
Basic Info 


export CDR_DEVICE=0,0,0
export CDR_DEVICE='0,1,0 --driver generic-mmc-raw'
# to burn a bin/cue image
cdrdao write --eject --device $CDR_DEVICE --speed 16 "$ToBurn"
# to make a bin/cue image
rm -f $iname.bin $iname.toc; time cdrdao read-cd --device $CDR_DEVICE --speed 48 --datafile $iname.bin $iname.toc
time cdrdao write --eject --device $CDR_DEVICE --speed 16 "$iname.toc"; rm -f $iname.toc
time cdrdao copy --eject --source-device 0,1,0 --source-driver generic-mmc-raw --device 0,0,0 --speed 16

NB, that it ignore the 'L-EC error' by default.


Disk-At-Once Recording of Audio and Data CD-Rs/CD-RWs



Cdrdao records audio or data CD-Rs in disk-at-once (DAO) mode based on a textual description of the CD contents.

Advantages of Disk-At-Once (DAO) Recording 

Recording in disk-at-once mode writes the complete disc, i.e. lead-in, one or more tracks and lead-out, in a single step. The commonly used track-at-once (TAO) mode writes each track independently which requires link blocks between two tracks. Older CD-recorder models forced a two second pause (pre-gap) between two tracks whereas newer models allow adjusting of the pause length in TAO mode reducing the number of link blocks to a minimal amount. However, with TAO it is generally not possible to define the data that is written in pre-gaps. But exactly this feature makes audio CD recording interesting, e.g. by creating hidden bonus tracks or track intros in pre-gaps like it is common habit on commercial CDs.

Finally, DAO recording is the only way to write data to the unused R-W sub-channels for e.g. CD-G or CD-TEXT.




track mode 

Starts a new track, the track number is incremented by 1. The length of a track must be at least 4 seconds.

The block length of the input data depends on the <track-mode>:

AUDIO: 2352 bytes (588 samples),
MODE1: 2048 bytes,
MODE1_RAW: 2352 bytes,
MODE2: 2336 bytes,
MODE2_FORM1: 2048 bytes,
MODE2_FORM2: 2324 bytes,
MODE2_FORM_MIX: 2336 bytes including the sub-header,
MODE2_RAW: 2352 bytes.

The <sub-channel-mode> is optional. If given it specifies the type of sub-channel data for each sector. RW: packed R-W sub-channel data (96 bytes, L-EC data will be generated if required), RW_RAW: raw R-W sub-channel data (interleaved and L-EC data already calculated, 96 bytes).

The block length is increased by the sub-channel data length if a <sub-channel-mode> is specified. If the input data length is not a multiple of the block length it will be padded with zeros.

At least one of the following statements must appear to specify the data for the current track. Lengths and start positions may be expressed in samples (1/44100 seconds) for audio tracks or in bytes for data tracks. It is also possible to give the length in blocks with the MSF format 'MM:SS:FF' specifying minutes, seconds and frames (0 <= 'FF' < 75) . A frame equals one block.

permission to setup real time scheduling 

> "WARNING: No super user permission to setup real time scheduling."
> Where can i set the permessions?

You have to setuid root your cdrdao binary to get rid of this:

> chmod u+s /usr/bin/cdrdao
> ls -l /usr/bin/cdrdao
-rwsr-xr-x   1 root   root   532292 Oct 16 01:58 /usr/bin/cdrdao

