$ kpsewhich relsize.sty /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/misc/relsize.sty
$ kpsewhich relsize.sty /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/misc/relsize.sty
tkinfo latex &
$ ls -F /usr/share/texmf context/ etex/ ls-R metapost/ pdfetex/ texconfig/ xdvi/ aliases doc/ fontname/ makeindex/ mft/ pdftex/ updates.dat bibtex/ dvips/ fonts/ metafont/ omega/ tex/ web2c/
Usage: texdoc [OPTION]... [NAME]... Search for NAME in the TeX documentation and start a viewer.
--help show this help -v verbose mode: show viewer command -l just list all matching files. Do not start a viewer.
A Simplified Introduction to Latex, refered as [ASI] afterwards http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/simplified-latex/
The Not So Short Introduction to Latex2e, refered as [NSS] afterwards http://wso.williams.edu/help/lshort2e http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/lshort/english/
This listing contains short descriptions of the control sequences that are likely to be handy for users of Latex v2.09 layered on TEX v2.0.
As of 2006.08.07:
cam.ctan.org carroll.aset.psu.edu cis.uniRoma2.it ctan.cdpa.nsysu.edu.tw ctan.cms.math.ca ctan.dcc.uchile.cl ctan.localhost.net.ar ctan.math.ca ctan.math.utah.edu ctan.osmirror.nl ctan.teleglobe.net ctan.unik.no ctan.unsw.edu.au dante.ctan.org elena.aut.ac.nz ftp.belnet.be ftp.ccu.edu.tw ftp.chg.ru ftp.cise.ufl.edu ftp.comp.hkbu.edu.hk ftp.cstug.cz ftp.ctex.org ftp.das.ufsc.br ftp.di.uminho.pt ftp.duke.edu ftp.eq.uc.pt ftp.fu-berlin.de ftp.funet.fi ftp.gui.uva.es ftp.gust.org.pl ftp.gwdg.de ftp.iasi.roedu.net ftp.ist.utl.pt ftp.jaist.ac.jp ftp.join.uni-muenster.de ftp.kddilabs.jp ftp.kreonet.re.kr ftp.ktug.or.kr ftp.ktug.org.kr ftp.linorg.usp.br ftp.linux.ee ftp.loria.fr ftp.math.purdue.edu ftp.mpi-sb.mpg.de ftp.nara.wide.ad.jp ftp.nctu.edu.tw ftp.ntg.nl ftp.ntua.gr ftp.nus.edu.sg ftp.oleane.net ftp.osmirror.nl ftp.rediris.es ftp.rge.com ftp.riken.go.jp ftp.rrze.uni-erlangen.de ftp.sun.ac.za ftp.sunsite.kth.se ftp.sunsite.utk.edu ftp.sztaki.hu ftp.tu-chemnitz.de ftp.u-aizu.ac.jp ftp.uni-stuttgart.de ftp.univie.ac.at ftp.uvsq.fr ftp.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp gd.tuwien.ac.at ibiblio.org indian.cse.msu.edu itchy.emate.ucr.ac.cr komo.padinet.com mirror.aarnet.edu.au mirror.gnowledge.org mirror.icis.pcz.pl mirror.pacific.net.au mirror.sg.depaul.edu mirrors.dotsrc.org mirrors.localhost.net.ar neacm.fe.up.pt sunsite.bilkent.edu.tr sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch sunsite.icm.edu.pl sunsite.sut.ac.jp sunsite.uakom.sk sunsite.utk.edu tex.ihep.su tezcatl.fciencias.unam.mx tug.ctan.org tug.org www.cam.ctan.org www.cs.ruu.nl www.cstug.cz www.emate.ucr.ac.cr www.linorg.usp.br www.math.utah.edu
For file txfl.tex
latex to dvi latex txfl
view dvi xdvi txfl
dvi to postscript dvips txfl to printer dvips txfl -o to file: txfl.ps
view postscript gv txfl.ps imagetool txfl.ps
\documentclass[11pt]{article} % Preamble \begin{document} %body \end{document}
*References*: [ASI] $2.1, p10.
In printed books, words are emphasized by typesetting them in an italic font,
around the edges by using \fbox instead. (More on framing in $6, p. 81.) The
This is \textbf{boldface}. This is \textit{italic}. This is \textrm{roman}. This is \textsc{small caps}. This is \textsf{sans serif}. This is \textsl{slanted}. This is \texttt{typewriter}.
