Converters between LaTeX and PC Textprocessors
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documented on: 2000.10.22 Sun 21:50:51


Overview of rtf2latex source package

rtf2LaTeX is a filter built on Paul DuBois' RTF reader that converts RTF (Microsoft's Rich Text Format) into LaTeX.

rtf2LaTeX expends a good deal of effort in an attempt to make the resulting LaTeX maintainable and modifiable.

rtf2LaTeX [options] [RTF-file]
Your options are:
      -c      No character formatting stuff
      -C file Use another translation-file for characters above 128
      -d      Use WORD formates within special WORD styles like heading,
              footnote text, ...
      -H      Use LaTeX header and footer, not as default WORD header
      -h      Help message
      -L file Use another translation-file for specilal WORD styles
              like heading, footer, footnote text, ...
      -n      Use \hfil\break instead of \\ for making a new line
      -p      No paragraph formatting stuff
      -r      No left or right skip
      -s      No tab stops
      -t      No formatting in tables
      -T f    Decrease-factor for the cell-width (default:0.7)
      -u      Change underline to italic
      -v[#]   Turn on verbose messages; the higher #, the more messages
      -V      Print the version number

Comments, evolving history

last update: July 28, 1998

(written in C). The Word document must first be saved to disk in RTF format. I'd like to hear of experiences with these. (They only handle RTF versions up to WinWord 2, not yet WinWord 6; there are great differences between these rtf versions and I definitely have problems with WinWord6-rtf with any rtf-converter.)

First, Paul Dubois <> wrote an RTF reader and converter to plain text or troff. The version is dated April 1991.

a) Based on this reader, Robert Lupton <> wrote the rtf2TeX converter. Last revision date: May 1992

He comments on this as follows (README-file):

citation begin>>
 This is a first attempt at an RTF to TeX converter. The parts that handle
 fonts and such like seem to work pretty well, although they could be
 improved, but the table handling is a problem. I had a good deal of trouble
 trying to figure out what particular rtf control codes were supposed to do;
 this makes it hard to convert them into TeX. I have tried to produce good
 TeX, but this is not easy due to the sloppy way that many RTF writers
 generate redundant font and other changes.  Many things are not handled at
 all, more due to my lacking motivation than to their intrinsic
 difficulty. For example, I don't support double columns, but it would be
 easy enough to do (I'd generate a control sequence to do it, and add the TeX
 code required to the TeX_defs file. I even have the TeX somewhere...).
<<citation end

So far the beginning of the README file. Later he commented:

citation begin>>
 Most (all?) RTF is hopelessly unstructured
 (the equivalent of \bf \it Hello \rm World \bf He \it \rm said. )
and the code that I wrote tries valiantly to convert this to something
sensible, in this case {\it Hello\/} World {\bf He} said.
 It is this attempt to make the output TeX usable that makes the code
 complicated...  I did not try to convert equations or tables as I could find
 no adaquate description of either; I don't think that it would be very hard.
<<citation end

My comment is: Tables yes, but formulas will be difficult. Can be found on all CTAN sites, dir …/support/rtf2tex

b) Based on these two, Erwin Wechtl wrote the rtf2LaTeX converter. Last revision date: Aug. 1993

He comments on this as follows (README-file):

citation begin>>
 rtf2LaTeX is a filter built on Paul DuBois' RTF reader that converts RTF
 (Microsoft's Rich Text Format) into LaTeX. rtf2LaTeX expends a good deal of
 effort in an attempt to make the resulting LaTeX maintainable and
<<citation end


Section: non-free/tex
Description: TeX/LaTeX to HTML converter
LaTeX is popular for specifying complex printed documents. TtH translates
Plain TeX or LaTeX documents into HTML. It quickly produces web documents
that are compact, editable and fast viewing.  TtH translates most equations
instead of converting them into images.  This HTML preserves much format
when imported by MS Word.

TtH needs teTeX to generate auxiliary files for cross references and content tables. Complex equations and graphics require gs and netpbm to convert PostScript output from teTeX to images.

Tag: use::editing, works-with::text:tex


Date and time 

for hevea 1.08-4: Extra Features -> Date and time file:///usr/share/doc/hevea/html/manual032.html#toc98

Date and time support is not enabled by default, for portability and simplicity reasons.