Joern Reder

Version 1.1.8 

Test Run 

% cdrdao write --device $CDR_DEVICE test.cue
Cdrdao version 1.1.8 - (C) Andreas Mueller <>
 SCSI interface library - (C) Joerg Schilling
 Paranoia DAE library - (C) Monty
Check for current driver tables.
Using libscg version 'schily-0.8'
0,0,0: SONY CD-RW  CRX195E1     Rev: ZYS5
WARNING: Cannot read driver table from file "/usr/share/cdrdao/drivers" - using built-in table.
Using driver: Generic SCSI-3/MMC (raw writing) - Version 2.0 (options 0x0000)
Starting write at speed 4...
Pausing 10 seconds - hit CTRL-C to abort.
Process can be aborted with QUIT signal (usually CTRL-\).
Turning BURN-Proof on
Enabling JustSpeed.
Using 16 byte P-Q sub-channel data mode.
Executing power calibration...
Power calibration successful.
Writing lead-in and gap...
Writing track 01 (mode MODE1/AUDIO )...
Wrote 1 of 565 MB (Buffers 100%  99%).
Wrote 2 of 565 MB (Buffers 100%  99%).
Wrote 564 of 565 MB (Buffers 100%  99%).
Wrote 565 of 565 MB (Buffers 100%  99%).
Wrote 251907 blocks. Buffer fill min 100%/max 100%.
Writing lead-out...
Wrote 15 of 15 MB.
Flushing cache...
Writing finished successfully.

documented on: 2004.04.11

% cdrdao read-cd --device $CDR_DEVICE test.toc
Cdrdao version 1.1.8 - (C) Andreas Mueller <>
Using libscg version 'schily-0.8'
0,0,0: SONY CD-RW  CRX195E1     Rev: ZYS5
WARNING: Cannot read driver table from file "/usr/share/cdrdao/drivers" - using built-in table.
Using driver: Generic SCSI-3/MMC (raw writing) - Version 2.0 (options 0x0000)
Reading toc and track data...
Track   Mode    Flags  Start                Length
 1      DATA    4      00:00:00(     0)     00:20:00(  1500)
 2      DATA    4      00:20:00(  1500)     00:21:46(  1621)
 3      DATA    4      00:41:46(  3121)     00:06:27(   477)
 4      DATA    4      00:47:73(  3598)     00:06:22(   472) 5      DATA    4      00:54:20(  4070)     01:55:36(  8661)
 6      DATA    4      02:49:56( 12731)     01:05:04(  4879)
 7      DATA    4      03:54:60( 17610)     00:06:22(   472) 8      DATA    4      04:01:07( 18082)     36:49:29(165704)
 9      DATA    4      40:50:36(183786)     00:06:27(   477)10      DATA    4      40:56:63(184263)     00:54:68(  4118)
Leadout DATA    4      41:51:56(188381)
PQ sub-channel reading (data track) is supported, data format is BCD.
Raw P-W sub-channel reading (data track) is supported.
Cooked R-W sub-channel reading (data track) is supported.
Copying data track 1 (MODE2_FORM_MIX): start 00:00:00, length 00:20:00 to "data.bin"...
Copying data track 2 (MODE2_FORM_MIX): start 00:20:00, length 00:21:46 to "data.bin"...
Copying data track 3 (MODE2_FORM_MIX): start 00:41:46, length 00:06:27 to "data.bin"...
Copying data track 7 (MODE2_FORM_MIX): start 03:54:60, length 00:06:22 to "data.bin".
Copying data track 8 (MODE2_FORM_MIX): start 04:01:07, length 36:49:29 to "data.bin".
Copying data track 9 (MODE2_FORM_MIX): start 40:50:36, length 00:06:27 to "data.bin".
Copying data track 10 (MODE2_FORM_MIX): start 40:56:63, length 00:54:68 to "data.bin"
Reading of toc and track data finished successfully.
$ cdrdao copy --eject --source-device 0,1,0 --source-driver generic-mmc-raw --device 0,0,0 --speed 16
0,0,0: SONY CD-RW  CRX195E1     Rev: ZYS5
WARNING: Cannot read driver table from file "/usr/share/cdrdao/drivers" - using built-in table.
Using driver: Generic SCSI-3/MMC (raw writing) - Version 2.0 (options 0x0000)
0,1,0: Toshiba DVD-ROM SD-M1712 Rev: 1808
Using driver: Generic SCSI-3/MMC (raw writing) - Version 2.0 (options 0x0000)
Starting CD copy at speed 16...
Track   Mode    Flags  Start                Length
 1      DATA    4      00:00:00(     0)     00:14:00(  1050)
 2      DATA    4      00:14:00(  1050)     00:14:17(  1067)
 3      DATA    4      00:28:17(  2117)     46:52:16(210916)
Leadout DATA    4      47:20:33(213033)
PQ sub-channel reading (data track) is supported, data format is BCD.
Raw P-W sub-channel reading (data track) is supported.
Copying data track 1 (MODE2_RAW): start 00:00:00, length 00:14:00 to "cddata4118.bin"...
Copying data track 2 (MODE2_RAW): start 00:14:00, length 00:14:17 to "cddata4118.bin"...
Copying data track 3 (MODE2_RAW): start 00:28:17, length 46:52:16 to "cddata4118.bin"...
Turning BURN-Proof on
Enabling JustSpeed.
Using 16 byte P-Q sub-channel data mode.
Executing power calibration...
Power calibration successful.
Writing lead-in and gap...
Writing track 01 (mode MODE2_RAW/AUDIO )...
Wrote 1 of 477 MB (Buffers 100%  97%).