Some combinations of font styles can be produced. For example,
> All the books I read (quite limited though :->) use \textbf for > bolding, but I also see people use \bf.
\bf was borrowed from plain TeX and is now obsolete in LaTeX2e and should not be used.
> The recommended syntax is \textbf{stuff} unless the stuff > is very long, in which case {\bfseries stuff} is better > because TeX won't fill up your memory looking for the } > of the argument.
More or less. {bfseries …} also works a bit more quickly and therefore has two reasons to be preferred by class and package writers
\tiny, \scriptsize, \footnotesize, or \small. \normalsize, \large, \Large, \LARGE, \huge or \Huge.
Molly Alene Edmonds
You can make the text {large large} or {Large larger} or even {LARGE larger still}. You can also make it {huge huge}. You might want to make something {small small} or {footnotesize smaller} or even {scriptsize smaller still}. You can make it really {tiny tiny}.
The use of braces to enclose a font size specification is like an environment. Optionally, we can explicitly use the environment syntax: environment syntax is useful when you want to keep the size for a large block of text, and the braces format is useful for short phrases.
There is no intrinsic environment for font styles.
The flushleft environment allows you to create a paragraph consisting of lines that are flushed left to the left-hand margin. Each line must be terminated with a \\.
\begin{flushleft} Text on line 1 \\ Text on line 2 \\ .... .... \end{flushleft}
Same for flushright.
This declaration corresponds to the flushleft environment. This declaration can be used inside an environment such as quote or in a parbox.
Unlike the flushleft environment, the \raggedright command does not start a new paragraph; it simply changes how LaTeX formats paragraph units. To affect a paragraph unit's format, the scope of the declaration must contain the blank line or \end command (of an environment like quote) that ends the paragraph unit.
Same for \raggedleft.
To center the text/graphics, put them inside a center environment
\begin{center} text \includegraphics[width=2in]{graphic.eps} \end{center}
If the \includegraphics command is inside an environment (such as minipage or figure), the \centering declaration centers the remaining output of the environment. For example
\begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=2in]{graphic.eps} \end{figure}
is similar to
\begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=2in]{graphic.eps} \end{center} \end{figure}
double vertical space above and below the figure due to the space produced by the figure environment and by the center environment. If extra vertical space is desired, the commands in Section 18.1 should be used.
The \hspace command adds horizontal space. The length of the space len can be expressed in any terms that LaTeX understands, i.e., points, inches, etc. You can add negative as well as positive space with an \hspace command. Adding negative space is like backspacing.
LaTeX removes horizontal space that comes at the end of a line. If you don't want LaTeX to remove this space, include the optional * argument. Then the space is never removed.
The \hfill fill command produces a rubber length which can stretch or shrink horizontally. It will be filled with spaces. It is equivalent to \hspace\fill.
\singlespacing \onehalfspacing \doublespacing
\begin{spacing}{1.2} \end{spacing}
The easiest way to control line spacing throughout your document is to specify
\singlespacing \onehalfspacing \doublespacing Right after you specify one of these, that spacing will commence.
\linebreak \smallskip \medskip \bigskip
\vspace{length} \vspace{\stretch{1}} % to last line of the page
*References*: [ASI] $2.1, p12. $2.6, p26.
or better:
if \footnote is a concern.
You can cause a new line by entering \linebreak. When text is justified (the default), this could result in an undesirable appearance, like the following:
\textsf{This example is \linebreak extreme.}
The \newline command forces a new line without justifying it.
\textsf{Here is the extreme \newline example.}
The \nolinebreak command works analogously, preventing a line break, even if it means extending into the right margin.
There are two commands to force a page break: \pagebreak and \newpage. The \newpage command follows the analogy with \newline in forcing a page break precisely at the point it is specified, rather than completing the line as \pagebreak does. The \nopagebreak command disallows a page break immediately following the next blank line. The \samepage command prevents a page break within its scope. Here is an example that keeps line 1 on the same page as line 2.
There are three intrinsic list environments, distinguished by what appears at the beginning of each item: number, bullet, or your description (perhaps nothing).
\item This is item 1 and our task has just begun. Blank lines before an item have no effect.
\item This is item 2 and we shall limit to just this few.
A blank line within an item does create a new paragraph, using the indentation of the itemize environment.
