Drawing binary trees 

Date:          Sat, Oct 15 2005 9:26 pm
Groups:        comp.text.tex

Robin Fairbairns wrote:

> >> With PStricks you'll be able to draw trees in any position you want
> >> (and lots of other things too).
> >[snip]
> >I tried to test first sample from "Drawing Trees with PStricks" by Doug
> >Arnold at
> >http://www.essex.ac.uk/linguistics/clmt/latex4ling/trees/pstrees/inde...[]
> >But I have some problem.
> using pstricks, you have either to generate the pstricks stuff
> separately, and convert the resulting stuff to pdf, or you need to use
> latex rather than pdflatex for your whole job, and to use dvips and a
> distiller (ps2pdf, or whatever) to create the final output.

You are right.

# This doesn't work
$ texi2pdf foo.tex
# This does work
$ latex foo.tex
$ dvipdf foo.dvi

Thanks you very much.

Alex Vinokur

Convert everything to PDF 

I have to convert several file types (doc,txt,jpg,…, etc) to pdf. After googling and try several solution, i found the best one (I think ..). What i do is, installing "cups-pdf" package and Open Office 2.0, and set default printer for open office to "pdfWriter". Then .., if i want to convert (for example, .doc file) i just type :

ooffice -pt "pdfWriter" /home/wildan/uploads/1138479820proposal.doc

It's no problem.

wildan-maulana Sat 28 Jan 2006

Convert everything to PDF 

> In this URL
> (http://www.talkaboutcomputing.com/group/comp.os.linux.x/messages/200653.html)[],
> i read that i can " running a virtual X server (xvfb) and pointing
> OpenOffice.org to that." but .., honestly, i don'n understand what this
> sentence mean .. Can Anyone help me ? So .., I can convert .doc, .txt , ..,
> even .jpg, to PDF, through PHP ?

I already found the way to do this ; using ooextract.py and OpenOffice service.

You can read it on my blog : http://wildanm.fisika.ui.edu/datakad/blog/?p=49

wildan-maulana Sun 29 Jan 2006

New efficient pdf/ps viewer: Evince 


There is another pdf viewer which started this year. I am using it for few weeks now and… It works very well! Stable, fast and easy to use. Just what i need !

You may want to have a try…

Evince http://www.gnome.org/projects/evince/

From the web site: What is Evince?

Evince is a document viewer for multiple document formats like pdf, postscript, and many others. The goal of evince is to replace the multiple document viewers that exist on the GNOME Desktop, like ggv, gpdf, and xpdf with a single simple application.

pascal_eberhard Apr 14, 2005

Editing PDF forms 

Newsgroups:  gmane.linux.debian.user
Date:        Mon, 27 Sep 2004 15:27:48 -0500
> Does anybody know of a way to edit PDF forms then save the result?

I just checked that again and with the latest Sarge the output looks super. This presumes you start out with a pdf form of some sort…

Get xfig and transfig

use: pstoedit -f "fig:-startdepth 999" <in> <out>%d.fig to generate your .fig files.

These you edit with xfig. Use "T" button to enter text, I usually use helvetica, looks better.

After you save the result (in a dir. that you have write perms to!) use the "export" button in "file" to generate an .eps file. I get better results with a margin of 25.

This you look at with gv and print. Better yet, send it to them and let them print it if they want to.

You save the .fig file and edit it again, or use the original .fig file and edit it differently.

Works great. Adobe is NOT needed and neither is XP to run it. ;-)

Hugo Vanwoerkom

Editing PDF forms 

>>Get xfig and transfig
>>use: pstoedit -f "fig:-startdepth 999" <in> <out>%d.fig to generate your
>>.fig files.

This generates one .fig file for each page in the pdf doc. (That's what that %d does)

> This looks very good, thank you Hugo. Now, I believe that eps files
> are "one page" files. What if the form has multiple pages?

So you end up with one .fig file for each page in the doc. You edit each page the way you do by hand and create an .eps file for each also.


Editing PDF forms 

> What is a .fig file?

Xfig save files by default in its own format in files with .fig at the end. Xfig it is a sort of powerpoint only much much much better since it is vectorial and not scalar. It can easily save in many different formats (eps, ps, pdf, tex, tex+ps, tex+pdf, and bitmap formats).


pdf editing 

> A simple question: what do you use to _edit_ (not create) pdf files?

Not a whole lot. The way that PDF is laid out doesn't lend itself to editing by much of anything. Not even Adobe Acrobrat (full version) for Windoze can do that much to PDFs that Acrobrat didn't generate. That's why things like Pitstop Pro exist.

It *is* possible to use "pdf2ps" and edit the PostScript with a text editor, then use ps2pdf to convert back… but this is not useful in many cases since PostScript is pretty much an output-only language and rather opaque to an end-user.