L-EC error 

PQ sub-channel reading (data track) is supported, data format is BCD.
Raw P-W sub-channel reading (data track) is supported.
Cooked R-W sub-channel reading (data track) is supported.
Copying data track 1 (MODE2_FORM_MIX): start 00:00:00, length 00:14:00 to "wyn.bin"...
ERROR: L-EC error around sector 884 while copying data from track.
ERROR: Use option '--read-raw' to ignore L-EC errors.
$ cdrdao read-cd --device $CDR_DEVICE --read-raw --datafile $iname.bin $iname.toc
Cooked R-W sub-channel reading (data track) is supported.
Copying data track 1 (MODE2_RAW): start 00:00:00, length 00:14:00 to "wyn.bin"...
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 898 - ignored.
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 899 - ignored.
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 900 - ignored.
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 901 - ignored.
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 902 - ignored.
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 903 - ignored.
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 904 - ignored.
Copying data track 2 (MODE2_RAW): start 00:14:00, length 00:08:52 to "wyn.bin"...
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 1550 - ignored.
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 1551 - ignored.
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 1552 - ignored.
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 1553 - ignored.
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 1554 - ignored.
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 1555 - ignored.
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 1556 - ignored.




mdf2iso is a very simple utility to convert an Alcohol 120% bin image to the standard ISO-9660 format, cue sheets, or TOC file.


iGnus is a graphical frontend for Libburn, it's based on the GTK+ 2 b5i2iso is BlindWrite image to ISO image file converter cdi2iso is a very simple utility to convert DiscJuggler image to the standard ISO-9660 format.


0.3    2005-05-22
0.2.2  2005-03-29
0.2.1  2004-12-09
0.2    2004-12-06

CD ripping & burning 

xiando, V.1.0.0 — 2004-03-30 v1.1.3 (en), xiando — 2004.08.18

The lastest version of this document is available at

Hints on ripping and burning data, audio and special (like PSX) CDs

  1. General information / required configuration

  2. Ripping, copying and burning normals CDs or ISOs

    • 2.1. Data CDs / working with iso images o 2.1.1. Rip data-cds o 2.1.2. Burn data-cds o 2.1.3. Mouting ISO Images o 2.1.4. Mounting / converting cue/bin images o 2.1.5. Windows users should use DAEMON Tools to mount .iso and .bin o 2.1.6. Nero .nrg archives

    • 2.2. Audio CDs

  3. Rip / Copy Multitrack Cd's (cue/bin, Playstation)

  4. Smoother CD burning using ccache

  5. CD Image Format Guide

    • 5.1. iso images

    • 5.2. .cue/.bin pairs

    • 5.3. CloneCD .ccd/.img/.sub

    • 5.4. .nrg

CD Image Format Guide 

The standard for CD images is called .iso.

iso images 

iso is a very common standard. If you download a file called .iso then you will be able to burn it with any standard cdrecording tool like k3b.