\item A second (nested) itemized list changes the bullet and indents another level. \end{itemize}
\item This is item 1, and we are having fun. \item This is item 2, and it's time to number anew. \begin{enumerate} \item Back to item 1, but we are not yet done. \item Two is new. \begin{enumerate} \item One again! \item Two (b) or knot 2b? \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate}
\begin{description} \item [Basic Document Preparation.] Knowing how to setup ... \item [Making Tables.] \LaTeX~ provides a means ... \item [Bibliography.] Knowing how to create a bibliography ... \item [Mathematics.] This is the power of \LaTeX~ and one ... \item [Graphics.] This has progressed a great deal in the ... \item [Other.] There are a great many things to learn ... \end{description}
\newcommand{\lib}{\begin{itemize}} % item list begin \newcommand{\lie}{\end{itemize}} % item list end \newcommand{\leb}{\begin{enumerate}} % enumerate list begin \newcommand{\lee}{\end{enumerate}} % enumerate list end \newcommand{\ldb}{\begin{description}} % description list begin \newcommand{\lde}{\end{description}} % description list end
\begin{quote} short quotes, generally one short paragraph (as above), or a sequence of one line quotes, separated by blank lines \end{quote}
\begin{quotation} ``The indentation is the same as the quote, except the first line of each new paragraph is indented. \bigskip ``Next paragraph.'' \hfill --- Author \end{quotation}
Now consider ways to indent a block of text. Here is an example using the
The quote environment is intended for short quotes, generally one short paragraph (as above), or a sequence of one line quotes, separated by blank lines. The quotation environment is used for long quotations, having more than one paragraph (separated by blank lines). The indentation is the same as the quote, except the first line of each new paragraph is indented. (Just as in the regular text, this can be overridden by the \noindent command.) Here is an
The quotes are by two pioneers of algorithms, Alan M. Turing and Donald E. Knuth. Their names appear on the right, after their quote, by skipping a line and entering \hfill (which means horizontal fill), to make the line flush right. Here are some other things to notice about this example:
The dash that appears before each name is created by three minus signs, ---. The more minus signs you use, the longer the dash. The convention is that one dash is for hyphenation, two are for ranges, such as page numbers, and three are for punctuation — i.e., use --- preceding 'i.e.'
There is extra space between the two quotations. This was done with the \bigskip command.
*Tags*: expressions
$ ... $
\[ ... \]
NO empty line between \[ and \] allowed! |
\[ (L_i < R_j < R_i) \iif \mbox{$i$ is the ancestor of $j$} \]
Use 'equation' environment.
s|\\\[|\\begin{equation}| s|\\]|\\end{equation}|
One can write mathematical expressions by entering math mode, signified by delimiters $ … $ or \[ … \]. The $ delimiter keeps the mathematical expression in the text, like this:
A consequence of Einstein's postulates is that $E = mc^2$.
The other form is math display mode, like this:
A consequence of Einstein's postulates is that \[E = mc^2.\])
*References*: [ASI] s4, p43.
A counter is a numerical value that refers to something that is being numbered, such as pages, sections, figures, and equations. A label is the identification of a particular value, and a reference is a citation to a the counter's value is set, where label is unique in the document. The LATEX defined:
\section{Bibliography with \Bibtex} \label{sec:Bibliography}
arbitrary, except do not use LATEX special characters or blanks, just as the labels in the bib file entries.
There are times when you just want to produce the counter value, without a label. This is done by \thecounter. For example, \thepage produces the page number. On the other hand, if you want to use the counter's numerical value as
\thepage, \thesubsection \thesection
You are looking at page 44, which I was able to print by writing \thepage. Similarly, you are reading subsection 4.2 of section 4, whose numbers I could write by \thesubsection and \thesection, respectively.
\subsection{The bib File} \label{subsec:bibfile} \subsubsection{Web citations} \label{subsubsec:webcite}
To illustrate how I can reference other parts of this document, the above labels were defined (when the subsection and subsubsection were first written):
Then, I can refer to these as follows:
\S\ref{subsec:bibfile} => $3.2 \S\ref{subsubsec:webcite} => $3.2.2
I can also refer to their page numbers:
p.~\pageref{subsubsec:webcite} => p. 36 p.~\pageref{subsec:bibfile} => p. 31
used to have a space without a linebreak, which is an element of good style.)
\begin{flushleft} Dear Sir or Madam, \end{flushleft}
You can also suppress indentation of the first line of a paragraph with the \noindent command. Here is an example:
\noindent This paragraph is not indented.