However, HEVEA source distribution includes a simple (sh) shell script xxdate.exe that activates date and time support. The hevea command, should be invoked as :

# hevea -exec xxdate.exe ...

This will execute the script xxdate.exe, whose output is then read by HEVEA. As a consequence, standard LATEX counters year, month, day and \ime are defined and LATEX command \today works properly. Additionnally the following counters and commands are defined :

Counter weekday, Hour, hour, minute…

US Date and time 

To change the date format from European to US, make the following modification:

$ diff -wu1 /usr/share/hevea/latexcommon.hva~ /usr/share/hevea/latexcommon.hva
--- /usr/share/hevea/latexcommon.hva~   2006-05-16 19:53:17.000000000 +0200
+++ /usr/share/hevea/latexcommon.hva    2006-07-19 16:33:47.000000000 +0200
@@ -538,3 +538,4 @@
 %%%%%%%% Format for \today, e.g 31st July, 1980
+\newcommand\today{\english@month{} \theday,~\theyear}
 %%%%%%%%%%%%%% Defined counter printing functions



Individual sections 
latex2html $texf
one big file 
latex2html -split 0 -nonavigation -dir ~/tmp $texf
cp -v ~/tmp/$texf.* .
dirdir $texf*


latex2html -h
-split num
    Stop making separate files at this depth (say "-split
    0" for one huge HTML file).
    Put a navigation panel at the top of each page
    When this is set true, the section numbers are shown.
    The section numbers should then match those that would
    have been produced by LaTeX.  The correct section
    numbers are obtained from the $FILE.aux file generated
    by LaTeX.  Hiding the section numbers encourages use
    of particular sections as standalone documents. In
    this case the cross reference to a section is shown
    using the default symbol rather than the section


Version 2002-2-1, 08-Jan-2004 

latex2html-2002-2-1.tar.gz from CVS, 24-Feb-2004

Build & Installation 

$ configure
Note: Will install...
      ... executables to   : /usr/local/bin
      ... shared library items to : /usr/local/share/lib/latex2html
      ... unshared library items to : /usr/local/lib/latex2html
$ make install
Info: Running /usr/bin/mktexlsr to rebuild ls-R database...
mktexlsr: Updating /usr/share/texmf/ls-R...
mktexlsr: Updating /var/lib/texmf/ls-R...
mktexlsr: Done.

Version latex2html 2002 (1.62) 

Comes with tetex-latex-1.0.7-57

Supported styles 

Supported styles are in /usr/share/latex2html/styles/*.perl.

cd /usr/share/latex2html/styles
ls -C | sed 's/\.perl/     /g'
CJK             czech           irish              polski
TEMPLATE        danish          italian            portuges
afrikaan        dutch           j-article          psfrag
alltt           english         j-book             psfrag.jp1.4
american        enumerate       j-report           report
amsart          epsbox          japanese           rgb.txt
amsbook         epsfig          jarticle           romanian
amsfonts        esperant        jbook              scottish
amsmath         estonian        jreport            seminar
amssymb         finnish         jsarticle          slides
amstex          floatfig        jsbook             slovak
article         floatflt        jslides            slovene
ascmac          frames          justify            spanish
austrian        francais        latexsym           supertabular
babel           french          letter             texdefs
babelbst        galician        longtable          texnames
bahasa          german          lsorbian           textcomp
book            germanb         lyx                turkish
brazil          graphics        magyar             usorbian
breton          graphicx        makeidx            verbatim
catalan         harvard         more_amsmath       verbatimfiles
changebar       havard          multicol           webtex
chemsym         heqn            natbib             welsh
color           hthtml          nharvard           wrapfig
colordvi        html            norsk              xspace
crayola.txt     htmllist        nynorsk            xy
croatian        inputenc        polish


Bug: commands in comment 

If commented out tex lines have commands in them, those commands will be picked wrongly by latex2html.

able to use comment package 

Yes, able to use comment package.