.cue/.bin pairs 

These files come in pair. .bin is the large actual cd image and the .cue is a small description on how to burn it.

cdrdao write --eject --speed 16 --device 0,3,0 --driver generic-mmc filename.cue

Common tools like k3b supports .cue/.bin pairs.

Capital letter warning

When asking programs to burn a .cue file they will look for a matching .bin file. If the filename uses capital letters (image pair FILEONE.BIN & FILEONE.CUE) this may fail because the program will look for FILENAME.bin instead of FILENAME.BIN. Rename the file if you run into this problem.

CloneCD .ccd/.img/.sub 

A Windows tool called CloneCD is commonly used to burn backups of Playstaion and other copyprotected CDs.

CloneCD rips an image consisting of three files .ccd/.img/.sub, usually distributed archived as zip or rar. The .img is the CD data, the .cdd looks like a .cue and the .sub may contain extra information on specially marked sectors.

Sad to say these files can not be burned perfectly under Linux. You have to alternatives:

  1. Download the Clone-CD to ISO converter ccd2iso

    • Download now: ccd2iso-0.1.tar.gz (200 kb)

  2. Burn with cdrdao and use the .img as .bin, .cdd as .cue and ignore the .sub. This may work correct.


Nero image files, made with and for the Windows program called Nero.

nrg is a non-standard variant of the common .iso format. Images with only

one track can be burned as usual (like .img).

When trying to burn multitrack .nrg images like .isos you will only get the first track recorded!

CD image formats


A .bin and .cue files are a "raw" CD-ROM format, with all the "extra" information between the sectors (without going into too much detail). The .bin file contains all the tracks (1 or more), and the .cue file tells how the .bin file is laid out. The .cue file is a text file, and you may need to edit the dos filenames contained in it. The .bin and .cue files can be generated with cdrdao for Linux, or cdrwin for windows. If you have a "copy protected" CD, A CD with more than 1 track, or a CD with audio tracks, then a bin/cue is probably the best image type.


iso is short for ISO9660, which defines the layout of a "standard"

cdrom. Most .iso images are really an extension to ISO9660, like Rock Ridge, Romeo, Joliet. (Romeo, and Joliet are microslop extension to ISO9660, Romeo is 128 character file names, all upper(or lower)case, and Joliet is 64 character "unicode" (double byte) filenames.) Rock Ridge is an extension to ISO9660 to make it more "unix friendly", which includes, permissions, ownership, and case sensitive "long" filenames.

Which is better, a bin/cue image or an .iso image? 

In most cases an .iso is better because it is smaller, but if you have a copy-protected CD, or a CD with more than 1 track, then you'll most likely have to use a bin/cue format.

How do I convert a bin/cue image into an .iso image? 

There is a program called binchunker (the executeable is called bchunk). Sometimes you'll run into a bin/cue that won't convert into an .iso properly (like the 2nd CD for Kylix, and I have a patch to fix that. If you run into a bin/cue that is 2048 bytes per sector, then you can treat that .bin just like an .iso.

Quick Command Reference 

# How do I make a bin/cue image? cdrdao copy —source-device 0,3,0 —speed 24 toc-name

# How do I burn a bin/cue image to a CD-ROM? cdrdao write —device 0,3,0 —speed 8 filename.cue If this don't work, then you'll need to read the docs that came with cdrdao.

documented on: 2004.04.07

Burning a CDROM from a bin/cue file

To burn a bin/cue (or bin/toc), use the 'cdrdao' command. Make sure that both the bin and cue files are in your current directory (you see them when typing ls) when you invoke this command.

Type man cdrdao to see all options. Also see the section below on 'common options for cdrdao'.

cdrdao will turn on burnproof/burnfree automagically if it is available on your CD recorder.