*Tags*: latex left margin
To suppress indentation of the first lines of all the paragraphs, use
Related command:
documented on: 2001.02.25
When you write TeX documents, you will occasionally make mistakes and as a result, TeX won't be able to process your document. There are six broad classes of mistakes you're likely to make:
Naming documents or files that TeX cannot find.
Misspelling the name of a TeX control sequence.
Failing to close an environment or forgetting to insert a closing brace after an opening brace.
Using math operators outside of math mode or forgetting to close an opened math environment.
Requesting a font that TeX cannot find.
Everything else.
TeX is legitimately criticized for having error messages that are very difficult to understand. TeX frequently provides far more information than you really need or want, and the excess information often obscures the actual cause of the error.
Nevertheless, understanding what TeX does when it encounters an error will help make error messages easier to understand. Let's begin with an example. Example Example 3.1 shows a simple LaTeX document using the New Font Selection Scheme (NFSS), which contains an error.[33] The error is that the control sequence \Large, which has been redefined to request a 17pt
00001: \documentstyle{article} 00002: % The following definition changes the font that LaTeX 00003: % uses for the 'Large' font. I have introduced a typo 00004: % into the definition, "\fontsiz" should be "\fontsize". 00005: % The first time a \Large font is requested, an error will occur. 00006: \renewcommand{\Large}{\fontsiz{17}{20pt}\selectfont} 00007: \begin{document} 00008: 00009: This text precedes the first section header. 00010: 00011: % Note: LaTeX uses the \Large font in section 00012: % headers...this will fail in a confusing way 00013: % because the error is deep within the definition 00014: % of \section where \Large is used... 00015: \section{First Section} 00016: 00017: This is the first and only sentence of the first section. 00018: 00019: \end{document}
When TeX processes this file, using LaTeX with the New Font Selection Scheme, it produces these error messages:
This is TeX, Version 3.1415 (C version 6.1) LaTeX Version 2.09 <25 March 1992> with NFSS2 (badfont.tex (/work/nutshell/texguide/styles/latex/article.sty Standard Document Style `article' <14 Jan 92>. (/work/nutshell/texguide/styles/latex/art10.sty)) (badfont.aux) (/usr/local/lib/tex/inputs/nfss2/T1cmr.fd) ! Undefined control sequence. \Large ->\fontsiz {17}{20pt}\selectfont l.15 \section{First Section} ?
These messages exemplify the kind of confusing error messages that TeX produces. Remember the following rule: Always look at the first and last line of the TeX error message when trying to figure out what went wrong and where it went wrong. In this case, the first line is:
! Undefined control sequence.
and the last line is:
l.15 \section{First Section}
The error is that the control sequence \fontsiz is not defined and TeX was processing line 15 of the file when it occurred. The control sequence that is actually undefined is right after the point symbol '->', till the end of line. I.e., '->' points to the actual undefined control sequence.
The text about the interpreting the TeX error messages is not strictly copied from the original article, but have been corrected by truly yours for consistency, and amended for clearness. |
The first line of a TeX error message begins with an exclamation point followed by the text of the message. The lines that follow it show the context in which the error occurred. In the previous example, the error message indicates an Undefined control sequence. This means that TeX encountered a control sequence which was not previously defined.
The final line, which says
l.15 \section{First Section}
occurs right above the question mark prompt. It identifies the line in your document that TeX was processing when it encountered the error. The error occurred when TeX was at line 15 of the file, and that line began with
Between the first and last lines, TeX prints a detailed description of how the error occurred. This is necessary because the error may have occurred inside the replacement text of a macro that you used. When TeX encounters a control sequence, like \section, it has to look up the definition to figure out how to typeset your document. The definition of a control sequence may contain other control sequences which also have to be interpreted. It is possible for TeX to be several levels deep, as it was in this case, when an error occurs. To give the person who wrote the definition of the control sequence an opportunity to figure out what went wrong, TeX prints out a trace back of what happened before the error. As you gain experience with a particular macro package, you'll find the intervening lines more meaningful.
Correcting an error depends entirely on the nature of the error. In this case, all you need to do is correct the typo.
As stated above, there are six general classes of errors you might encounter when you run TeX. The following sections briefly describe each class.