Can't handle TEXINPUTS 
latex textest.tex
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.1)
LaTeX2e <2000/06/01>
Babel <v3.7h> and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, ngerman, i
talian, nohyphenation, loaded.
Document Class: article 2000/05/19 v1.4b Standard LaTeX document class
(/lfs/cache/fromCD/tex/cmd-gnrl.tex) (textest.aux)

latex2html -verbosity 0 -split 0 -nonavigation -noinfo -noaddress -dir /tmp textest.tex
texexpand V2002 (Revision 1.11)
texexpand: include cmd-gnrl.tex failed. Reinserting  command
Loading /usr/share/latex2html/styles/texdefs.perl...
Tip !!
ln -s /lfs/cache/fromCD/tex/cmd-gnrl.tex

latex2html -verbosity 0 -split 0 -nonavigation -noinfo -noaddress -dir /tmp textest.tex
texexpand V2002 (Revision 1.11)
Loading /usr/share/latex2html/styles/texdefs.perl...
  -- ok now, have to ln to here
limited new-command syntax 

The following is OK with latex or latex2rtf, but Nok for latex2html


* Could not find argument for command \newcommand **

Can't renew-command 
\newcommand{\lih}{\item } % item list highlight
\renewcommand{\lih}{\item } % item list highlight

The above won't work (no item entries generated). It will only work when
commment out the renewcommand

During the process:

Processing macros ...,,,,,,,,,,,,,++..............

Translating ...0/0.
*** redefining \lih ***

Doing section links ....
Unknown commands: item

Version 99.2beta8 

Build, Test run & Installation 


Note for —prefix: The final directory structure depends on the name of the prefix:

After configure has completed, you may check the file if everything is ok. It contains all the information gathered from your system and there should be no need to change anything.

  1. Building

Run "make". The distribution files (extension .pin) are turned into the locally adapted scripts, using the configuration from If you need to change things, then re-run the configuration step with the appropriate options (preferred) or edit the file and run "make" again.

  1. Testing

Do a plausibility check: "make check". The perl scripts are checked for syntax correctness. For compiling a small test document, type "make test".

customizing Latex2html 

Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
Date: 2000/03/19
> The date is formatted in latex2html.bat (for windows version 99.2beta6)

Problem is I run it under Linux!!

> To change the date format look for the lines:
> # Author address
> @address data = &address data('ISO');
> Get rid of 'ISO' on the second line to read
> # Author address
> @address data = &address data();
> This change gives the American date format mm/dd/yyyy.
> To change this find the subroutine:
> sub get date {
> and at the end change the line
> } else { sprintf("%d/%d/%d", $m+1, $d, 1900+$y); } to
> } else { sprintf("%d/%d/%d", $d, $m+1, 1900+$y); }
> You can also change the / in this line if you wish.

That sounds good but the problem is I don't have these subroutines in my latex2html.config file, and i don't know in which file they are on this system.

 > There's an interesting discussion of this issue at
 >[] ml
 > and you'll probably be able to use it to come up with a better solution

Same thing there, it doens't specify where to find these subroutines.

I soved the problem (maybe not in the best way) by using a regular expression on the variable that gives the date in yyyy-mm-dd in my latex2html.config :

$address data[1]=~s/(.*)-(.*)-(.*)/$3-$2-$1/; $ADDRESS = "<I>Derni?e modification : $address data[1]</I>";

and it does just what i want! Thanks anyway,

Jean-Marc Lecarpentier

customizing Latex2html 

>and it does just what i want!

Wonderful! I copied your code into my Windows .latex2html-init file and it worked well. It's a lot better than altering config or bat files and is easily changeable for any situation

Steve Mayer

customizing Latex2html 

It won't work for latex2html 2002. The following did the trick.

$ diff -wu /usr/share/latex2html/styles/english.perl~ /usr/share/latex2html/styles/english.perl
--- /usr/share/latex2html/styles/english.perl~  2003-02-18 22:13:01.000000000 -0500
+++ /usr/share/latex2html/styles/english.perl   2004-01-28 21:07:52.000000000 -0500
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 sub english_today {
     local($today) = &get_date();
-    $today =~ s|(\d+)/0?(\d+)/|$2 $Month[$1] |;
+    $today =~ s|(\d+)/0?(\d+)/|$Month[$1] $2, |;



The basic idea of Hyperlatex is to make it possible to write a document that will look like a flawless LaTeX document when printed and like a handwritten HTML document when viewed with an HTML browser. In this it completely follows the philosophy of latexinfo (and texinfo). Like latexinfo, it defines its own input format—the Hyperlatex markup language—and provides two converters to turn a document written in Hyperlatex markup into a DVI file or a set of HTML documents.

Obviously, this approach has the disadvantage that you have to learn a "new" language to generate HTML files. However, the mental effort for this is quite limited. The Hyperlatex markup language is simply a well-defined subset of LaTeX that has been extended with commands to create hyperlinks, to control the conversion to HTML, and to add concepts of HTML such as horizontal rules and embedded images. Furthermore, you can use Hyperlatex perfectly well without knowing anything about HTML markup.