Burning under kernel version 2.4 or less 

Assuming you set up ide-scsi setup for your 2.4 (or less) kernel as described in IDE_CD_Writer, you could now invoke cdrdao as follows:

cdrdao write --device 0,0,0 --driver generic-mmc --speed 16 NameOfCUEOrTOCFile

Burning under kernel version 2.6 or higher 

cdrdao write --device ATAPI:0,0,0 --driver generic-mmc --speed 16 NameOfCUEOrTOCFile

Common options for cdrdao 

See also here for a simple script to generate such a file.

Mounting a BIN/CUE or IMG/CUE file 

To mount a BIN/CUE or IMG/CUE file you can use the 'cdemu' kernel module.

documented on: 2004.04.08

Mount ISO image 


Mount ISO Image is an advanced script which allows to perform multiple operations with ISO, NRG (Nero Burning ROM), UDF (DVD), CUE/BIN, CCD/IMG/SUB (CloneCD), XDVDFS (XBOX) images.



Version: 0.9
Submitted: 03/25/2004, 16:12
Updated: 05/24/2004, 4:15

Mount ISO Image is an advanced script that makes it possible to perform multiple operations with ISO, NRG (Nero Burning ROM), UDF (DVD), CUE/BIN, CCD/IMG/SUB (CloneCD), and XDVDFS (XBOX) images. It can mount and unmount ISO, NRG, and CUE/BIN images, create ISO, UDF, and XDVDFS images from folders and CDROMs, calculate the MD5 sum for images, and convert CUE/BIN, NRG, and CloneCD images to ISO.



bchunk (to convert CUE/BIN image to ISO)
CDemu Kernel Module for Linux (to mount CUE/BIN images)
ccd2iso (to convert CloneCD image to a standard ISO)
extract-xiso (to create XDVDFS (XBOX) image from directory)

Mount ISO (support CloneCD files CCD/IMG/SUB)

Submitted By: serverleader Date Submitted: 5/2/2004 7:54 pm Status: Approved

This script allows you to mount ISO images. Script will create a folder on the desktop, where the iso image will be mounted to. You can mount several ISO images at the same time. The corresponding folder will be deleted automatically after unmounting.

Mount ISO image servicemenu can be used in two different ways: using kdesu or sudo. During the installation you'll be offered to choose a variant to use.

0.7 - Thursday 29 April 2004

  1. Support for CloneCD (CCD/IMG/SUB files) - custom MIME type was added, so you can right-click a cue file (".CCD") and convert the image file (".IMG") to a standard ISO.

This feature requires 'ccd2iso' utility, available here:

If it is not installed on your system, you will need to compile it from source or find a suitable package.

  1. Added support for DVD ISO images (UDF format). Now you can mount them (like normal ISO's) and create such images from directories.



Detail Help 

Mount/unmount operations can be performed in two different ways: using kdesu or sudo. During the installation you'll be offered to choose a variant to use. Note: If you prefer to use sudo, you should first choose to "Setup sudo config" in installation menu.

ISO9660 (CD) and UDF (DVD) images 

Right-click an ".ISO" file and choose "Actions -> Manage ISO -> Mount Image". Image file will be mounted to folder on Desktop, the corresponding folder will be opened and raised.


Right-click an ".ISO" file and choose "Actions -> Manage ISO -> Unmount Image". The corresponding folder will be removed from the desktop automagically.

Calculate MD5 sum

Right-click an ".ISO" file, choose "Actions -> Manage ISO -> Calculate MD5 sum" and wait for completion - it may take several minutes for a standard 650 Mb image on a slow machine.

Create ISO/UDF image from directory

Right-click a folder that you wish an ISO or UDF image to be created from and choose "Actions -> Manage ISO -> Create ISO (or UDF) image". Image will be created either in parent directory of this folder (if user is allowed to write there) or on the Desktop. Warning: Check if you have enough free space on target partition before creating an ISO!