You don't have to remember or write down the error messages that TeX produces. When TeX processes a document, it produces a transcript of everything that occurs; you can refer to this transcript later if you need to recall what errors occurred when you processed your document. TeX stores this transcript in a file which has the same name as the document and the extension .log. For example, if you process main.tex, TeX produces a transcript in main.log.
Log files go in the current directory. TeX always places the log file in the current directory, even if you specify a path when you format your document. For example, if you process lectures/main.tex, TeX produces a transcript in main.log, not in lectures/main.log as you might expect. |
Missing documents are discussed in the section called "the section called "User Files"," earlier in this chapter.
If you request a format file that cannot be found, TeX issues the following warning message:
Sorry, I can't find that format; will try the default
TeX then attempts to typeset your document with Plain TeX.[36] To correct this problem, run TeX with the correct format file name. If the format file isn't available, you will have to build it. Chapter Chapter 4, Chapter 4, describes how to build format files for several common macro packages.
Misspelling a control sequence name is one of the most common errors. For identify. In many cases, you can simply proceed after encountering this error. Although TeX may not typeset your document correctly, you can continue to look for other errors. The section called "the section called "Interpreting TeX Error Messages"," later in this chapter, describes how to continue after an error.
In some cases, TeX may become badly confused by a misspelled control sequence name, in which case you should give up and fix the spelling error before trying to process your document further. This may happen if you of the control sequences which follow.
Sometimes TeX will complain that a control sequence is undefined when you know that the control sequence is spelled correctly. When this occurs, make sure that you are using the correct format file (see the section "the section called "The Command Line"" earlier in this chapter), loading the correct macro files, and using the correct style options.
Failure to close an environment is another very common error. There are several distinct errors in this category:
Failure to insert a closing brace (}) for each opening brace may cause a "TeX capacity exceeded" error when TeX processes your document. This happens because sometimes TeX tries to read everything between braces into memory. If the closing brace is absent, TeX may run out of memory.
If the braces are supposed to enclose the argument to a macro, you may also get this error:
! Paragraph ended before macro was complete.
In order to help detect errors of this type, TeX doesn't ordinarily allow the argument of a macro to consist of more than one paragraph, so the first blank line after the place where you failed to type the closing brace may produce this error.
Failure to close a begin/end environment pair causes LaTeX to complain command.
If your document ends with an open environment, TeX will warn you that:
! (\end occurs inside a group at level n)
where n is the number of open groups, usually 1.
Failure to close a mathematics environment will result in the error:
! Missing $ inserted
when TeX reaches a macro that does not make sense in mathematics mode (like \section) or when a surrounding group ends.
TeX has a lot of operators for special treatment of mathematical formulas. These operators must occur inside mathematics mode, which is usually delimited by dollar signs in your document.
If you attempt to use math operators, superscripts, subscripts, or other math-mode control sequences outside of mathematics mode, the following error will occur:
! Missing $ inserted
This is your clue that a mathematics environment has not been closed properly or that you failed to open one before using a math-mode operator.
For example, the underscore character is usually defined to be a math-mode operator which starts a subscript, in other words H${}_2$O produces "H${}_2$O" in your document.[38] If you use the underscore outside of mathematics mode, such as in regular text:
The file "test_one" contains the …
TeX will respond:
! Missing $ inserted <inserted text> $ <to be read again> _ The file "test_ one" contains the ... ?
In LaTeX, the easiest way around this problem is to enclose the offending text in a "verbatim" macro, like this:
The file "test_one" contains the ...
Note that the argument to the macrois delimited by any two identical characters (in this case, two "+" signs).
In Plain TeX or another format, the problem can be circumvented in similar ways; consult the reference for the format you are using. Also consult Table Table 1.2 in Chapter Chapter 1, Chapter 1, for a list of special characters and how to type them in your documents.
The first time that you use each font, TeX loads font metric information about the font. The font metric information, stored in a TFM file, includes information about the sizes of each character as well as kerning and ligature information. These topics are discussed fully in Chapter Chapter 5, Chapter 5.
If you request a font that does not exist, for example crm10 (a misspelling of cmr10), TeX cannot find a TFM file for the font and therefore displays:
Font \myfont=crm10 not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found
This means that TeX attempted to associate the font described by the TFM file crm10.tfm with the control sequence \myfont, but the TFM file didn't exist. You must have a TFM file for every font that you use.
