Special Effects, Macro-Level

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Separate files on opposite pages? 
PS —> DVI —> TEX ? 
PS —> DVI —> TEX ? 

Separate files on opposite pages? 

Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
: I am preparing a translation of some text, and I would like to have it
: so that the original appears on the left hand page, while the
: translation is on the right hand page. What would be the most clever
: way to accomplish this?

If it is acceptable for you to have the text and its translation together on *one* page, but in two columns, neatly aligned by paragraph, then you should try CTAN:/macros/latex/contrib/supported/parallel, which transforms a sequence of paragraphs into left block --- right block pairs.

So if you write

Gobble dee gook. Snifta za dornkey bas in a wad moot.

Garpf dol Barpf. Shnopfy dor Uusel war nix gut Laulau.

It will appear as

Gobble dee gook. Snifta                Garpf dol Barpf. Shnop-
za dornkey bas in a wad                fy dor Uusel war nix gut
moot.                                  Laulau.

Dr. Oliver Corff