The best option is to edit the source document (whatever format it's in) and then convert it to PDF using a variety of methods.

Matt G

pdf editing 

> A simple question: what do you use to _edit_ (not create) pdf files?

If you are talking about filling in a form, many forms can be filled in using the Acrobat Reader.

pdf editing 

> A simple question: what do you use to _edit_ (not create) pdf files?

http://www.prepressure.com/pdf/info/editing.htm http://www.globalgraphics.com/software/pdf/pdf_editor.html

or try Google with "edit PDF".

Bob T.

pdf editing 

> http://www.globalgraphics.com/software/pdf/pdf_editor.html[]

This is available only for Windows NT, 2000 & XP.


applications similar to adobe acrobat 

Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc
Date: 24 Mar 2003 19:53:53 GMT
> > adobe acrobat allows the user to make some basic modification on PDF
> > files, (such as adding notes, highlighting, etc.). Is there any
> > similar thing in GNU/Linux?
> I don't think if you can do that.  PDF files are compressed with
> Unisys's proprietary LZW compression patent

No, they aren't. Not all of them, at any rate! If PDFs *had* to have their data stored in LZW format, things like PDFLib wouldn't exist. (PDFLib is a dual-licensed (Aladdin license or commercial, your choice) library for generating PDFs, and you probably have it on your system.) *Generating* PDFs is pretty easy, with PDFLib and similar things. Fitz, go take a look at pdflib.com for the real scoop.

PDF is pretty much a write-only medium from what I have seen. Even the full version of Adobe Acrobat can't really be used to do editing tasks on PDFs because the underlying structure of a PDF is very complex. That's why you have things like Enfocus PitStop (argh) which are plugins for Acrobat that provide the functionality Acrobat should have had in the first place.

Decomposing a PDF into graphics boxes/text boxes/bits and pieces , then translating Adobe's internal format into something else, then providing a user interface for someone to be able to work on all the graphics boxes/text boxes/bits and pieces , then finally putting everything back together into a PDF again—the whole thing is a decidedly nontrivial task. It's better to work in a "native" format (OpenOffice, whatever) as much as possible and save as a PDF only when you're done. Bit of a pain, that.

Matt G

applications similar to adobe acrobat 

> > I'm under the impression that KWord can edit PDF these days. Haven't
> > seen KWord in years, so I don't personally know. I think it was Ark
> > Linux or something that advertised the feature, but maybe it's a true
> > KWord feature.
> Are you referring to the KWord application of KOffice? I checked it just
> now in my RH 8.0 box, it has no support for PDF format at all.

Well, it might be Ark's own Kword hack then, or a very new feature. here's their screenshot page, the last shot boasts pdf in Kword: http://www.arklinux.com/screenshots.php

Juha Siltala

applications similar to adobe acrobat 

> http://www.arklinux.com/screenshots.php[]

Looks interesting. Will give it a try sometime later.

Thanks for pointing out.

Good doc/web page that explains type 1 & 3 fonts 

Newsgroups: comp.text.tex

Where can I find a good introduction document or web page on type 1 & 3 fonts? Their benefits, how to use, step by step installation and sample tex file, etc.

I just learned that .ps files use bitmap fonts and it is device dependent. (http://www.math.hawaii.edu/~ralph/MathOnWeb/TeXPDF.html) The article suggests to use type 1 fonts instead. Are type 3 fonts better than type 1 fonts?


I found the following web pages on type 1 fonts are quite helpful. But they are still not detailed enough to get me started.

Good doc/web page that explains type 1 & 3 fonts 

ps files don't necessarily use bitmap fonts. However, in most free

TeX distributions, dvips uses Type 3 fonts by default. This can be changed by editing the config.ps file.

> The article suggests to use type 1 fonts instead. Are type 3 fonts
> better than type 1 fonts?

The problem with the vast majority of Type 3 fonts is that they target a particular device resolution and look bad at other resolutions. A typical Type 1 font is designed to look good at any resolution.

I use Type 1 fonts whenever possible, for both .ps and .pdf files.


Good doc/web page that explains type 1 & 3 fonts 

> Any web page/document/newsgroup archive that covers how this can be
> done? Do you use CM Type 1 fonts? Do you embed them? ...? Thanks

The UK TeX FAQ mentions command-line options needed to use Type 1 fonts with dvips:


If you want this to be permanent, I think you need to set type1_default=true in your updmap script (texmf/dvips/config/updmap on my teTeX system) and then execute the script to produce various map files.

The above assumes you already have CM Type 1 fonts, which most distributions these days do.


