package File::Searcher::Similars; # @Author: Tong SUN, (c)2001-2003, all right reserved # @Version: $Date: 2003/08/13 04:30:46 $ $Revision: 1.18 $ # @HomeURL: # {{{ LICENSE: # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided # that the above copyright notices appear in all copies and that both those # copyright notices and this permission notice appear in supporting # documentation, and that the names of author not be used in advertising or # publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, # written prior permission. Tong Sun makes no representations about the # suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" # without express or implied warranty. # # TONG SUN DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL ADOBE # SYSTEMS INCORPORATED AND DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION BE LIABLE FOR ANY # SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER # RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF # CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # # }}} # {{{ POD, Intro: =head1 NAME File::Searcher::Similars - Similar files locator =head1 SYNOPSIS use File::Searcher::Similars; File::Searcher::Similars->init(0, \@ARGV); similarity_check_name(); Similar-sized and similar-named files are picked as suspicious candidates of duplicated files. =head1 DESCRIPTION Extremely fast file similarity checker. It uses advanced soundex vector algorithm to determine the similarity between files. Generally it means that if there are n files, each having approximately m words, the degree of calculation is merely O(n^2 * m) which is over hundreds times faster than any existing file fingerprinting technology. The following is excerpted from self-test. I hope it is self-explaining: == In testing 2, you should see test result as the following. Please chech if they match. - - >8 - - ## ========= 3 '' 'test/' 3 '' 'test/' 4 'PopupButtonFrame.class' 'test/' ## ========= 4 'BinderyHelloWorld.jpg' 'test/' 5 'SmallHello.gif' 'test/' 5 'MacHelloWorld.gif' 'test/' 6 'MacintoshHelloWorrld.bmp' 'test/' - - >8 - - == In testing 3, you should see test result as the following. Please chech if they match. Note that this time the previous one big group has been split into 2 small groups, with each group holding similar-sized files, due to the effect that the size of 'SmallHello.gif' becomes bigger. - - >8 - - ## ========= 3 '' 'test/' 3 '' 'test/' 4 'PopupButtonFrame.class' 'test/' ## ========= 6 'MacintoshHelloWorrld.bmp' 'test/' 8 'SmallHello.gif' 'test/' ## ========= 4 'BinderyHelloWorld.jpg' 'test/' 5 'MacHelloWorld.gif' 'test/' - - >8 - - The File::Searcher::Similars package comes with a fully functional demo script Please refer to its help file for further explanations. This package is highly customizable. Refer to hash variable %config and/or the 3 arrwash_ functions for customization hints. =cut # }}} # {{{ global declaration: use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK); require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw( &similarity_check_name ); # ============================================================== &us === # ............................................................. Uses ... # -- global modules use strict; # ! use Getopt::Long; use File::Basename; use Text::Soundex; # -- local modules sub dbg_show {}; # -- global variables use vars qw($progname $VERSION $verbose $debugging); # ============================================================== &cs === # ................................................. Constant setting ... # $VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.18 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/); # ============================================================== &gv === # .................................................. Global Varibles ... # use vars qw(%config @filequeue @fileInfo %sdxCnt %wrdLst); $config{WeightSoundex} = 50; # precentage of weight that soundex takes, # the rest is for file size $config{Threshold} = 75; # over which files are considered similar $config{Deliminator} = "\n## =========\n"; $config{Format} = "%12d '%s' %s'%s'"; # @fileInfo: List of the following list: my ( $N_dName, # dir name $N_fName, # file name $N_fSize, # file size $N_fSdxl, # file soundex list, reference ) = (0..9); my $fc_level=0; # }}} # Preloaded methods go here. # ############################################################## &ss ### # ................................................ Subroutions start ... # =========================================================== &s-sub === # S - File::Searcher::Similars->init($fc_level, \@ARGV); # D - initialize file comparing level and dir queue # # T - sub init ($\@) { my ($mname, $_fc_level, $init_dirs) = @_; $fc_level = $_fc_level; # update module variable #warn "] $mname, $fc_level, $init_dirs\n"; @filequeue = @fileInfo = (); @filequeue = (@filequeue, map { [$_, ''] } @$init_dirs); process_files(); dbg_show(100,"\@fileInfo", @fileInfo); dbg_show(100,"%sdxCnt", %sdxCnt); dbg_show(100,"%wrdLst", %wrdLst); } # =========================================================== &s-sub === # D - Process given dir recursively # N - BFS is more memory friendly than DFS # # T - $dir="/home/tong/tmp" sub process_dir { my($dir) = @_; #warn "] processing dir '$dir'...\n"; opendir(DIR,$dir) || die "File::Searcher::Similars error: Can't open $dir"; my @filenames = readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); # record the dirname/fname pair to queue @filequeue = (@filequeue, map { [$dir, $_] } @filenames); dbg_show(100,"filequeue", @filequeue) } # =========================================================== &s-sub === # I - Input: global array @filequeue # Input parameters: None # sub process_files { my($dir, $qf) = (); #warn "] inside process_files...\n"; while ($qf = shift @filequeue) { ($dir, $_) = ($qf->[0], $qf->[1]); #warn "] inside process_files loop, $dir, $_, ...\n"; next if /^..?$/; my $name = "$dir/$_"; #warn "] processing file '$name'.\n"; if (-d $name) { # a directory, process it recursively. process_dir($name); } else { process_file($dir, $_); } } } # =========================================================== &s-sub === # S - process_file($dirname, $fname), process file $fname under $dirname # D - Process one file and update global vars # U - # # I - Input parameters: # $dirname: dir name string # $fname: file name string # O - Global vars get updated # fileInfo [ $dirname, $fname, $fsize, [ file_soundex ] ] # T - sub process_file { my ($dn, $fn) = @_; my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,@rest) = stat("$dn/$fn"); my $fSdxl = [ get_soundex($fn) ]; # file soundex list push @fileInfo, [ $dn, $fn, $size, $fSdxl, ]; dbg_show(100,"fileInfo",@fileInfo); map { $sdxCnt{$_}++ } @$fSdxl; } # =========================================================== &s-sub === # S - get_soundex($fname), get soundex for file $fname # D - Return a list of soundex of each individual word in file name # U - $aref = [ get_soundex($fname) ]; # # I - Input parameters: # $fname: file name string # O - sorted anonymous soundex array w/ duplications removed # T - @out = get_soundex 'Java_RMI - _Remote_Method_Invocation_ch03.tgz'; # @out = get_soundex 'ASuchKindOfFile.tgz'; sub get_soundex { my ($fn) = @_; # split to individual words my @fn_wlist = split /[-_[:cntrl:][:blank:][:punct:][:digit:]]/i, $fn; # discards file extension, if any pop @fn_wlist if @fn_wlist >= 1; # if it is single word, try further decompose SuchKindOfWord @fn_wlist = $fn_wlist[0] =~ /[A-Z][^A-Z]*/g if @fn_wlist == 1 && $fn_wlist[0] =~ /^[A-Z]/; # wash short dbg_show(100,"wlist 0",@fn_wlist); @fn_wlist = arrwash_short(\@fn_wlist); dbg_show(100,"wlist 1",@fn_wlist); # language specific handling @fn_wlist = arrwash_lang(\@fn_wlist); dbg_show(100,"wlist 2",@fn_wlist); # change word to soundex, record soundex/word in global hash map { if (/[[:alpha:]]/) { my $sdx = soundex($_); $wrdLst{$sdx}{$_}++; s/^.*$/$sdx/; } } @fn_wlist; dbg_show(1,"wrdLst",%wrdLst); # wash empty/duplicates @fn_wlist = grep(!/^$/, @fn_wlist); @fn_wlist = arrwash_dup(\@fn_wlist); return sort @fn_wlist; } # =========================================================== &s-sub === # S - arrwash_short($arr_ref), wash short from array $arr_ref # D - weed out empty lines and less-than-3-letter words (e.g. ch12) # U - @fn_wlist = arrwash_short(\@fn_wlist); # sub arrwash_short($) { my ($arr_ref) = @_; return @$arr_ref unless @$arr_ref >= 1; my @r= grep tr/a-zA-Z// >=3, @$arr_ref; return @r if @r; return @$arr_ref # for upper ASCII if grep(/[\200-\377]/, @$arr_ref); return @r; } # =========================================================== &s-sub === # S - arrwash_dup($arr_ref), wash duplicates from array $arr_ref # D - weed out duplicates # U - @fn_wlist = arrwash_dup(\@fn_wlist); # sub arrwash_dup($) { my ($arr_ref) = @_; my %saw; return grep !