how to i change/get rid of the second slax logo?

> how to i change/get rid of the second slax logo? the one that says SLAX IS

Recompile the kernel. If you want to just avoid it, use the slax vga=normal boot parameter, which you can also change in the isolinux.cfg (from slax vga=769).

how to i change/get rid of the second slax logo? 

The logo is a very good way for name branding. The first time I saw the "SLAX IS STARTING PLEASE WAIT", I said to myself, wow, that's cool.

However, the good feeling only lasted several seconds, until I notice I can't see the boot message the normal way any more.

Tomas, could you please revert the logo to the small/standard size that all the rest of the distro that are using? and place the "please wait" to the right of the logo?

This to me is actually a philosophy issue. Windoze tries to hide as much as possible — you boot up windows, all you get is a "nice-looking" picture, and some FAKE progress on the bottom, and everything is happening behind the scene. Bill Gates likes that, and I think most Windoze users are used to it. But I just can't stand it and always disabled the "nice-looking" picture —that's about 10 years ago.

I am so used to watching the boot up message flying through when booting up Linux now. It upset me a lot if I can't. More importantly, since I'll be using slax mostly as a live system, instead of doing HD installation, it is even more important to watch them as you are booting a new PC.

Tomas, please! Slax is a live system. We need to watch those boot up messages.

how to i change/get rid of the second slax logo? 

Tried to press the [Shift] [Page up] key.

The logo disappears on my machines and you have the full vga view to all the messages.

documented on: May 22, 2007, Rava Telladeon

Autostarting script before X11 starts 

> I want to make a script which can help me to load drivers and some programs
> before x11 starts.

then name it '' and place it in /etc/rc.d/init.d/, it will load during startup

documented on: 2008-03-24, some-guy

Autostarting script before X11 starts 

write a script in


(append it) but it works only with slax on USB or HD installed ;)

documented on: 2008-03-24, nntn

Autostarting script before X11 starts 

Well you can actually autorun that script WHEN X11 starts up. Create a directory /root/.kde/Autostart and put your script in that directory :

mkdir -p /root/.kde/Autostart
cp /root/.kde/Autostart
chmod +x /root/.kde/Autostart/

documented on: 2008-03-24, markds

Samba printer in slax

> Is there a way to make a samba printer to work on slax ?
> I need to print to a shared windows printer but the SMB option is
> grayed. File Sharing over samba work tough.

This is a bug/feature of samba-stripped, which is known for months :(

You have to install the original Slackware samba package to enable windows printing.

documented on: 2008-03-24, Quax

Chinese characters garbled

> It is unable to display Chinese characters.

You have to add a couple of modules in order to display Chinese character correctly: le libXft extension for xorg and and actual se of fonts. I have generated libXft-2.1.12.lzm and ttf-arphic-uming-0.1.20060928.lzm some time ago (for version 6.0.6).

I've put them here:

they are "dirty" modules, e.g. they don't have the build scripts and other slacky stuff.


Chinese characters garbled 

Xft + ttf fonts, Ha, at last I found a decent (modern) solution for viewing Chinese fonts.

FYI, from Chinese users (nowadays) prefer the Firefly New Sung font., covers Chinese, has embedded bitmaps for small font sizes. … Due to the embedded bitmaps, fonts stay clear even at 9pt (Arphic fonts are unacceptably blurry at this size).

Would you care to build that one also? If OK, please grab the

fireflysung-1.3.0.tar.gz 27-Mar-2005 21:08 6.8M

file, in case you can't make out what it was saying on that page.

Thanks a lot!


Chinese display problem

> how to add the Chinese in Slax?

To its simplest form, you can just copy the ttf fonts to your $HOME/.fonts/ (mkdir if it is not there). now you will be able to read Chinese in web-browser (mozilla/firefox etc).

Further more, if you want FULL Chinese support you would need to install the following two packages:

glibc-i18n-2.7-noarch-6.tgz (for Chinese display in terminal/other progs etc)
fcitx (for Chinese input)

let me know if you have any other problems.


Chinese display problem 

I also want to add Chinese in it. After several days of try-and-error, finally it works!! I recently posted an instruction on my blog. Hope it will help :)


Chinese display problem 

Really nice, SW i also posted my procedure in my blog, almost the same as yours, the only different is i want input Traditional Chinese in English Environment. I wonder if there is anyone would make this whole thing as a module ~

here is my blog:


Chinese display problem 

A Chinese module for slax 6,

or this


Chinese Slax 6

This is the Chinese Module for Slax 6 (not for Slax 5).

This module will turn your Slax 6 into Chinese OS. It supports CJK display, Chinese menu, Chinese input (fcitx is used and it supports both simplified and Tranditional Chinese).

Run your Slax 6 live-CD with Chinese module 

  1. Insert your CD, auto start

  2. Enable the chinese module: Chinese.fcitx6.lzm

  3. restart your KDE desktop

Release Info: Third release July 5: I replaced scim-pinyin with Fcitx (scim can not input in certain programs in socend release July 4).

Englihs desktop 

I don't need Chinese desktop, I just want to input Chinese with scim in Englihs environment, how?

Download the attached Zh_englishkde.lzm module. Note: don't rename it, it must run after Chinese.fcitx6.lzm.

How did I make this? 

1) Install fonts

$ mkdir ~/.fonts

Copy the font, from the command line, run the following:

$ cp [fontfile] ~/.fonts

From the command line, run the following:

$ fc-cache -f -v ~/.fonts
$ xset fp rehash

2) download the following slackware packages and convert them to lzm

fcitx 3.1.1

3) Configuration the KDE

Linux Live-CD for Buddhist Studies 

> I can't display Chinese after I put the module in the file

You can download "Linux Live-CD for Buddhist Studies" at

And copy the Chinese modules to your sla 6.07 modules folder.

My solution to display and input chinese

Pls download modules from site

1) Multilanguage supporting file from Slackware packages with 'tgz2lzm' transferring.


2) Fonts file and display Chinese configuration


Chinese fonts:


Locale confguration:


set LANG and LC_ALL to zh_CN.UTF-8.

Boot parameter don't support Chinese. /usr/share/locale/locale.alias file don't include Chinese information.

Kde configuration:


set KDE to use Chinese fonts and region

3) Input Chinese words.

010-scim-1.47-i486-1.lzm add KDE autostart script in /root/.kde/Autostart/scim-start

011-scim-pinyin-0.5.91-i486-1.lzm Chinese pinyin input method.

You may add other input method by youself.


My solution to display and input chinese 

> Don't display filename in vfat file system with GB encoding becuase Slax use
> UTF-8 encoding. If you create new file under Slax, it is encoding with UTF-8
> that can be display correctly.
> NTFS file system is successfully because NTFS use UTF-8 encoding.

you can use the "-o codepage=936,utf8=1" to mount your FAT/FAT32 filesystem. When I use the slackware, I use it. My locale is zh_CN.utf-8(same as en_US.utf8)


scim and xorg

where do i place the following to enable scim usage?

export XMODIFIERS="@im=SCIM"
export XIM_PROGRAM="scim -d"
export GTK_IM_MODULE="xim"
export QT_IM_MODULE="xim"

seems like X no longer uses ~/.xinitrc as a startup point… maybe /etc/profile.d?

scim and xorg 

Yes, that should work. I place my global environment variables in the /etc/profile.d/ file preceded with #!/bin/sh,

making sure the executable attribute is set as well and it should export them apon startup or running it manually.

documented on: May 04, 2007, pingus