File Inclusion & Verbatim Texts

Table of Contents

Including Raw Text Materials 
my own hack 
Including Raw Text Materials 
Including Raw Text Materials 
including java code 
including java code 
Listings Package: set shell scripts as default type 
Questions on Listings Package 
Questions on Listings Package 
List file with underlines in their names 
Solution / Conclusion 
Analysis / Reason 
Trying History 
How to format SQL tables? 
How to format SQL tables? 

Including Raw Text Materials 

I want to include raw text materials as-is into the tex file. The raw text is produced by anther program. I "inlcude" it in so that I don't need to update my latex file everytime I update the program output. what is the best way to do it?


An extension to the verbatim package that can handle TAB expansion, can number lines in an included file, can produce boxed verbatims, etc.

my own hack 

w/ quote 

awk 'BEGIN{ print "\\begin{quote}\\begin{verbatim}\n" } {print} END { print "\\end{verbatim}\\end{quote}\n"} '

w/o quote 

awk 'BEGIN{ print "\\begin{verbatim}\n" } {print} END { print "\\end{verbatim}\n"} '


Including Raw Text Materials 

Use the verbatim package


*References*: [NSS] s4.5, p60.

Including Raw Text Materials 

You can use the alltt package. It works like the verbatim environment except that the backslash and the braces retain their usual meaning:


David Djajaputra