Disk Size Logs

Table of Contents

Iso, file/disk size, with multi-session 
multi-session text archive 
burn #1 
multi-session CD-ROM filesystems 
Case 1 
Test on mkisofs & cdrecord 
First write 
Second write 
Third write 
Check the result and space. 

Iso, file/disk size, with multi-session 


If you could, write as much closer to disk capable size as possible, for your need over 22M of multi-session overhead to be able to write next bit on CD. Ie, if you leave 20M open on CD, it will be totally wasted.


  • The '# of sectors used' / 512 = the 'M space it takes' Also true for 'Blocks total' and 'Blocks remains'
  • size reported by du is bigger on HD than on CD E.g.: HD 735468544, CD: 732443136

cdrecord -multi recording

  • CD sector size = 2048
  • (mkfs extents written) ~= (file size)
  • (mkfs extents written) = (Track <new>: data)
  • (Total bytes read/written) = (Total size) - 2 sectors (4k)
  • (Blocks total) - (Total size) = (Blocks remaining)

cdrecord -msinfo

  • will return last_sess_start,next_sess_start, i.e., the start sector of the last session and the begining of this session.

    (track:lout) - (this session begin sector) = (multi-session overhead)
  • multi-session overhead (for 700M disk) is 11400 sectors (22.3M) (cdrecord -msinfo, 2nd val) - (track:lout)

cdrecord -toc

  • 1st number/column is the start sector of data session
  • 2nd number/column (in ()) is 4 times the 1st column
  • (this session begin sector) + (Total size) = (next session begin sector)
  • The last (next session begin sector) is listed in 'track:lout'
  • multi-session overhead is 11400 sectors (22.3M)

    $ cdrecord -multi dev=0,0,0 -eject -v speed=8 $ISOF
    Track 01: data   10 MB
    Total size:      11 MB (01:08.42) = 5132 sectors
    Lout start:      11 MB (01:10/32) = 5132 sectors
    Current Secsize: 2048
    ATIP start of lead in:  -11940 (97:22/60)
    ATIP start of lead out: 335975 (74:41/50)
    speed low: 0 speed high: 4
    Blocks total: 335975 Blocks current: 194721 Blocks remaining: 189589
    Starting to write CD/DVD at speed 4 in write mode for multi session.
    Starting new track at sector: 141254
    Track 06:  10 of  10 MB written (fifo 100%).
    Track 06: Total bytes read/written: 10506240/10506240 (5130 sectors).

ATIP start of lead out = 335975 = Blocks total.

Blocks current = 194721 = 335975-141254 (Blocks total - last_sess_start)

Blocks remaining = 189589 = 335975-146386 (Blocks total - next_sess_start) excluding session overhead



357728 extents written (698 Mb)
'du -m $ISOF' = 702
Track 01: data   698 MB
Total size:      802 MB (79:29.73) = 357730 sectors
Lout start:      802 MB (79:31/55) = 357730 sectors

— 802 - 698 = 104

Blocks total: 359849 Blocks current: 359849 Blocks remaining: 2119

Track 01:  698 of  698 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf  99%]  12.2x.
Track 01: Total bytes read/written: 732626944/732626944 (357728 sectors).
% cdrecord -msinfo
cdrecord: Drive needs to reload the media to return to proper status.
cdrecord: Input/output error. read track info: scsi sendcmd: no error
cdrecord: Cannot read first writable address
% cdrecord -toc
track:   1 lba:         0 (        0) 00:02:00 adr: 1 control: 4 mode: 2
track:lout lba:    357730 (  1430920) 79:31:55 adr: 1 control: 4 mode: -1

— 357730 * 4 = 1430920


286880 extents written (560 Mb)

— 286882/ 512 = 560.316, 286880 / 512 = 560.312

'du -m $ISOF' = 563
Track 01: data   560 MB
Total size:      643 MB (63:45.09) = 286882 sectors
Lout start:      643 MB (63:47/07) = 286882 sectors

— 643 - 560 = 83

Blocks total: 359849 Blocks current: 359849 Blocks remaining: 72967

— 359849 / 512 = 702.83,

— 72967 / 512 = 142.514, 142.514 + 560.312 = 702.826

Track 01:  560 of  560 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf  99%]  12.4x.
Track 01: Total bytes read/written: 587530240/587530240 (286880 sectors).