Create ISO/UDF image from CD/DVD drive

Right-click any suitable directory (resulting file will be stored there), select "Actions -> Manage ISO -> Create ISO-image from CD-ROM" and select the name of ISO image in the filename selection dialog. If it suggests you put the resulting image on the Desktop instead of the selected directory, it means that current user has no permission to write in this directory. Note: This feature requires a working CD/DVD drive Warning: Check if you have enough free space on target partition before creating an ISO!

NRG (Nero Burning ROM) images 

Right-click an ".NRG" file and choose "Actions -> Manage NRG -> Mount Image". Image file will be mounted to folder on Desktop, the corresponding folder will be opened and raised.


Right-click an ".NRG" file and choose "Actions -> Manage NRG -> Unmount Image". The corresponding folder will be removed from the desktop automagically. You can also right-click this very folder on your to unmount.

Calculate MD5 sum

Right-click an ".NRG" file, choose "Actions -> Manage NRG -> Calculate MD5 sum" and wait for completion - it may take several minutes for a standard 650 Mb image on a slow machine.

Convert NRG image to ISO

Right-click an ".NRG" file and choose "Actions -> Manage NRG -> Convert to ISO" to convert the image to a standard ISO. Warning: Check if you have enough free space before converting!

CUE/BIN images 

Right-click a ".CUE" file and choose "Actions -> Manage CUE/BIN -> Mount Image". Image file will be mounted to folder on Desktop, the corresponding folder will be opened and raised. Note: This feature requires the use of 'cdemu' utility, available here: If it is not installed on your system, you will need to compile it from source or find a suitable package.


Right-click a ".CUE" file and choose "Actions -> Manage CUE/BIN -> Unmount Image". The corresponding folder will be removed from the desktop automagically. You can also right-click this very folder on your to unmount.

Convert CUE/BIN image to ISO

Right-click a ".CUE" file and choose "Actions -> Manage CUE/BIN -> Convert to ISO" to convert the image to a standard ISO. Note: This feature requires 'bchunk' utility, available here: If it is not installed on your system, you will need to compile it from source or find a suitable package. NB: Check if you have enough free space before converting!

CCD/IMG/SUB (CloneCD) images 
Convert CloneCD image to ISO

Right-click a ".CCD" file and choose "Actions -> Manage CloneCD -> Convert to ISO" to convert the image to a standard ISO. Note: This feature requires 'ccd2iso' utility, available here: If it is not installed on your system, you will need to compile it from source or find a suitable package. Warning: Check if you have enough free space before converting!

XDVDFS (XBOX) images 
Create XDVDFS image from directory

Right-click a folder that you wish an XDVDFS image to be created from and choose "Actions -> Manage ISO -> Create XDVDFS image". Image will be created either in parent directory of this folder (if user is allowed to write there) or on the Desktop. Note: This feature requires 'extract-xiso' utility, available here: Warning: Check if you have enough free space on target partition before creating an ISO!



bchunk <image.bin> <image.cue> <basename>


bchunk - A CD image format converter from bin/cue to iso/cdr/wav


default debian package


bchunk converts a CD image in a ".bin / .cue" format (sometimes ".raw / .cue") to a set of .iso and .cdr tracks.

Test Run 

$ bchunk xpd-myjohnson1.bin xpd-myjohnson1.cue xpd-myjohnson1
Reading the CUE file:
Track  1: MODE2/2352    01 00:00:00
Track  2: MODE2/2352    01 00:06:00
Track  3: MODE2/2352    01 00:32:24
Writing tracks:
1: xpd-myjohnson101.iso    0/0    MB  [********************] 100 %
2: xpd-myjohnson102.iso    3/3    MB  [********************] 100 %
3: xpd-myjohnson103.iso  696/696  MB  [********************] 100 %
mount -t iso9660 -o loop xpd-myjohnson103.iso /mnt/tmp1
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,
       or too many mounted file systems

documented on: 2004.08.01

cdemu — CD drive emulator for Linux

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

cdemu — CD drive emulator for Linux 

> This is primarily useful for watching an SVCD

MPlayer can play the movie right along from the bin, and probalbly others as well can do it.

