Table & Column

Table of Contents

Balanced columns in table 
latex: Automate columnizing words in table? 
Protecting fragile contents 
Verbatim in table 

Balanced columns in table 

Newsgroups:  comp.text.tex
Date:        Mon, 29 Mar 2004 16:46:46 GMT
> I am trying to find a package that can arrange my text in a table
> the same way ls (in Unix) arrange its output. I.e., arrange them
> horizontally or vertically in the given columns.
> For example, to arrange the following text in a two-column horizontally,
> i001
> i002
> i003
> i004
> i005
> i006
> i007
> i008
> i009
> The package can automatically produce output like:
> i001 i002
> i003 i004
> i005 i006
> i007 i008
> i009
> And the vertically output is something similar to:
> i001 i006
> i002 i007
> i003 i008
> i004 i009
> i005
> Does such thing exist?

The \autorows and \autocols commands in the memoir class do this.

Peter Wilson