Gimp Usage Tutorial

Table of Contents

Grokking the GIMP - Learning Advanced Image Editing Techniques 
Grokking the GIMP - Learning Advanced Image Editing Techniques 
Red Eye Removal 
Sketch effect 
Creating A Web Plaque: A GIMP Tutorial 
Making the plaque surface 
Section 3: Making 3D text 
Section 4: Finishing Up 
Tips for using The GIMP 

Grokking the GIMP - Learning Advanced Image Editing Techniques 

  • Package name : grokking-the-gimp Version : 1.0 Upstream Author : Carey Bunks <>
  • URL :
  • License : Open Publication License Description : Grokking the GIMP is the online version of Carey Bunks' GIMP tutorial book.

This is the HTML version of "Grokking the GIMP", an excellent introduction to the GIMP and to image processing in general. It covers the basic GIMP tools, layers, selections, masks, color spaces, color manipulations, photo touchup and enhancement, compositing, shadows, punchouts, bevels, and how to use the GIMP to create online content (animated GIFs, clickable image maps etc).

"Grokking the GIMP" is very readable and includes lots of example graphics.

Grokking the GIMP - Learning Advanced Image Editing Techniques 

debfoster grokking-the-gimp
