UseModWiki - Wiki Text Formatting Rules
Simple editing is one of the major benefits of using a wiki. Users can edit
pages without knowing HTML, and still use many formatting features of
HTML. Most wikis define a set of formatting rules to convert plain text into
HTML. Some wikis (like this one) also allow some HTML "tags", like <b>, <i>,
and <pre> within a page.
Entering text on a wiki can be done simply. Follow these guidelines:
Carriage returns (ie pressing the Enter key) are significant in formatting a wiki page
Multiple spaces and tabs are ignored
use '' (two single-quotes) for italics, ''' (three single-quotes) for bold, and ''''' (five single-quotes) for bold-italics. Alternatively, use tags <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i>
Use tag <tt>for monospace text</tt>
The first character entered on a line often controls the formatting of the text on that line (shades of Fortran), in brief (see below and sub pages for details):
o " " space causes text to appear in a monospaced font where spaces are significant
o ":" colon causes text to be indented
o "=" equals - followed by a space - creates a heading, a trailing "=" - preceded by a space - is required
o "*" asterisk creates a bulleted list
o "#" hash creates a numbered list
o ";" semicolon creates a definition list, a ":" colon is required subsequently on the same line
o "----" four hyphens creates a horizontal line
o "||" vertical bar creates a table (requires a table patch for versions prior to 1.0, eg WikiPatches/TableSyntaxCommonMarkup).
Repetition of the first character on the line generally increases the indentation or emphasis
Leave a single blank line between paragraphs.
Suppress wiki formatting and linking through escaped WikiWiki text — <nowiki>WikiWiki</nowiki>
Insert an image using a full URL, eg
Simple lists:
Text for a bulleted list item.
* Text for second-level list.
** Text for third level, etc.
..which looks like:
Text for a bulleted list item.
o Text for second-level list.
+ Text for third level, etc.
# Text for a numbered list item.
## Text for second-level list.
### Text for third level, etc.
## Another Text for the second level.
..which looks like:
Text for a numbered list item.
Text for second-level list.
Text for third level, etc.
Another Text for the second level.
: Text to be indented (quote-block)
:: Text indented more
::: Text indented to third level
Example 1. ..which looks like:
Text to be indented (quote-block)
Text indented more
Text indented to third level
Term with indented definition: [without a blank line between term and definition]
;Term:Definition (indented)
;;Term (indented):Definition (indented two levels)
;;;Term (indented twice):Definition (indented to third level)
..which looks like: Term
Definition (indented)
Term (indented)
Definition (indented two levels)
Term (indented twice)
Definition (indented to third level)
Individual lines can be displayed as preformatted (fixed-width or
"typewriter"-font) text by placing one or more spaces at the start of the
line. Other wiki formatting (like links) will be applied to this kind of
preformatted text.
Additionally, multi-line sections can be marked as pre-formatted text using
lines starting with <pre> (to start pre-formatted text), and </pre> (to end
preformatted text). The <pre> and </pre> tags are not displayed. Wiki links
and other formatting is not done within a preformatted section. (If you want
wiki formatting, use spaces at the start of the line instead of the <pre>
and </pre> tags.)
> How can I create a comment in UseModWiki? I want to place a comment in a
> Wiki, not shown on the generated HTML page.
There is no way to add invisible comments in UseModWiki. (Some other wikis
allow HTML-style comments, but not UseModWiki.) — CliffordAdams