The fact that Hyperlatex defines only a restricted subset of LaTeX does not mean that you have to restrict yourself in what you can do in the printed copy. Hyperlatex provides many commands that allow you to include arbitrary LaTeX commands (including commands from any package that you'd like to use) which will be processed to create your printed output, but which will be ignored in the HTML document.

If you would rather have a tool that takes any Latex-file and translates it into HTML, you are probably happier with the Latex2html converter.

Otfried Cheong, February 25, 2002

Latex to Rtf Converter 


LaTeX to RTF converter LaTeX to RTF convertor written in GNU C, text mode (no GUI), aimed at platform independence


Converters from LaTeX to PC Textprocessors - Overview
tex2rtf not intended as an all-purpose converter but to produce printed manuals as well as online help
latex2rtf maintained by Georg Lehner, but currently development stalled.



latex2rtf foo              convert foo.tex to foo.rtf
latex2rtf <foo >foo.RTF    convert foo to foo.RTF
latex2rtf -M12 foo         replace equations with bitmaps
latex2rtf -i russian foo   assume russian tex conventions
latex2rtf -C raw foo       retain font encoding in rtf file
latex2rtf -d4 foo          lots of debugging information


Latex to Rtf Converter


LaTeX to RTF convertor written in GNU C, text mode (no GUI), aimed at platform independence



Quick Help 

 Usage:  latex2rtf [options] input[.tex]

  -a auxfile       use LaTeX auxfile rather than input.aux
  -b bblfile       use BibTex bblfile rather than input.bbl)
  -C codepage      latex encoding charset (latin1, cp850, raw, etc.)
  -d level         debugging output (level is 0-6)
  -F               use LaTeX to convert all figures to bitmaps
  -D dpi           number of dots per inch for bitmaps
  -h               display help
  -i language      idiom or language (e.g., german, french)
  -l               use latin1 encoding (default)
  -M #              math equation handling
       -M1          displayed equations to RTF
       -M2          inline equations to RTF
       -M3          inline and displayed equations to RTF (default)
       -M4          displayed equations to bitmap
       -M6          inline equations to RTF and displayed equations to bitmaps
       -M8          inline equations to bitmap
       -M12         inline and displayed equations to bitmaps
       -M16         insert Word comment field that the original equation text
  -o outputfile    file for RTF output
  -p               option to avoid bug in Word for some equations
  -P /path/to/cfg  directory containing .cfg files
  -S               use ';' to separate args in RTF fields
  -se#             scale factor for bitmap equations
  -sf#             scale factor for bitmap figures
  -T /path/to/tmp  temporary directory
  -v               version information
  -V               version information
  -W               include warnings in RTF
  -Z #             add # of '}'s at end of rtf file (# is 0-9)

Detail Help 

In /usr/local/share/latex2rtf/latex2rtf.html

Version 1.9.16a, 2004-11-17 03:55 

v1.9.15, 2004-02-08

Version 1.9.14, November 28, 2002 

File size 

550 kb

Supported styles 

   LaTeX2RTF  understands most of the commands introduced with LaTeX2e
.  It supports both the old 2.09 version of
`\documentstyle[options]{format#}' and the newer
Input Encoding 
   It is not necesary to specify the `-C' option if you use
`\usepackage{isolatin1}' or `\documentstyle[isolatin1]{...}'. LaTeX2RTF
automagically detects these packages/style options and switches to
processing of ISO-Latin1 codes.
Language Support 

Many languages from the Babel package are supported. However, the support is limited to translate various words usually emitted by LaTeX during processing. For example, this ensures that the LaTeX2RTF will provide the correct translation of the word "Chapter" in the converted document.

Cross References 
   Cross references include everything that you might expect and then
some: bibliographic citations, equation references, table references,
figure references, and section references.  Section, equation, table
and figure references are implemented by placing RTF bookmarks around
the equation number (or table number or figure number).
   There are four separate levels of equation translation based on the -M
switch.  Each equation is now converted either to an EQ field or to a bitmap.
   The table code is currently barely working.  It needs to be
   There is now rudimentary support for `\includegraphics'.  Three file
types will be inserted into the RTF file without needing conversion:
.pict, .jpeg, and .png files.  EPS files are converted to PNG using
`convert' from the ImageMagick package.
   If there is no `\pagestyle' command, the RTF output is generated as
with plain pagestyle, i.e. each page get's its page number centered at
the bottom.
   You must turn this off with the \pagestyle{empty} command in the
LaTeX  file if you don't want pagenumbers.  The headings and myheadings
styles are silently ignored by now.  The twosided option to the
\documentstyle or \documentclass produces the corresponding RTF tokens.
Note that these features require RTF Version 1.4.
   Hyperlatex support is largely broken at the moment, but continues to


unable to use comment package 
Warning line=5 Unknown style option comment ignored{
Error! line=6 \begin{comment} found before \begin{document}.  Giving up.  Sorry