> or mounting the data track of a bin/cue CD image without burning
> the data to a real CD.
 I think more people use .iso, which can be mounted on loopback, also
maybe .bin is also mountable, but cdfs which is already a part of
Debian, would help here.


cdemu — CD drive emulator for Linux 

> > I always performed these tasks using a loopback device:
> >
> >    mount -o loop /path/to/cdimage /cdrom
> >
> > Does CDemu offer any additional functionality over loopback devices?
> I doubt the usual loopback mounts can handle bin/cue files.

bchunk is your friend to convert them to normal ISOs

Nikolai Prokoschenko

You can now mount bin/cue files! Daemon tools equivalent!

I've read several threads about bin/cue files whilst trying to find out how to mount bin/cue files in linux - like daemon tools does in Windows. I found out how…

But first - why do so many people think bin files are so many different things!?? I've seen numerous times people just saying "use 'mount -t iso9660 some.bin /some/dir'" - this is crap! (in most circumstances…)

So i'd like to set the record straight:

bin/cue files are paired.

Now for some useful info! The linux mount command will not mount a bin file. If you can mount a particular bin file then its an .iso file with a .bin extension. In my searches, I came across several handy utilities:

isodump - get it here: [url]/url

isodump will dump iso images from bin (CloneCD img) files. Its not perfect, and failed on one or two i tested.

cdfs - get it here: [url]/url

cdfs is a file system kernel module. You can use it instead of iso9660 when you mount cds. It will show all the tracks on a cd as files in the mounted directory, i.e. A data cd may show a single .iso file, an audio cd will show some .wav files (yes, it adds the WAV header!!), and a mixed cd may show an .iso file and an apple hfs image, and some .wav files…! This thing rocks!!

And now for what you've all been waiting for - cdemu. This is another kernel module, but this one creates virtual cd drives, just like daemon tools. A userspace program allows you to link a bin/cue file pair to a virtual cd device, and then simply use the linux mount command to mount the virtual cd!! Oh yeah, its here: [url]/url

So, now you CAN mount .bin files!!!!

Richard Wellstead [url]/url

You can now mount bin/cue files! Daemon tools equivalent! 

also bin2iso can attempt to recreate cue files for single track data cds.


You can now mount bin/cue files! Daemon tools equivalent! 

Just a tip.. If you have a SVCD thats in bin/cue format just use MPlayer to watch it.. no need to burn or mount…

mplayer movie.bin

whamma.. your in


You can now mount bin/cue files! Daemon tools equivalent! 

For the record, I came across the following problems with cdemu: use the latest version, cdemu-0.5.3. If you're using Slackware 9.0, create a new directory for the cdemu.o module: [b]mkdir /lib/modules/2.4.20/misc[/b].

After you untar, make && make install it, run the [b][/b] script included with the source. insmod the cdemu.o module (and edit your distro's init.d/rc.d modules file to insmod it on boot). Use cdemu as follows: [b]cdemu 0 foo.cue[/b]; this assigns the file foo.cue to device /dev/cdemu/0. You can use up to 8 devices (ie. /dev/cdemu/0-7).

Next, untar, compile, make && make install the cdfs module and insmod it (edit your init.d/rc.d modules file). Now you can mount the cdemu image as follows: [b]mount -t cdfs -o loop /dev/cdemu/0 /mnt/cdfs[/b], where /mnt/cdfs is your mount point.

You can also use cdfs to mount an actual mode2 SVCD as follows: mount -t cdfs /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdfs.

In using cdemu and cdfs, however, I found that although I could navigate the *.bin filesystem, I was unsuccessful in extracting the mpeg2 file. I found that bchunk and bin2iso were also unsuccessful in extracting the mpeg2 file.

I then tried [b]vcdgear[/b] for linux, and it extracted the mpeg2 file perfectly: [url]/url

D'oh; I spent all that time on cdemu and cdfs; oh well, hope this helps someone.