— 587530240 / 1024 / 1024 = 560.312

— 587530240 Bytes / 286880 Sectors = 2048 B/S

$ cdrecord -msinfo

— 298282 - 286882 = 11400

11400 / 512 = 22.2656
$ cdrecord -toc
track:   1 lba:         0 (        0) 00:02:00 adr: 1 control: 4 mode: 2
track:lout lba:    286882 (  1147528) 63:47:07 adr: 1 control: 4 mode: -1

— 286882 * 4 = 1147528

MvB040426.1, right after the MvB040413.5 

$ mkisofs -r -N -L -d -D -J -f -C `cdrecord -msinfo` -M $CDR_DEVICE -o $ISOF MvB$cdate.$cdisk.dar
 83.63% done, estimate finish Wed Apr 28 15:41:51 2004
 85.02% done, estimate finish Wed Apr 28 15:41:51 2004
 98.95% done, estimate finish Wed Apr 28 15:41:54 2004
358752 extents written (700 Mb)
% cdrecord -multi -eject -v speed=$CDR_SPEED $ISOF
Track 01: data   118 MB
Total size:      135 MB (13:26.29) = 60472 sectors
Lout start:      135 MB (13:28/22) = 60472 sectors
Current Secsize: 2048
Blocks total: 359849 Blocks current: 61567 Blocks remaining: 1095
Forcespeed is OFF.
Starting to write CD/DVD at speed 12 in real TAO mode for multi session.
BURN-Free is ON.
Turning BURN-Free off
Performing OPC...
Starting new track at sector: 298282
Track 02:  118 of  118 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf  99%]  12.5x.
Track 02: Total bytes read/written: 123842560/123842560 (60470 sectors).


560 + 118 = 678

700 - 678 = 22

----- MvB040426.6

$ mkisofs -r -N -L -d -D -J -f -o $ISOF MvB$cdate.$cdisk.dar*
mkisofs: Warning: -follow-links does not always work correctly; be careful.
Warning: creating filesystem that does not conform to ISO-9660.
 12.64% done, estimate finish Wed Apr 28 17:58:15 2004
 88.37% done, estimate finish Wed Apr 28 17:58:16 2004
Total translation table size: 0
Total rockridge attributes bytes: 256
Total directory bytes: 0
Path table size(bytes): 10
Max brk space used 6444
39616 extents written (77 Mb)

'du -m $ISOF' = 78

% cdrecord -multi -eject -v speed=$CDR_SPEED $ISOF

Track 01: data    77 MB
Total size:       88 MB (08:48.24) = 39618 sectors
Lout start:       89 MB (08:50/18) = 39618 sectors

Blocks total: 359849 Blocks current: 359849 Blocks remaining: 320231

Track 01:   77 of   77 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf  99%]  12.6x.
Track 01: Total bytes read/written: 81133568/81133568 (39616 sectors).

$ cdrecord -msinfo

$ cdrecord -toc
first: 1 last 1
track:   1 lba:         0 (        0) 00:02:00 adr: 1 control: 4 mode: 2
track:lout lba:     39618 (   158472) 08:50:18 adr: 1 control: 4 mode: -1

MvB040428.1, right after the MvB040426.6 

(320231 - 11400) / 512 = 603.186

dar -s 700M -S600M -b -R . -X "*~" -D -c $cdir/MvB$cdate

358272 extents written (699 Mb)

Blocks total: 359849 Blocks current: 308831 Blocks remaining: 1575

Starting new track at sector: 51018
Track 02:  600 of  600 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf  99%]  12.6x.
Track 02: Total bytes read/written: 629256192/629256192 (307254 sectors).