$saw{$_}++, @$arr_ref; } # =========================================================== &s-sub === # S - arrwash_lang($arr_ref), language specific washing from array $arr_ref # U - @fn_wlist = arrwash_lang(\@fn_wlist); # sub arrwash_lang($) { my ($arr_ref) = @_; # split Chinese into individual chars my @r; map { if (/[\200-\377]{2}/) { @r = (@r, /[\200-\377]{2}/g); } else { @r = (@r, $_); } } @$arr_ref; return @r; } # =========================================================== &s-sub === # S - similarity_check_name: similarity check on glabal array @fileInfo # U - similarity_check_name(); # # I - Input parameters: None # O - similar files printed on stdout sub similarity_check_name { # get a ordered (by soundex count) file Info array # (Use short file names to compare to long file names) my @fileInfos = sort { $#{$a->[$N_fSdxl]} cmp $#{$b->[$N_fSdxl]} } @fileInfo; dbg_show(100,"\@fileInfos", @fileInfos); my @saw = (0) x ($#fileInfos+1); foreach my $ii (0..$#fileInfos) { #warn "] ii=$ii\n"; my @similar = (); my $fnl; dbg_show(100,"\@fileInfos", $fileInfos[$ii]); push @similar, [$ii, $ii, $fileInfos[$ii]->[$N_fSize] ]; foreach my $jj (($ii+1) ..$#fileInfos) { $fnl=0; # 0 is good enough since file at [ii] is # shorter in name than the one at [jj] #warn "] jj=$jj\n"; # don't care about same dir files? next if (!$fc_level && $fileInfos[$jj]->[$N_fSize] == $fileInfos[$jj]->[$N_fSize]) ; if (file_diff(\@fileInfos, $ii, $jj) >= $config{Threshold}) { push @similar, [$ii, $jj, $fileInfos[$jj]->[$N_fSize] ]; $fnl= length($fileInfos[$jj]->[$N_fName]) if $fnl < length($fileInfos[$jj]->[$N_fName]); } } dbg_show(100,"\@similar", @similar); # output unvisited potential similars by each row, order by fSize @similar = grep {!$saw[$_->[1]]} sort { $a->[2] <=> $b->[2] } @similar; next unless @similar>1; print $config{Deliminator}; foreach my $similar (@similar) { print file_info(\@fileInfos, $similar->[1], $fnl). "\n"; $saw[$similar->[1]]++; } } } # =========================================================== &s-sub === sub file_info ($$$) { my ($fileInfos, $ndx, $fnl) = @_; return sprintf($config{Format}, $fileInfos->[$ndx]->[$N_fSize], $fileInfos->[$ndx]->[$N_fName], ' ' x ($fnl - length($fileInfos->[$ndx]->[$N_fName])), "$fileInfos->[$ndx]->[$N_dName]"); } # =========================================================== &s-sub === # S - file_diff: determind how difference two files are by name & size # U - file_diff($fileInfos, $ndx1, $ndx2); # # I - $fileInfos: reference to @fileInfos # $ndx1, $ndx2: index to the two file in @fileInfos # O - 100%: files are identical # 0%: no similarity at all sub file_diff ($$$) { my ($fileInfos, $ndx1, $ndx2) = @_; return 0 unless @{$fileInfos->[$ndx1]->[$N_fSdxl]}; # find intersection in two soudex array my %count = (); foreach my $element (@{$fileInfos->[$ndx1]->[$N_fSdxl]}, @{$fileInfos->[$ndx2]->[$N_fSdxl]}) { $count{$element}++ } # since there is no duplication in each of file soudex my $intersection = grep $count{$_} > 1, keys %count; # return p * normal(\common soudex) + (1-p) * ( 1 - normal(\delta fSize)) # so the bigger the return value is, the similar the two files are $intersection *= $config{WeightSoundex} / (@{$fileInfos->[$ndx1]->[$N_fSdxl]}); dbg_show(100,"intersection", $intersection, $ndx1, $ndx2); my $WeightfSzie = 100 - $config{WeightSoundex}; my $dfSize = abs($fileInfos->[$ndx1]->[$N_fSize] - $fileInfos->[$ndx2]->[$N_fSize]) * $WeightfSzie / ($fileInfos->[$ndx1]->[$N_fSize] + 1); $dfSize = $dfSize > $WeightfSzie ? $WeightfSzie : $dfSize; my $file_diff = $intersection + ($WeightfSzie - $dfSize); if ($file_diff >= $config{Threshold}) { dbg_show(010,"file_diff", @{$fileInfos->[$ndx1]}, @{$fileInfos->[$ndx2]}, $intersection, $dfSize, $file_diff ); } return $file_diff; } 1; __END__ =head1 AUTHOR Author: SUN, Tong HomeURL: =head1 SEE ALSO File::Compare(3), perl(1) and the following scripts. ## File::Find::Duplicates - Find duplicate files my %dupes = find_duplicate_files('/basedir1', '/basedir2'); When passed a base directory (or list of such directories) it returns a hash, keyed on filesize, of lists of the identical files of that size. ## ch::claudio::finddups - Find duplicate files in given directory ch::claudio::finddups is a script as well as a package. When called as script it will search the directory and its subdirectories for files with (possibly) identical content. To find identical files fast this program will just remember the Digest::SHA1 hash of each file, and signal two files as equal if their hash matches. It will output lines that can be given to a bourne shell to compare the two files, and remove one of them if the comparison indicated that the files are indeed identical. Besides that it can be used as a package, and gives so access to the following variables, routines and methods. ## - finds duplicate files, optionally removes them Script to find (and optionally remove) duplicate files in one or more directories. Duplicates are spotted though the use of MD5 checksums. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Tong SUN. All rights reserved. =head1 TODO =cut