I'm no longer supporting this. I hope somebody can step forward and take over. Whoever does, please let me know, and I'll put a link here for you.


For all you people without a .cue, try this:

bin2iso new.cue -c your.bin
bin2iso new.cue

The first line attempts to make a .cue. This works well for single data track cd's, but not so well for audio or multi track cds. So I'd try a Re-writable first…

I finally got a CDRWIN supported CDR drive, so I'm releasing bin2iso to the public. The 19b zip file and bin2iso19b.c file are available below. Have fun.

Bin2iso Links:

bin2iso v1.7 bin2iso v1.8b bin2iso v1.9b bin2iso v1.9b c file readme And for those linux people… bin2iso v1.9b for linux

Forbidden You don't have permission to access /~doiron/bin2iso/linux/ on this server.

bin2iso rpm

documented on: 2004.04.07

How to convert a BIN file to an ISO file 


This article introduced a Windows GUI-based executable that convert a
BIN file (without having the CUE file) to an ISO file.

Last Updated June 8, 2003

So you downloaded a BIN file for burning a CD … but the CUE file is missing …

In this article I'll show you how simple it is to convert a BIN file (without having the CUE file) to an ISO file. A BIN file, as is a ISO file, is basically a complete image of a CD-Rom. The problem with BIN files is that they appear to be useless without the appropriate CUE file.

We will use a program called BIN2ISO (by Tommy R. Lund) which you'll find on the Download page.

Note: Read the disclaimer! Copying copyrighted CD's is in most countires illegal!!

Thanks to Hans van Helden for the tip!

Getting BIN2ISO 

The first step is to download the BIN2ISO application from the Download page. The downloaded file ( must be extracted using either WinZip or WinRar.

After extraction, double click the BIN2ISO.EXE file. This window now appears;

BIN2ISO: Start window BIN2ISO: Start window

Convert BIN to ISO 

As we already mentioned in the header of this page; a BIN file can only be burned to CD if the required CUE file is also included (for example by using Nero, see: How to burn a BIN/CUE to CD using Nero). Without the CUE file, this appears to be impossible. Well, with the application BIN2ISO this is extremely easy by converting only the BIN file to an ISO file. This can also be usefull in case you CD-writer software is incapable of burning BIN/CUE's.

The ISO file can be burned with Nero (see: Burn ISO files with Nero).

Click the little folder icon next to the "Open in:" field (see 1) in the screenshot below. Use the upcoming dialog to select the desired BIN file.

BIN2ISO will use the same file namefor the ISO file. Only replaceing the BIN extension with the ISO extension. Optionally you can enter a different name manually (2).

BIN2ISO: Choose the BIN file to convert BIN2ISO: Choose the BIN file to convert

The final step (it really cannot be done any easier) is done by clicking the "Process" button (3). Now it'sa matter of waiting a few minutes. Below the buttons "Process" and "Quit" you will see the progress.

Once the ISO file is completed, use (for example) Nero to burn an ISO to CD.

MDF/MDS files 

IMG FORMAT:MDF/MDS (alcohol 120)

Converting a .MDF image to ISO

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2004

Downloading from the newsgroups i have a image that is in .mdf format and has a "cue" file of .mds

If it were a .bin and .cue file i would simply run bchunck on it to convert it to a ISO so that i could burn the image.

I am having no luck finding a application that will convert the .mdf image to a ISO. Anyone here every had any experiance with this type, or know what to run on it to convert?

NB, no answer.

documented on: 2004.10.04

File Extension Details for .MDS

 Extension: MDS
Program and/or Extension Function: Media Descriptor CD Image File

Specific Notes

This file is used by several different programs. It generally is found with an .ISO CD image file and is the equivalent of what a .CUE file is to a .BIN image.

Google Linux 

NB, searching in Google Linux on the following term resulted no hits:

"Media Descriptor" .MDS "Media Descriptor" "CD Image"

Searched the web for "Media Descriptor" dvd. Results 1 - 10 of about 15.

documented on: 2004.10.04