how can I underline text 

Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
Date: 1996/12/24
> I know I know, underlining is bad. And I agree. Yet, I'd like to know how I
> can underline some text in LaTeX. When using "\underline", I have the
> problem that the underlined text cannot be split, which makes it impossible
> to underline long texts (like more than a line).
> How can I get LaTeX to underline and span several lines ?

Use a package called ulem.sty

Double-underline, dotty underlineā€¦ 

Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
Date: 1999/06/10
> that there exist a package named "ulem" that enables 1) wavy underline,
> 2) strike-out and 3) crossing-out text.  I wonder if there is any
> package
> doing 4) double-underline, 5) dotty underline and 6) crossing underline
> 4) ========= 5)  .................... 6) / / / / / / / / / / / / /

4) Double underline is already defined (\uuline).

5) Try

\newcommand{\dotuline}{\bgroup \markoverwith{\lower .4ex\hbox{.}}\ULon}

Donald Arseneau

dotted underline? 

Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
Date: 2001-02-04 06:20:53 PST
> > How do I get a dotted underline in latex?
> > Or better: How do I leave a long blanks for people to
> > complete a sentence (in a psycholinguistics experiment) ?
> Look up the \dotfill{} command.

The ulem package from CTAN might also be handy.



ULEM is a package for LaTeX or plain TeX which provides various types of underlining that can stretch between words and be broken across lines.

Unlike regular underlining, ulem allows line breaks, and even primitive hyphenation, within the underlined text; but it is far from perfect.

 In summary:
%    \uline{important}   underlined text
%    \uuline{urgent}     double-underlined text
%    \uwave{boat}        wavy underline
%    \sout{wrong}        line drawn through word
%    \xout{removed}      marked over with //////.
%    {\em phasized\/}  | In LaTeX, by default, these are underlined; use
%    \emph{asized}     | \normalem or [normalem] to restore italics
%    \useunder{\uwave}{\bfseries}{\textbf}
%                        use wavy underline in place of bold face


cp ~/dl/mustH_b/wp/latex/packages/ulem.sty $TEXMF/tex/latex/misc
$ kpsewhich ulem.sty