Subversion Access

In order to avoid a certain bug, or for any reason, you might want to get the tovid from latest svn subversion. Believe me, it is as simple as ABC:

  1. decide where you want store you subversion files.

  2. mkdir/cd into it.

  3. issue the svn command to check it out.

    $ cd /export/repositories/svnwork
    $ svn co tovid
    A    tovid/trunk
    A    tovid/trunk/tovid
    A    tovid/trunk/tovid/AUTHORS
    A    tovid/trunk/tovid/ChangeLog
    A    tovid/branches/tovid-pycairo/py-compile
    Checked out revision 1507.

That's it. You've get the latest tovid from svn subversion!

I'm running Debian Testing, the only package I need to install for above is

subversion  Advanced version control system

That's seems to be the most hassle free solution to me, but if you still prefer GUI version, I believe there are lots of solutions also. Here is a few from my Debian list:

esvn - frontend for the Subversion revision system written in Qt
gforge-plugin-scmsvn - subversion plugin for GForge
kdesvn - subversion client with tight KDE integration
python-svn - A(nother) Python interface to Subversion
rapidsvn - A GUI client for subversion
websvn - interface for subversion repositories written in PHP

For more on Version Control using Subversion, check out

also lists a few subversion GUI tools, as well as explaining the basics of subversion.



documented on: 2006-12-19

Subversion is able to cache passwords 

Note that subversion is able to cache passwords:

First issuing svn:

$ svn commit --username=suntong001 --message "Enable using ttf font file as -font" trunk/tovid/src/makemenu
Password for 'suntong001':
Sending        trunk/tovid/src/makemenu

Succeeding svn:

$ svn commit --username=suntong001 --message "Make menu selection looks more comfortable when -align right" trunk/tovid/src/makemenu
Sending        trunk/tovid/src/makemenu

I.e., no password asked any more.

documented on: 2006-12-19

Subversion password management 

Client Credentials Caching

Many servers are configured to require authentication on every request. This would be a big annoyance to users, if they were forced to type their passwords over and over again. Fortunately, the Subversion client has a remedy for this — a built-in system for caching authentication credentials on disk. By default, whenever the command-line client successfully responds to a server's authentication challenge, it saves the credentials in the user's private runtime configuration area (~/.subversion/auth/ on Unix-like systems or %APPDATA%/Subversion/auth/ on Windows; see the section called "Runtime Configuration Area" for more details about the runtime configuration system). Successful credentials are cached on disk, keyed on a combination of the server's hostname, port, and authentication realm.

When the client receives an authentication challenge, it first looks for the appropriate credentials in the user's disk cache. If seemingly suitable credentials are not present, or if the cached credentials ultimately fail to authenticate, then the client will, by default, fall back to prompting the user for the necessary information.

documented on: 2008-03-22

Working with Subversion Commands: How To

Getting the most out of Subversion means doing those oft-repeated tasks with ease. Here, we shall quickly cover the basic commands and related switches that are most needed for novice users to get started with SVN.

Where Is My Working Copy? 

To update the newly created repository, can be updated further, a local WC (an exact replica of the repository in its current form) should first be created. The command to create a local copy of the repo and its output is shown below.

Note The last argument (testrepo_copy) to svn co is optional; if no argument is given, then the name of the repository is given to the directory that will hold the working copy. It is in the WC directory that the repository contents will be dumped:
sh-3.1$ /opt/svn-1.4.3/bin/svn co \
  file:///lnx_data/repos_holder/testrepo/trunk testrepo_wcopy
A    testrepo_wcopy/
A    testrepo_wcopy/Makefile
A    testrepo_wcopy/
Checked out revision 1.

Adding New Files to the Repository 

Previously, I showed how to populate an empty repository using svn import. Subversion assumes that, prior to import, the directory hierarchy is well organized in terms of "branches, trunks, and tags" directories. So, how do we add new files or directories after the repository is created? For this situation, the command svn add is very helpful.

Create the new files and directories in the working copy directory and then execute svn add followed by svn commit:

sh-3.1$ /opt/svn-1.4.3/bin/svn add README
A         README
sh-3.1$ /opt/svn-1.4.3/bin/svn commit . -m "new file to the repo" Adding README Transmitting file data . Committed revision 2.

This command comes in handy when the initial data to be imported is quite large, and doing the same via svn add would prove to be roundabout way to achieve the same objective.

How to Propagate Changes to the Repository 

With the svn add command, new files/dirs are added to the WC only but not to the repo yet. This task is accomplished with the command svn commit. New files are committed in the repo, and, upon successful commit, a revision number is shown. This number indicates how many revisions the repository has undergone including the current commit.

How to Create Baselines 

At significant milestones, the repository can be archived using tags (or "identifiers"). In Subversion, tags are nothing but folders that are created with names provided by the user; tags are created using the command "svn copy".

In the course of writing this article, I wanted to record the progress (at random intervals) of the manuscript; hence, I labeled the changes to it using the svn copy command as shown below (here "svnarticle_draft" is the working copy and "/opt/samagdocs" is the repo location):

sh-3.1$ pwd
sh-3.1$ /opt/svn-1.4.3/bin/svn copy -m "sample tag" . \ file:///opt/samagdocs/tags/MANU_01REVIEW_27FEB
Committed revision 37.

Subversion creates an exact replica of contents from the WC to the mentioned folder "MANU_01REVIEW_27FEB" under the "tags" directory of the repo "/opt/samagdocs". To confirm what constitutes this folder, we use the command, svnlook tree, like this:

svnlook tree /filesystem/path/to/repos | grep -A NUM-LINES \

This command, svnlook, does not accept a URL to the repo, but the file system path to the repo and the trimmed output of this command is shown below:

sh-3.1$ /opt/svn-1.4.3/bin/svnlook tree /opt/samagdocs/ | grep -A \

How to Work in Isolation 

Subversion, like other version control tools, facilitates working in isolation via branches. Similar to tags, branches can also be created using the command svn copy. Branch creation can be done in two ways, but I will show the simpler and easier method here, which involves complete server-side action without involving the local WC.

The following is the output of svn copy used to create the test branch and then followed by svn look to highlight that the branch creation process is done successfully:

 sh-3.1$ /opt/svn-1.4.3/bin/svn copy \
  file:///lnx_data/repos_holder/testrepo/trunk \
  file:///lnx_data/repos_holder/testrepo/branches/test_branch \
  -m "simulating branch creation"
Committed revision 4.
sh-3.1$ /opt/svn-1.4.3/bin/svnlook tree \ /lnx_data/repos_holder/testrepo/ | grep -A 05 test test_branch/ Makefile README

Now that a new branch (copy of the latest from the trunk) has been created, you can check out from this namespace, then work from the checked out copy and merge with the trunk as needed.

Branch creation does not grow the repository size; only the changed files are maintained under the newly created "branch-dir", and the rest of the files (untouched/not modified) are referred from the existing tree. This is often referred to as Cheap Copies.


That's it for now. In the second part of this article, I look at additional subcommands (e.g., svn propedit, svn merge, and others). Access to Subversion repositories via svnserve and http schemes as well as the availability of various third-party tools for Subversion will also be addressed in the second part.


Thanks to the core Subversion team for providing a superb version control tool and the thriving dev and users mailing lists of Subversion, which continue to be a source of gyan (wisdom) for many, including me, because of the immense contribution from the active participants.

Copyright (c) 2007 CMP Technology