A second kind of error---actually, a warning---occurs when you are using the New Font Selection Scheme (NFSS). The NFSS performs font substitution, if possible, when an unknown font is requested. The NFSS is described in Chapter Chapter 4, Chapter 4, in the "the section called "LaTeX"" section.
There are, unfortunately, lots of other errors that can occur. Some of the errors are directly related to TeX while others are warning and error messages associated with particular macro packages. There is no way to catalog every one of them or suggest what can be done in every case.
The best advice I can offer is to isolate the problem in as small a document as possible, consult the references you have available very carefully, and, if all else fails, forward your problem to one of the electronic forums that deal with TeX (the Info-TeX mailing list and the comp.text.tex newsgroup, for example).
When TeX encounters an error, it displays an error message and a summary of the error, as described in the section called "the section called "What About Errors?"" earlier in this chapter. Following the error, TeX normally stops and displays the question mark prompt.
If you type a question mark of your own at the prompt, TeX displays the actions available to you:
? ? Type <return> to proceed, S to scroll future error messages, R to run without stopping, Q to run quietly, I to insert something, E to edit your file, 1 or … or 9 to ignore the next 1 to 9 tokens of input, H for help, X to quit. ?
You can type any of the following responses at the question mark prompt:
Simply typing Return will cause TeX to ignore the error and proceed. Depending on the nature of the error, this may cause more errors immediately or later on.
Typing S tells TeX to continue and not to stop for most future errors. TeX will continue to print the error messages, both to the terminal and to the log file, but it will not display the question mark prompt again.
TeX will still stop and ask about missing files.
The R option is just like S except that it tells TeX to ignore missing files as well. TeX will proceed blindly forward as best as it can. You will still see all of the error messages scroll by as TeX proceeds.
This option is just like R except that error messages are not displayed on the screen. The messages are saved in the log file, however, even though they are not displayed.
If you notice a simple typo, you can correct it with the I command. For example, suppose that TeX complains of an undefined control sequence: can insert the correct control sequence by responding i\cite to the question mark prompt. TeX will ignore the misspelled control sequence and insert the (correct) sequence \cite in its place.
Inserting words or commands at the question mark prompt does not change your input file. It simply instructs TeX to pretend that your file contained a different sequence of words and commands. You must change the input file with an editor, or the same error will occur the next time you format the document.
This option terminates TeX. If your system is configured appropriately, an editor will be loaded automatically, and the cursor will be placed at the offending line in your input file. This is not possible in all environments.
This option tells TeX to ignore some of the input. After skipping over the number of tokens you request, TeX returns to the question mark prompt so that you can delete more tokens.
What's a token? When TeX reads an input file, it breaks each line down into the smallest, indivisible chunks that have meaning. These are called tokens. For the most part, tokens are individual characters. The exceptions are control sequences, which are single tokens, and white spaces which are also single tokens. There are other exceptions (and more technical definitions of "token"), but that's the gist of it.
Typing H displays a slightly more verbose description of the error that occurred and, usually, suggests the nature of the corrective action that you might take.
Typing X tells TeX to stop immediately and ends the TeX program. If there are any completed pages (pages processed before the error, in other words), they are written to the DVI file before TeX ends.
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
> I read from the book that I can use \S\ref{subsubsec:webcite} and > p.~\pageref{subsubsec:webcite} to reference the numbers. > > But how can I refer to the name of another section? Thanks
Get the titleref package from CTAN.
cp titleref.sty $TEXMF/tex/latex/misc/ chmod 644 $TEXMF/tex/latex/misc/titleref.sty
# texhash texhash: Updating /usr/share/texmf/ls-R... texhash: Updating /var/lib/texmf/ls-R... texhash: Done.
Use "\titleref" just like "\ref" and "\pageref".
% Titles for numbered sectioning units and for floats with captions are % the same as the respective TOC, LOF, or LOT entry (even when no TOC is % it will be used for the "\titleref".
% The title of the current section is also available without "\label": % Use the command "\currenttitle" to generate a "\titleref" to the current % section.
>In the finished document the references turn out like this: > >[1,2,3,4,5,7] > >I'd much rather have it look something like this: [1-5,7] > >How do I do that? >
You might not have the cite package installed; if not, get it from CTAN.
Modify the \includeonly{one,two,three} to your needs. For example, you probably don't want to LaTeX chapter one and two while you are modifying chapter three only. When you xdvi the document, all chapters will appear in the dvi file, but without going to the (painful) process of waiting hours for the whole thing to be LaTeXed.
