Conditional text in LaTeX?? 

Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
Date: 1995/04/11

>Is there a macro package which will work with LaTeX to allow
>conditionally included text in a LaTeX document?  Or ...

The ifthen package does this. Include in your file the line


Then set your variable to true or false by

\newcommand{\condition}{true} or \newcommand{\condition}{false}.

Then you can use the following statement:

    blah-blah %this is printed iff \condition is set to true
    another blah-blah %this is printed otherwise


Conditional Statement (Solution for including full latex files) 

Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
Date: 1999/03/21

thanks to everyone who answered. It was very helpful. In case anyone cares, here is a summary of the problem and the solution (its pretty simple).

The problem: I want to have a latex file for my thesis that compiles the entire thesis, including all chapters and appendices. But I want to edit each indivdual file (chapter) without having to That is, I want to include files whole stand alone compilable latex files (with preambles) into my "master" latex document.

Here is the solution I settled on:

In the "master file" called mythesis.tex I have the following definition for "\setflag", and a bunch of includes:

%%%%%%%%start of file

\newcommand{\setflag}{\newif \ifwhole


  \newpage \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Table of Contents}
  \newpage \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}
  \newpage \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}


%%%%%%%%end of file

Then in each chapter I have the following conditional definition for "\setflag":

%%%%%%%%start of file

\providecommand{\setflag}{\newif \ifwhole


     \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.5} \small\normalsize

%%%%%%%%end of file

Thus, if I compile chapter1.tex, it compiles, no problem. The "if" command is executed (based on who is calling for this file).

Also, I can compile mythesis.tex, and it includes chapter1.tex, and the "if" commands are not executed. Thus it compiles the whole thing. Sweeeet!

cheers, bob

Command to include text on first usage only 

Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
> I'm preparing a document that makes mention of a software
> product. The first mention of the product name must be followed by the
> registered symbol, but each subsequent mention does not need to
> include the symbol.

How about:


That is, \product redefines itself.


Command to include text on first usage only 

Steven> That's short, clever, and works. The only part I don't
Steven> like is that one must mention the command name and
Steven> replacement text twice.

David Kastrup