bibview - X11 Bibliography database tool gbib - user-friendly editor and browser for BibTeX databases
Copyright 1995-2005 Alf-Christian Achilles, All rights reserved. This service is brought to you by Alf-Christian Achilles and Paul Ortyl
bibview - X11 Bibliography database tool gbib - user-friendly editor and browser for BibTeX databases
search-ccsb - BibTeX search tool search-citeseer - BibTeX search tool bibindex - Fast lookup in BibTeX bibliography data bases bibtool - tool for BibTeX database manipulation
bibclean - pretty-printer for BibTeX databases bibtex2html - filters BibTeX files and translates them to HTML
It currently supports BibTeX, Medline, Ovid and Refer files. It is useful for viewing, editing and searching, but also to convert bibliographic databases into HTML pages for example.
Yelp (part of GNOME) is required to view the Pybliographic manual from within the GUI.
Home Page:
bibview is a tool to let you set up and maintain BibTeX bibliography databases. LaTeX can then use these automatically in citations and bibliographies in your documents.
From its README:
It [bibview] supports the user in making new entries, searching for entries and moving entries from one BiB to another. It is possible to work with more than one BiB simultaneously. bibview is implemented with Xt and Athena Widgets.
There are several types of windows in bibview:
The main window contains menus for customizing bibview and for working with BiBs on the file level.
The bibliography window (one for every open BiB) contains commands for manipulating the BiB.
The list window (at most one for every open BiB) shows a list of entries. It displays the fields author, title, type and year. The card window (at most one for every entry) helps editing an entry. It contains boxes for each field of the entry (according to the type). The fields can be edited by putting the mouse cursor into the field. Macros in fields and the symbol for concatenation ('#') are marked with a preceding '@'.
You can use it also to insert citations inside a LyX document. gBib is able to import and export BiBTeX databases.
tkbibtex is a portable editor and browser for BibTeX format file. It is written in Tcl/Tk and runs under Unix or Windows based wish interpreters.
The following are features I think are particularly cute.
In the browser window you can right-click in a field and it will bring up a menu of string constants. I normally define strings for journal names. The name of the bibtex string file that is used to build the menu can be set in the .tkbibtexrc. file (eg. set strfile strings.bib). tkbibtex - a portable Tcl/Tk browser/editor for BibTeX files (p3 of 12) It is searched for along the BIBPATH. An example string constant file is strings.bib
The browser window has an `Annote' button which expands the annotation window. This scrolling text entry box allows for an arbitrary amount of freeform text to be stored in the bibtex file in the ANNOTE field. This is useful for storing commentary or reviews of papers read. This material does not appear in the bibliography with any of the normal reference styles.
Multiple selection is enabled in the main and search window citation lists.
Edit/Copy copies the actual BibTeX source of the selected citations to the clipboard.
Single-key shortcuts exist for most menu functions, see Help for details.
Every time tkbibtex writes an output file it copies the existing bib file to a unique name. These build up over time and should be periodically culled.
The .tkbibtexrc can be used to redefine various constants and change the operation of tkbibtex. For instance override builtins like debug, annote_lines_big etc.
> _lot_ of bibliography to manage. So I'm looking for tools to manage > my .bib files.
a Perl script, with a Gtk GUI, that helps with bibliography maintenance. It can append, delete, check for duplicate keys, search, including regexp search, split files, and output selected records as LaTeX bibitems
Barracuda is a BibTeX database manager. It is used to edit BibTeX database files. It is mostly self explanatory and easy
Registered: 2000-02-21 16:00 This Project Has Not Released Any Files, as of 2002.08.27 Tue