Warning line=6 Mismatched '{' in RTF file, Conversion may cause problems.
Warning line=6 Try translating with 'latex2rtf -Z1 (null)'}

$ latex2rtf -Z1 < textest.tex > /tmp/textest.rtf

Warning line=5 Unknown style option comment ignored{
Error! line=6 \begin{comment} found before \begin{document}.  Giving up.  Sorry

Warning line=6 Mismatched '{' in RTF file, Conversion may cause problems.}



Test Run 

make check
  -- expect warnings but no errors

cd test
  -- view generated rtf files



no complain way 
% install-info --entry=latex2rtf --info-dir=/usr/local/info /usr/local/info/

Note, the info entry in Emacs is still wrong. I get in info node:


But it is not click-able.

  info latex2rtf
shows the right result.

% install-info  --info-dir=/usr/local/info /usr/local/info/
install-info: warning: no info dir entry in `/usr/local/info/'

install TeXInfo file

make install-info
install-info: warning: no info dir entry in `doc/'
install-info --entry=latex2rtf --info-dir=/usr/local/info doc/

% make install-info
mkdir -p /usr/local/info
cp doc/ /usr/local/bin
install-info --info-dir=/usr/local/info doc/
install-info: warning: no info dir entry in `doc/'

% cp doc/ /usr/local/info/
% install-info --info-dir=/usr/local/info/
install-info: No such file or directory for

% install-info /usr/local/info/
install-info: No dir file specified; try --help for more information.

% install-info /usr/local/info/ /usr/local/info
install-info: warning: no info dir entry in `/usr/local/info/'

% install-info /usr/local/info/ /usr/local/info --entry=latex2rtf
/usr/local/info: Is a directory

% install-info --entry=latex2rtf /usr/local/info/ /usr/local/info
/usr/local/info: Is a directory

% install-info --entry=latex2rtf --info-dir=/usr/local/info /usr/local/info/
  -- no complain any more.

Q:is latex2rtf able to produce any nice page header/footers? 


If there is no \pagestyle command, the RTF output is generated as with plain pagestyle, i.e. each page get's its page number centered at the bottom.

You must turn this off with the \pagestyle command in the LaTeX file if you don't want pagenumbers. The headings and myheadings styles are silently ignored by now.

The twosided option to the \documentstyle or \documentclass produces the corresponding RTF tokens.


Info                          1094 Kb
Version 5.0, revision: 2.36, date: 27 November 2000- 22:08:40

mainly for windows user, w/ all sorts of .exe and .bat files.

Source  22-Dec-1998 07:00 1.0M
As of 2002.07.04 Thu.

Build, Test run & Installation 

$ md ltx2rtf   # ! no root dir in the zip file!
  1. For linux, an executable is readily provided (compiled with RedHat 6.1), and a Makefile is provided.

Read carefully the text file: ltx2rtf.doc

Configuration & Twisting 

Make sure that the configuration files - direct.cfg, - fonts.cfg, - ignore.cfg, - config.cfg are in the correct directory: . either the same directory as the executable, . or the LIBDIR directory stated in the Makefile . or the directory stated by environemt variable RTFPATH.

Test Run 

in dir 
./ltx2rtf srsm-nt.tex
from /opt/bin 
cp ltx2rtf & its .conf to /opt/bin
$ ltx2rtf tongsun.tex
Segmentation fault
$ export RTFPATH=/opt/bin
$ ltx2rtf tongsun.tex
Segmentation fault


 ltx2rtf DOES NOT expand macros. Nor does it consider \usepackage
specifications. However, the exp-macr routine (in F77) performs
expansion of simple macros defined (with \def or \newcommand or
\renewcommand) inside de given LaTeX source.
exp-macr original.tex expanded.tex

expands all macros defined in "original.tex" to "expanded.tex", which is likely to be fit for surbmitting to ltx2rtf. Besides, exp-macr also expands the \input commands found in the given original source. This means that specific macro definitions can be included in a separate file, included in the whole document.

exp-macr is not included in the gcc-g77 RH7.2 rpm package. Search on the Internet for "exp-macr" failed, as of 2002.07.04 Thu. All links are broken.

