\newenvironment{itemize*}% {\begin{itemize}% \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}% \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}}% {\end{itemize}}
There are packages that provide some control of list spacing, but they seldom address the separation from surrounding text (defined by \topsep). The expdlist package, among its many controls of the appearance of description lists, offers a compaction parameter (see the documentation); the mdwlist package offers a \makecompactlist command for users' own list definitions, and uses it to define compact lists itemize*, enumerate* and description*. In fact, you can write lists such as these commands define pretty straightforwardly - for example:
\newenvironment{itemize*}% {\begin{itemize}% \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}% \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}}% {\end{itemize}}
The paralist package provides several approaches to list compaction:
its asparaenum environment formats each item as if it were a paragraph introduced by the enumeration label (which saves space if the item texts are long);
its compactenum environment is the same sort of compact list as is provided in expdlist and mdwlist; and
its inparaenum environment produces a list "in the paragraph", i.e., with no line break between items, which is a great space-saver if the list item texts are short.
The package will manipulate its enumerate environment labels just like the enumerate package does.
Paralist also provides itemize equivalents (asparaitem, etc.), and description equivalents (asparadesc, etc.).
The ultimate in compaction (of every sort) is offered by the savetrees package; compaction of lists is included. The package's prime purpose is to save space at every touch and turn: don't use it if you're under any design constraint whatever!
(La)TeX mechanisms for maintaining the space between lines (the "leading") rely on TeX's paragraph builder, which compares the shape of consecutive lines and adjusts the space between them.
These mechanisms can't work in exactly the same way when (La)TeX is building a table, because the paragraph builder doesn't get to see the lines themselves. As a result, tables sometimes typeset with lines uncomfortably close together (or occasionally ridiculously far apart).
Traditional (moving metal type) typographers would adjust the spacing between lines of a table by use of a "strut" (a metal spacer). A TeX user can do exactly the same thing: most macro packages define a \strut command, that defines a space appropriate to the current size of the text; placing a \strut command at the end of a troublesome row is the simplest solution to the problem - if it works. Other solutions below are LaTeX-specific, but some may be simply translated to Plain TeX commands.
If your table exhibits a systematic problem (i.e., every row is wrong by the same amount) use \extrarowheight, which is defined by the array package:
To correct a single row whose maladjustment isn't corrected by a \strut approximation to the command that goes inside a \strut. The bigstrut package defines a strut command that you can use for this purpose: \bigstrut on its own opens up both above and below the current line; \bigstrut[t] opens up above the line, \bigstrut[b] opens up below the line.
General solutions are available, however. The tabls package automatically generates an appropriately-sized strut at the end of each row. Its disadvantages are that it's really rather slow in operation (since it gets in the way of everything within tables) and its (lack of) compatibility with other packages.
The booktabs package comes with a thought-provoking essay about how tables should be designed. Since table row-spacing problems most often appear in collisions with rules, the author's thesis, that LaTeX users tend too often to rule their tables, is interesting. The package provides rule commands to support the author's scheme, but deals with inter-row spacing too. The most recent release of booktabs sports compatibility with packages such as longtable.
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
>What is the \backmatter for?
"A Guide to LaTeX" says:
In my book, I have:
\backmatter \chapter*{\glossaryname} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\glossaryname} \printglossary \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\indexname} \printindex \end{document}
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
With the titlepage environment you get to choose exactly the layout you want
\begin{titlepage} \vspace*{5cm} \begin{center} \Large My title here\\ \vspace{2cm} \large I, the author\\ \vspace{2cm} \today\\ \end{center} \vspace{2cm} \begin{abstract} ... \end{abstract} Rest of page... \end{titlepage}
> I'm trying to make a good titlepage and want to include \title, \abstract > \author \date \thanks \keywords \note. I have tried the following > \begin{titlepage} > \title{\bf xxx} > \author{xxx} > \date{\today} > \thanks{xxx} > \end{titlepage} > \maketitle > > but is ending up with a empty first page and problems
That blank page is the title page. If you want the title to be on the title page you should put \maketitle in the the titlepage environment. The same is mostly true of the abstract, but in some classes best to start with a copy of your class's definition, removing anything that would start a new page.
