persistence Layer. Ebean is designed to be easy to learn and use. It follows the mapping specification of JPA with annotations such as @Entity, @OneToOne, @OneToMany etc. Ebean also has a relational api when you want to bypass ORM in favour of using your own SQL for fetching, updating and calling stored procedures.

PAT stands for "Persistent Applications Toolkit". Like many other software it simplifies developing of persistence layers of business applications. It does it by providing object-oriented environment for persistence of your objects: POJOs And.. it really does it. PAT provides almost transparent data layer for a business application. It employs state-of-the-art techniques to achieve it. These are OO, AOP (JBossAOP), Java, Prevayler, Ant, JUnit, Log4j, @@annotations and others. It cooperates well with web applications: Struts (and possibly other web frameworks), Tomcat, JBoss AS. (AOP term: persistence aspect)

Daozero reduces DAO codes based on Spring & iBatis. The old way is to write codes and invoke iBatis API explicitly, but daozero implements DAO interfaces in runtime, invokes iBatis API for developers atuomaticaly. Replace old DAOs with it directly.

Persist is a minimalist Java ORM/DAO library designed for high performance and ease of use. Unlike most ORM tools, Persist does not aim to completely isolate application code from relational databases. Instead, it intends to minimize the effort to handle data stored in a RDBMS through JDBC, without making compromises on performance and flexibility.

QLOR (Q-LOGIC Object Relational Mapping Framework) is a performant Object/Relational Mapping and persistence/query framework for Java. It's easy to use and deploy with other technologies. It is heightly structured and designed. Features:

SeQuaLite is a data access framework over jdbc. Features include CRUD operations, Lazy-Load, Cascading, Paging, on-the-fly SQL generation. It helps reduce development time effectively.

ODAL is database persistence framework with emphasis on maintainability and performance. Features include query API, ORM, data validation/conversion, stored procedure support, code generation. Minimal dependencies. Short startup time.

jPersist is an extremely powerful object-relational database persistence API that manages to avoid the need for configuration and annotation; mapping is automatic. It uses JDBC, and can work with any relational database and any type of connection resource. It uses information obtained from the database to handle mapping between the database and Java objects, so mapping configuration is not needed, and annotation is not needed. In fact, there is no configuration needed at all.

NetMind BeanKeeper is an O/R (object/relation) mapping library. Its task is to map java objects to a relational database, and to offer a powerful query service to retrieve them.

It is a feature-rich implementation of the persistence part of Enterprise Java Beans 3.0, also known as the Java Persistence API (JPA), and is available under the terms of the Apache Software License. OpenJPA can be used as a stand-alone POJO persistence layer, or it can be integrated into any EJB3.0 compliant container and many lightweight frameworks.

documented on: 2008-02-12