Table of Contents

Drawing binary trees 
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Convert everything to PDF 
New efficient pdf/ps viewer: Evince 
Editing PDF forms 
Editing PDF forms 
Editing PDF forms 
pdf editing 
pdf editing 
pdf editing 
pdf editing 
applications similar to adobe acrobat 
applications similar to adobe acrobat 
applications similar to adobe acrobat 
Good doc/web page that explains type 1 & 3 fonts 
Good doc/web page that explains type 1 & 3 fonts 
Good doc/web page that explains type 1 & 3 fonts 
Good doc/web page that explains type 1 & 3 fonts 
Good doc/web page that explains type 1 & 3 fonts 
Good doc/web page that explains type 1 & 3 fonts 
Good doc/web page that explains type 1 & 3 fonts 
problems inserting graphics (gif,tif,bmp) with pdfLaTeX 
Graphs in .PDF files 
Graphs in .PDF files 
Graphs in .PDF files 

Drawing binary trees 

Date:          Sat, Oct 15 2005 9:26 pm
Groups:        comp.text.tex

Robin Fairbairns wrote:

> >> With PStricks you'll be able to draw trees in any position you want
> >> (and lots of other things too).
> >[snip]
> >I tried to test first sample from "Drawing Trees with PStricks" by Doug
> >Arnold at
> >http://www.essex.ac.uk/linguistics/clmt/latex4ling/trees/pstrees/inde...[]
> >But I have some problem.
> using pstricks, you have either to generate the pstricks stuff
> separately, and convert the resulting stuff to pdf, or you need to use
> latex rather than pdflatex for your whole job, and to use dvips and a
> distiller (ps2pdf, or whatever) to create the final output.

You are right.

# This doesn't work
$ texi2pdf foo.tex
# This does work
$ latex foo.tex
$ dvipdf foo.dvi

Thanks you very much.

Alex Vinokur