Dan Luecking
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex > I am just wondering if I can make a front-page including a figure (for > example, sample.eps) using the "maketitle" command. Is it possible ? > > ex) > > Title of the document > > author > > figure (sample.eps) > > date >
I don't think that it is possible with \maketitle. But there is the environment
% everything you want
That should work.
> I just found that I can put a figure on the title page using the "maketitle" > command if I modify my current style file. Anyway, thanks again. > > Cheers!!! > > Jin > > > I have been able to do this:
\title{ {\scalebox{0.75}{\includegraphics{/path/to/my/frontpage graphic.epsi}}} \\ \vspace{10pt} {\bf {\sc Title}}} \author{Robert Lopez} \date{\pubdate\footnote{bla bla bla}} \maketitle
> > Can someone tell me how to center the titlepage, (the page, not the lines). > > Try putting a \vfill before and after the text you want vertically > centered. > > -- Scott
\begin{titlepage} \vspace*{\fill} bla bla \vspace*{\fill} \end{titlepage}
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex > > I want to place the abstract on the titlepage. The way it is usually setup > (article.cls) is to have an the titlepage and abstract as separate > environments. The \maketitle command constructs the titlepage using the > titlepage environment. The abstract, which is usually declared in its > environment after \maketitle, is then on a separate page. > > Is there anyway to declare the abstract separately from the titlepage > declarations but have it appear on the titlepage?
\documentclass{article} % no titlepage option ... \title{...} \author{...} \date{...} \begin{document} \bgroup % fake a titlepage \let\footnoterule\relax % no rule above thanks footnotes \maketitle \begin{abstract}...\end{abstract} \thispagestyle{empty} % no page number \clearpage \egroup \setcounter{page}{1} % start next page as page 1 ...
If you find the title is too high on the page, try: \title{\vspace*{1in}Title text} which will move the title down by 1 inch (adjust 1in to suit).
Peter W.
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex > Is there a well-known thesis style that I can use?
It is always difficult to give a unique solution in order to write a thesis. It all depends on Universities, colleges and of course, your own taste. I wrote an example document on how to write a thesis using LaTeX. Feel free to use it and modify it to your own needs:
Hello active usenet guy :-)
Here's one, relatively new, though:
LaTeX2e document class for Yale PhD dissertations
first to figure then to table
not using geometry package
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
> I've been using the frontmatter (as per a suggestion) for my thesis > writing, > > It works fine until now, when I want to put all those abstract, > acknowledgments etc stuff in, before the \mainmatter. I got: > > ! LaTeX Error: Environment abstract undefined. > > What is the suggested way for a thesis, that includes everything > title page, signature page, glossary, acknowledgments and > dedication? > It seems as though you are using the book class as that does not have an abstract environment.
Because the requirements for theses tend to be idiosynchratic you have to do most of the work youself, particulary designing the title and signature pages.
I presume you could do \chapter{Abstract}, \chapter{Acknowledgements}, etc.
Perhaps use a centered heading for the dedication. E.g.,
\clearpage \nul\vfil % or it might be \null \begin{center}\textbf{DEDICATION}\end{center} I couldn't have done this without parents. \vfil \clearpage
(The \vfil s will vertically center the dedication).
Peter W.
Take a look at the thesis-package, which did (o.K., does) a good job for me.
An English page can be found at ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/entries/thesis.html
or the files directly at
A class for producing a thesis based on the report class for a more European and more flexible look. Supports options like noindent, noitemization, headline, nocenter, crosshair, and chapterbib.
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
> Could anyone help me out on how to use appendix in latex?
\chapter|section{Last non-appendix} .... \appendix \chapter|section{First appendix} .... \chapter|section{Second appendix} ...