If you want to "include" a file, use \input, not \include :-)
The \include command is used in conjunction with the \includeonly command for selective inclusion of files. The file argument is the first name of a file, denoting file.tex. If the file is also in the file list of the \includeonly command or if there is no \includeonly command, the \include command is equivalent to
\clearpage \input{file} \clearpage
except that if the file file.tex does not exist, then a warning message rather than an error is produced.
Convert to eps format
Use \includegraphics command in graphicx package to include it to latex:
\usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} % for graphic handling ... \includegraphics{file.eps}
Encapsulated PostScript (eps) is the easiest graphics format to import into LATEX. For example, eps files are inserted by specifying
Optionally, the graphic can be scaled to a specified height or width
\includegraphics[height=4cm]{file.eps} \includegraphics[width=3in]{file.eps}
Additionally, the angle option rotates the included graphic…
The placement of the graphic is controlled by the current text justification. To center the graphic, put it inside a center environment
\begin{center} \includegraphics[width=2in]{graphic.eps} \end{center}
If the \includegraphics command is inside an environment (such as minipage or figure), the \centering declaration centers the remaining output of the environment. For example
\begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=2in]{graphic.eps} \end{figure}
is similar to
\begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=2in]{graphic.eps} \end{center} \end{figure}
double vertical space above and below the figure due to the space produced by the figure environment and by the center environment. If extra vertical space is desired, the commands in Section 18.1 should be used.
When importing a large number of graphics files, it may be desirable to store the graphics files in a subdirectory. For example, when the subdirectory is named sub, one may be tempted to then include the file file.eps with the following command \includegraphics{sub/file.eps} While this syntax works for most Unix and dos T E X distributions, there are problems with such usage Inefficiency.
The best method is to modify the T E X search path. Another method is to specify sub/ in a \graphicspath command. However, this is much less efficient than modifying the T E X search path. Both of these options causing \includegraphics to automatically search the graphics subdirectory, allowing
to be replaced with
For web2c/teTeX Unix distributions, the T E X search path can be modified by setting the TEXINPUTS environment variable.
When using csh shells, setenv TEXINPUTS /dir1:/dir2:
Putting // after a directory causes all of its subdirectories to be searched. For example, setenv TEXINPUTS /dir1//:/dir2: causes all the subdirectories (and sub-subdirectories) of /dir1 to be searched. Be careful in using // as it may slow down the searching if the directory contains many files.
These examples also work for sh shells, although the syntax should be changed to TEXINPUTS=''/dir1:/dir2:''; export TEXINPUTS
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2003 14:12:30 -0500
Bob Tennent wrote:
> > I'm trying to print nice looking reports from a script running on a > > linux server. > > > > Is there any app or utility that can make "nice" prints that support > > lines for columns/rows and different font sizes, headers and so on or > > do i have to code postscript by hand? > > > > I guess i'm looking for some sort of tagged data to postscript > > converter (sort of like a html to postscript converter). > > Have you considered LaTeX? Professional-quality typesetting from > marked-up text.
I used LaTeX for my books. It's absolutely the best, most precise way to handle text. But it's a markup language and takes some learning. For more information see:
To start learning see "The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e," by Tobias Oetiker and a few others. Another excellent one is "A Simplified Introduction to LaTeX," by Harvey Greenberg.
"Not So Short" is a little more current than Greenberg, but I recommend both. Each goes a little more in depth than the other on certain topics.
If you want to know a little more about graphics (too much, actually) there's "Using Imported Graphics in LaTeX2e," by Keith Reckdahl. Another handy one is "The Comprehensive Symbol List," by Scott Pakin. Has all those wingdings, math and other symbols you might find handy.
LaTeX can also be used to make PDF files with hyperlinks within the document.
I like it so much I'm actually trying to figure out ways to use it in places where a traditional word processor is much more handy. The quality is such it can get that kind of hold on you.
Author of "Linux for Non-Geeks—Clear-eyed Answers for Practical Consumers" and "Boring Stories from Uncle Rod." Both are available at http://www.rodwriterpublishing.com/index.html
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
Name of contribution: The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List Name: Scott Pakin Location on CTAN: tex-archive/info/symbols/comprehensive Summary description: Samples of thousands of symbols that are accessible from LaTeX License type: lppl
Please note that PDF files are available as info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-letter.pdf (for US letter paper dimensions)