"" does not release its CD content any more(?).

Overall comments 

Working on tables 

Fails on multicolumn 

Led a web-based ...
% \newline }

Removing '&' and uncommenting '%' will cause 'segmentation fault'.


1<<, >>
  \begin{center}  % put inside center environment

Output taken from LaTeX name: ttt.rtf

Begin of environment: TABULAR*
/opt/bin/ltx2rtf: ERROR: Illegal dimension unit '' at line 0
Program aborted
2<<, >>
  \begin{center}  % put inside center environment
  label 1 & label 2 & label 3 & label 4 \\
  \hline  % put a line under headers
  item 1  & item 2  & item 3  & item 4  \\

Output taken from LaTeX name: ttt.rtf

Begin of environment: TABULAR*
WARNING: command: extracolsep at line 12 not found - ignored
WARNING: command: fill at line 12 not found - ignored
WARNING:  & not in tabular environment, ignored
WARNING:  & not in tabular environment, ignored
WARNING:  & not in tabular environment, ignored
WARNING: command: hline at line 14 not found - ignored
WARNING:  & not in tabular environment, ignored
WARNING:  & not in tabular environment, ignored
WARNING:  & not in tabular environment, ignored
Segmentation fault

converting TeX 

Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
> editors want it in Word.

Dear Kris: If you have access to a copy of Word (version 6 or above) I would recommend the `tex2doc' Word macros, which do a very good job of producing a Word document, and even handle bibliographical references (but not maths). They are available at:

HTH, Robert.


*Tags*: ps to text, ps2text


pstotext ~/dl/mustH_b/wp/latex/learn/ > ~/tmp/ps/txt/epslatex.txt



pstotext is a program that works with Ghostscript to extract plain text from PostScript and PDF files.


pstotext works by sending a library, followed by the PostScript file, to the Ghostscript interpreter. The library intercepts the text rendering operators and sends information about the text back to pstotext. This information includes character metrics and encoding vectors, so in most situations we're able to reconstruct the plain text (converted to ISO Latin 1 encoding), with correct word breaks and good guesses about line breaks. It even works for rotated text!




Quick Help 

 Usage: pstotext [option|file]...
  -cork            assume Cork encoding for dvips output
  -landscape       rotate 270 degrees
  -landscapeOther  rotate 90 degrees
  -portrait        don't rotate (default)
  -bboxes          output one word per line with bounding box
  -debug           show Ghostscript output and error messages
  -gs "command"    Ghostscript command
  -                read from stdin (default if no files specified)
  -output file     output results to "file" (default is stdout)

Version 1.8g of 5 February 2000 

Build & Installation 


cp pstotext /opt/bin/
cp pstotext.1 /opt/man/man1

chmod 711 /opt/bin/pstotext
chmod 444 /opt/man/man1/pstotext.1

documented on: 2001.06.03 Sun 18:12:23

Latex to text 

> I want to extract just the plain text from a Latex document. I was
> wondering whether anyone knew a tool or
> program that could do this for me?

detex, despite its name, also works for LaTeX (mostly).


documented on: 2000.10.22 Sun 23:40:48

LaTeX -> Text conversion 

>Are there any tools to take a LaTeX file, and convert it in a human
>readable Text document?  I have used deTeX but it seems to ignore/skip
>some fields such as  "verbatim", which it simply does not print in the
>text file.

One possibility is to latex it to a dvi file, and then use dvi2tty to convert this into a text file. This isn't a great method, but I don't think that any method for doing this is perfect.

Faheem Mitha.

LaTeX -> Text conversion 

I use tth (html) and then htmstrip (DOS-Program) to convert tex files to formatted text files. They need not much work and htmstrip does handle tables pretty well :-)


I still need to test hevea which should also produce good results from tex.


LaTeX -> Text conversion 

Another possibility is to use Hevea's "text" mode. As always, it won't do a great job on math, but that to be expected. Hevea is available from




pdftohtml converts Portable Document Format files to HTML. This release converts text and links. Bold and italic face are preserved, but high level HTML structures (like lists or tables) are not yet generated. Images are ignored in the current version (but you can extract them from the pdf file using pdfimages, distributed with xpdf).