(using \chapter if in book or report class, or \section for article class).
You may like to try the appendix package from CTAN which gives you more felixibility.
Peter W.
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
> Hi, I checked our graduate college's manual, I think they are
Here are some partial answers. You can change the name of the table of contents (and other section names) by using the commands:
\contentsname{Table of contents} \figurename{Fig.} (etc.)
Here is a list of the items whose names can be changed:
\abstractname \contentsname \listfigurename \listtablename \indexname \chaptername \figurename \partname \tablename \appendixname \bibname
If you're using the babel package however, you have to use commands like
\addto\captionsfrench{\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table des matie`res}}
where French language is used here.
You can also change the format of the sections by redefining them through a command like for example:
\renewcommand{\section}{\@startsection% {section}{1}{0pt}{-3.5ex plus -1ex minux -.2ex}% {2.3ex plus .2ex}{\centering\normalfont\Large\MakeUppercase}}
Here the \section command was redefined to start a new section of name "section", level "1", with a 0pt indent, -3.5ex pre-skip (with some rubber lengths), 2.3 post-skip (with some rubber lengths), and that will appear centered, large and in uppercase. May I suggest that you get a LaTeX book such as the LaTeX Companion by Leslie Lamport, or "A Guide to LaTeX" by Helmut Kopka and Patrick Daly, in which all of this is described in much more details
As for having "Table of contents (continued)" on the second page of the TOC, I don't have any easy answer. Note that by issuing
you will get a header with the current chapter name, thus providing the text "Table of contents" at the top of the second page of the TOC.
I hope this was useful to you.
Franc,ois Bouffard
Try the following:
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
> How to add the Index to TOC? > I tried a few things but nothing worked...
\clear[double]page \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{index} \printindex
Donald Arseneau
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex Date: 1996/09/10
>I am using the book format with Latex2e. I have difficulty to make >the Bibliography "chapter" shows up in the Table of Content correctly.
Albert van Beek
\usepackage[...]{tocbibind} \settocbibname{References}
tocbibind is a package for adding extra titles (like the bibliography, or index, or List of Figures, or ...) to the Table of Contents.
Peter W.
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
> I'm using BiBTeX for my Bibliography and I would like that when I'm using > \bibliography{Bib} , Bibliography also appears in the table of contents. How > do I do that?
If you use Koma-script:
\documentclass[bibtotoc,...]{...} or \documentclass[bibtotocnumbered,...]{...}
Else: tocbibind.sty (e.g. ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/tocbibind)[]
HTH, Joh
> I would like to change the caption of floating tables > from table 1: title to tab.1: title? > How can I do this?
This will not remove the space between \figurename and the number, though. Are you sure you want this? I don't know the German convention for, but it sounds (and looks) strange to me.
\def\cprfootstring{ \begin{tabular*}{6in}[t]{c} \vspace{3pt} \\ \hline \\ \small courtesy of the lecture slides for textbook {\em Machine Learning}, \copyright Tom M. Mitchell, 1997 \end{tabular*}
fully control the style
no reference point
whole line separation instead of half line
font not small enough (should use \footnodesize?)
at this point \footnote{blah blah blah}
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
>Please provide your suggestions on using the footnote. > >The problem I'm facing now is that, I want to avoid Arabic number >for the footnote index. They look no different than $a^4$. So I >changed to symbolic footnote index: > >\renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\fnsymbol{footnote}} > >But the new problem I'm facing now is that I've run out of the >footnote index numbers: > >! LaTeX Error: Counter too large.
there are only 10 footnote symbols (or something equally feeble). symbols are only really usable if you number your footnotes per page.
>I can't split my chapter, my Prof asked me to squeeze many of my >chapters into one. I'm running out of time soon too. So I'd be very >grateful that you reply earlier. Thanks a lot.
this numbers per page, and replace your \thefootnote command with something that's not fazed by footnote numbers >10 (in case some such appears while it's thinking) — it switches to arabic footnote numbering in this case.