Good doc/web page that explains type 1 & 3 fonts 

From http://www.mit.edu/afs/athena/contrib/tex-contrib/BaKoMa/acm-help.html

You can generate postscript from latex that doesn't contain font descriptions, just font names. Since few tools and no printers come with the computer modern fonts installed, this is strongly discouraged if you are using Computer Modern fonts. If you change the font selection so that you are using fonts such as Times Roman and Helvetica, this is reasonable.

Good doc/web page that explains type 1 & 3 fonts 

From http://www.math.hawaii.edu/~ralph/MathOnWeb/TeXPDF.html

By default, TeX uses bitmapped, `PK' fonts which do not render well in environments where the resolution is not fixed, such as Adobe Acrobat. Therefore, LaTeX authors should use a standard font such as Times Roman in place of TeX's PK. Mathematical formulas and symbols remain in a bitmapped format, but the majority of the text will be in a scalable font. LaTeX authors may direct TeX to use Times Roman fonts by including the `times.sty' style file. For example, the first line might appears as: is that the characters are slightly smaller, so you can fit more text per page.

Good doc/web page that explains type 1 & 3 fonts 

From http://www.wfu.edu/Academic-departments/Economics/ftp/times.htm

The times.sty will not put mathematics into Times: it will still be in Computer Modern. For math, it is hard to get results as good as those obtained with TeX's default fonts. To get good results you will probably have to buy a commercial math font package such as Mathtime from Y&Y. What times.sty does offer you is (a) Times instead of Computer Modern for roman, italic and bold, (b) Helvetica instead of TeX's sans serif font and (c) Courier instead of TeX's typewriter font.

Good doc/web page that explains type 1 & 3 fonts 

From http://www.ieee-infocom.org/2001/latex.html

Use of Times fonts is highly recommended for consistency and readability both on screen and in print.

With LaTeX2e use the command


and with LaTeX 2.09 use the command


You will need the following packages: times.sty, rawfonts.sty.

problems inserting graphics (gif,tif,bmp) with pdfLaTeX 

Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
Date: 2000-11-28 08:40:58 PST
> I have problems inserting images with pdfLaTeX, which I really do not
> understand. I've tried all of gif, tif and bmp formats and always get
> the same error message. I understand that pdfLaTeX can't use bitmap
> files, but the same problem occur with the other formats. on the other
> hand, LaTeX works fine only with the bmp format.
> I use the following syntax:
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{graphicx}
> \DeclareGraphicsRule{.bmp}{bmp}{}{}
> \DeclareGraphicsRule{.tif}{tif}{}{}
> \DeclareGraphicsRule{.gif}{gif}{}{}
> \begin{document}
> %\includegraphics[width=1in,height=.5in]{logoubs.bmp}
> \includegraphics[width=1in,height=.5in]{emu.gif}
> %\includegraphics[width=1in,height=.5in]{1_euro.tif}
> \end{document}
> With LaTeX, I get the following error message:
> ! LaTeX Error: Can not include graphics of type: gif.
> While all graphics formats give me the following error with pdfLaTeX:
> ! Package graphics Error: Division by 0.
> See the graphics package documentation for explanation.
> Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
>  ...
> l.11 ...cs[width=1in,height=.5in]{emu.gif}

Maybe I miss the true meaning of your question. When you pdfLaTeX, all figures must be *.pdf. Otherwise, pdf conversion performs o.k., but figures will be missing.

I think ghostview allows the conversion, although it is not very nice. Acrobat Distiller makes a better job, but you must pay for it.


Graphs in .PDF files 

Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
> My graphs show up nicely in the produced .ps files. Why they don't
> show up in the .pdf version?

Ok, I've prepared a full example:



pdf.pdf produced by:

texi2pdf -p pdf.tex

The pdf.log file:

 File: knn-f1.ps Graphic file (type eps)
 Overfull \hbox (19.90765pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 6--9
\OT1/cmr/m/n/12 before []
Non-PDF special ignored!] (pdf.aux) )
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:

pdflatex gives the same result: empty graph.

Graphs in .PDF files 

> Ok, I've prepared a full example:

Searching in the archive with right words bring me to the right place. According to Sebastian:

| > Have a look at the user guide for pdflatex and at epslatex.
| it seems this is one of the MOST asked
| questions on this group.
| Take a look at
| http://groups.google.com/groups?q=pdflatex+eps+group:comp.text.tex[]

Graphs in .PDF files 

> The line to include graph: (works for dvi & ps)
> \includegraphics[width=5in]{HOPE.02.top.eps}

You need to convert the eps file to a pdf file using

epstopdf HOPE.02.top.eps

Then get the bounding box with

ebb HOPE.02.top.pdf

Finally, include the pdf file in your tex file


Winston Chan