Special Effects, Shading

Table of Contents

text background 
background shading a table row 
Shaded table cells 
Shaded table cells 
Need Help on tables 
Graying every second row of a tabular 
Graying every second row of a tabular 
alternate coloing rows with longtable and colortbl 
alternate coloing rows with longtable and colortbl 
alternate coloing rows with longtable and colortbl 
How to shade table cell(s) in LaTeX 
How to shade table cell(s) in LaTeX 
How to shade table cell(s) in LaTeX 
\cellcolor extension to David Carlisle's colortbl.sty 
How to get better looking tables from LaTeX 
How to get better looking tables from LaTeX 

text background 

> how to shade the background of text gray?
\parbox{\columnwidth}{text text text.}
> in a table?

& RTFM :-)


Edward Goldobin