(best get the latest footmisc from ctan: its perpage is more stable than the one you'll likely find in your distribution.)
Robin Fairbairns, Cambridge
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
First make your footnote:
\footnote{This is a footnote}
Then refer to it a second time:
Koos Pol - Systems Administrator
\footnotemark will step the footnote counter and produce the reference. In this case, you don't want to step the counter, which is why there is an optional argument to \footnotemark. That value will be used instead, and the counter will not be stepped.
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
>I want to define a style, say relax, as simple as this: > >\newcommand{\relax}[1]{ >\textsf{#1} >} > >When I use "\relax{some words}", the font didn't change. How can I >fix it? thanks
when reporting a problem, tell us what you actually wrote, or tell us about any error messages you encountered: \newcommand\relax produces an error since \relax is already defined.
if you ignored an error message on defining \relax, then the result is expected. the command \relax says "do nothing" (to first order).
Note: if you want to write your commands on several lines, terminate the lines with comment signs.
\newcommand{\fred}[1]{% \textsf{#1}% }
works, and doesn't convert unprotected line ends into spaces in your output.
Robin Fairbairns, Cambridge
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
> I split a large chapter into 2 files. I noticed that the 2nd file > always begins on a new page. I didn't specify and page break > commands, not even any line skipping. > > Is this the normal way Latex handle files? Is there a way to avoid > such page breaks? Thanks
It's the way LaTeX handles \include. Try using \input instead.
> > > My cover page, table of content/tables are all counting as normal > > > pages. How can I count them separately? > > Since nobody give me the anwser I want, I dig around myself and > found a solution, hopefully will help some newbie else: > \pagenumbering{roman} > \pagenumbering{arabic}
Good for you! Note that you should put \clear[double]page before right place.
If you use documentlass book, this is somewhat automated by the \frontmatter and \mainmatter commands.
Donald Arseneau
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex Date: 1997/09/01
> by chapter basis, how can I set the page number to other > than one? The same goes for section numbers. A sample of
Put something like this in your tex-file. More of this stuff can be found in the aux-files.
\setcounter{page}{59} \setcounter{chapter}{3} \setcounter{section}{2} \setcounter{subsection}{4} \setcounter{subsubsection}{6} \setcounter{figure}{11} \setcounter{table}{8}
Lars Otto
much better way…
You can \include your chapters. If you place your chapters in files like chapter1.tex, chapter2.tex, etc. you can use something like
\documentclass{book} \begin{document} \include{chapter1} \include{chapter2} . . . \end{document}
which chapters you would like to (re)compile. So to recompile chapter 3, enitrely. There are just not typeset again. The information about references and pages is preserved, and can be used in the other chapters. These will have the value of the last compilation. If you only recompile part of your document, the page numbers of the other chapters may be wrong if the recompiled chapter does not contain exactly the right number of pages. So for a final run, always remove the \includeonly and recompile the entire file twice, or if you don't use separate numbering for the front-matter, such as acknowledgements and table of contents, you might have to recompile three times. It is customary to use roman numbering for the front matter. You can do this rest. In this way the length of the table of contents does not interfere with the pagenumerbing in the rest of the document. But we were tackling a different problem.
If you do this the \tableofcontents etc. will be correct and you can still compile only one chapter at a time, if you want to… So, instead of having to manually change to pagenumbering you can let LaTeX do the work for you.
To change the numbers of chapter sections etc.. You can also use
Timco Visser
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
I am now adapting my thesis short for a conference, which requires scaling down all my headers. I.e., \chapter to \section, \section to \subsection, etc. Besides, all references to "Chapter" would change to "Section" accordingly. Please somebody provide me a macro so that my individual .tex files can suit both cases, so that:
\H1 would be \chapter for my thesis and \section for the conference paper, and \H1Name(what's better name for this?) would be "Chapter" or "Section" accordingly. Thanks!
I would probably have two document classes, and leave the commands as \chapter, \section,…. but in the conference class, \chapter would typeset accordingly. I would use something like smartref.sty (?) for controlling the "Section 4.2" cross referencing.
Donald Arseneau
I just finished my thesis a few months ago, and I was using the following to be able to have one .tex file for both the official thesis version and for a paper to be submitted. You'll obviously have to change it to suit your needs, but it might get you started. Basically you decide which of the two documentclasses you want to use (uncomment the appropriate one), and then you \setboolean the isthesis variable. then you get a command "\ifthesis{}{}" that takes two arguments, and depending on whether you're set at thesis mode or not will substitute the first or the second argument for that command. You can see at the end of this snippet how I redefine "\sec" and "\subsec" to do what you want with sectioning, but this goes much farther — if you have a lemma you want in the thesis but not in the paper, put it in an \ifthesis command, etc.
% To typeset as a thesis, use the uclathes documentclass line, and change the % ``isthesis'' variable to ``true''. % To typeset as a paper, use the ``amsart'' documentclass line, and change the % ``isthesis'' variable to ``false''. %\documentclass[PhD]{uclathes} \documentclass[12pt]{amsart} \usepackage{ifthen} \newboolean{isthesis} % Is this being typeset for thesis purposes or paper % purposes? \setboolean{isthesis}{false} %\setboolean{isthesis}{true} %Usage: \ifthesis{thesiscommands}{papercommands} \newcommand{\ifthesis}[2]{\ifthenelse{\boolean{isthesis}}{#1}{#2}} \ifthesis{}{ \usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} } \ifthesis{\usepackage{oldlfont}} \begin{document} \ifthesis{}{\Now \ \ $Revision: 1.74 $} \ifthesis{ \renewcommand{\sec}{\chapter} \newcommand{\subsec}{\section} }{ \renewcommand{\sec}{\section} \newcommand{\subsec}{\subsection} } [...]
Ami Fischman
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
> > \H1 would be \chapter for my thesis and \section for the conference > Hmm, just want to confirm that numbers are not allowed in command, > correct? Meaning that I can't define commands like \H1, \H2, etc?
Yes and no. You can make
\def\H#1{\csname H#1\endcsname}
and then define
\expandafter\def\csname H1\endcsname{\chapter} \expandafter\def\csname H2\endcsname{\section}
David Kastrup
\def\H#1{\csname H#1\endcsname} \expandafter\def\csname H1\endcsname{\chapter} \expandafter\def\csname H2\endcsname{\section}
\def\Hname#1{\csname Hname#1\endcsname} \expandafter\def\csname Hname1\endcsname{Chapter}
\H2{My own 2nd level title}
something useful in \Hname1 2.
When you're sharing a document with someone else (perhaps as part of a co-development cycle) it's as well to arrange that both correspondents have the same set of auxiliary files, as well as the document in question. Your correspondent obviously needs the same set of files (if you use the url package, she has to have url too, for example). But suppose you have a bug-free version of the shinynew package but her copy is still the unstable original; until you both realise what is happening, such a situation can be very confusing.
The simplest solution is the LaTeX \listfiles command. This places a list of the files used and their version numbers in the log file. If you extract that list and transmit it with your file, it can be used as a check-list in case that problems arise.
The \listfiles only registers things that are input by the "standard" LaTeX mechanisms (\documentclass, \usepackage, \input, \include, \includegraphics and so on). So if you use TeX primitive syntax, as in
\input mymacros
mymacros.tex won't be listed by \listfiles.
The snapshot package helps the owner of a LaTeX document obtain a list of the external dependencies of the document, in a form that can be embedded at the top of the document. The intended use of the package is the creation of archival copies of documents, but it has application in document exchange situations too.
The bundledoc system uses \listfiles to produce an archive (e.g., .tar.gz or .zip) of the files needed by your document; it comes with configuration files for use with teTeX and mikTeX. It's plainly useful when you're sending the first copy of a document.