UNIX commands web pages 

> Know of any web pages that have a very thorough listing of UNIX commands ?

Look at the official Unix site. All man pages are on line :




documented on: 1999.09.01 Wed 14:23:58

Site for a handy manual for Bourne Shell 

> Is there a site where i could download a manual about script
> programming. This must be for beginners and also for experience persons.

http://hal9000.netfirms.com/shtut/bourne.txt (probably not for beginners though)


Site for a handy manual for Bourne Shell 

http://nacphy.physics.orst.edu/rubin/melanie/node144.html http://www.ocean.odu.edu/ug/shell_help.html http://www.oase-shareware.org/shell/ http://www.cs.oberlin.edu/students/public/unixhelp-local/top.html

There's a few places to start anyway


Shell Programming introduction 

> i'm looking for a free introduction for shell programming.

At the "SHELLdorado" there are many of them:



documented on: 1999.09.23 Thu 15:12:17

free online UNIX courses 

>For those who are interested, there are series of free
>web based UNIX courses available at
>     http://www.freeedu.com/unix[]
>    (Yes. It's free. The website based its revenue income
>     from advertisement sponsorship.)

Unfortunately this site requires you to have flash player installed. Sometimes bandwidth is more important then well … flash.

bellenot <At/> math.fsu.edu

free online UNIX courses 

And it doesn't work at all with lynx. Therefore useless as far as I am concerned.


documented on: 2000.08.25 Fri 20:23:10


In the mean time, here is a link to an html-ized version (145K) <http://www.netline.com/yabl/list.html> of YABL. This one is still missing alot of good books, but stay tuned and this should get right back up to speed in a week or two. In the mean time, I can be contacted as NetLine Corp. for the use of their server. I particularly like their trade publications page <http://www.netline.com/TradePub/> where you can get FREE subscriptions to several popular magazines like UNIX Review and Sun Expert.

Last Updated: $Date: 1995/04/02

documented on: 1999.10.12 Tue 11:17:17

Can ultra10 use a PC 's monitor? 

Newsgroups: comp.unix.solaris
> My boss want to by a ultra10 , but he wish to use a PC monitor to save
> money. is that practical?

Yes, the monitors that come with ultra 5's and 10's are just pc monitors with Sun stamped on the front. They are either Sony Trinitons or Hitachi's. Very high quality monitors.


How to do multi-threading using shell script?? 

> Is it possible to do the muli-thread programming using shell script. If
> possible is it difficult that its better to do it in C or java?

Yes and no. If by your meaning "do threads manipulable in shell?" the answer is no, but if your intention is to scripts coroutines, these can be easily (although less efficiently) simulated with background processes.

The task is as easy (or difficult) as you want to make it. Below I include a front-end for the managing of coroutines in ksh — which probably will not be of much use to you except as a guideline ass it is most definitely beta SW and has been tested only on SunOS 4.x. Good luck.

#! /bin/echo error: only source
#*TAG:40928 4:Oct 11 1998:0644:initjmon:
# Author: Brian Hiles <bsh@iname.com>
# Copyright: (c) 1996-1998
# Description: create/delete/stat jobs information
# Name: addjob, deljob, dispatchjob, initjmon, showjob
# Sccs: @(#)libjobmon.sh 1.1 1998/01 bsh@iname.com (Brian Hiles)
# Usage: addjob [pid [tag-string] ]
# Usage: deljob [%jobid|pid]...
# Usage: dispatchjob [jobs-info]
# Usage: initjmon
# Usage: showjob [%jobid|pid]...
# Version: 0.3

#XXX trap break INT ??

function addjob # [pid [tag-string]]
{       # side effects: modifies arrays _bgpid and _bgtag
        set -o noglob
        typeset IFS=' ()+-[]    ' n=$! s
        (($#>=2)) && n=$1 shift
        set -- $(jobs %+)
        set -- $2
        # _bgpid[jobid]=pid, _bgtag[jobid]=tag-string
        _bgpid[${1:?}]=$n _bgtag[$1]=$s
        eval ${DIAG:+'(IFS=" "
        print -ru2 "[ $0: BGPIDS: ${_bgpid[*]}, JID %$1 ]")'}

function deljob # [%jobid|pid]...
{       set -o noglob
        typeset IFS='
 ' n p                                  # IFS=<newline><space>
        ((!$#)) && set -- $!
        eval ${DIAG:+'(IFS=" "
        print -nru2 "[ $0: bg PIDs: ${_bgpid[*]} (delete job/pid $*) ")'}
        for n
        do      if [[ $n = %* ]]
                then    : NYI
                else    typeset -i i=-1
                        while (((i+=1) <= ${#_bgpid[*]}))
                        do      if [[ ${_bgpid[i]} = $n ]]
                                then    unset _bgpid[i]
                                        #XXXdisown $n
                        set -A _bgpid -- ${_bgpid[*]}
        eval ${DIAG:+'(IFS=" "
        print -ru2 "=> ${_bgpid[*]} ]")'}

function dispatchjob # [jobs-info]
{       # side effect: sets array _bginfo
        #XXX return return code of waited for job/process ??
        set -o noglob
        typeset IFS='
'                                       # IFS=<newline>
        ((!$#)) && set -- $(jobs -n)
        set -- $1                       # first line is last job invoked
        IFS=' ()+-[]    '
        set -- $*
        set -- $*                       # strip out null fields
        #ppp "$@"
        if [[ :${_bgpid[*]}: = *:${_bgpid[${1?}]}:* ]]
        then    # _bginfo[] = { <jobid> <pid> <retval> [<tag-string>] }
                set -A _bginfo -- $1 ${_bgpid[$1]} $3 "${_bgtag[$1]}"
                eval ${DIAG:+'(IFS=" "
                print -ru2 "[ $0: BGINFO array: \"${_bginfo[*]}\" ]")'}
                return 0
        else    set -A _bginfo --
                return 1

function initjmon #
{       trap    'set -o monitor #XXX+o bgnice
                trap    '\''if dispatchjob "$(jobs -n)"
                        then    # job had been added with "addjob" function
                                deljob ${_bgpid[$1]}
${DIAG:+print -ru2 [ CHLD trap: BGINFO array: "${_bginfo[*]}" ]}
${DIAG:+print -ru2}
                                #XXXdeljob ${_bginfo[1]} # doesnt work
                        else    :
                        #XXXjobs >&- || exit    # should work, but doesnt! why?
                        #try: jobs >&-; [[ -z $(jobs) ]] && exit
                '\'' CHLD
        ' EXIT

function showjob # [-v] [%jobid|pid]...
{       set -o noglob
        typeset IFS='
' RB=} n                                # IFS=<newline>
        typeset -i i
        [[ $1 = -v ]] && verbose=ON shift
        eval ${DIAG:+'print -ru2 [ $0: ... ]'}
        ((!$#)) && set -- ${_bgpid[*]}  # no arguments: print all jobs
        [[ $verbose = ON ]] && print job\\tpid\\ttag
        for n
        do      if [[ $n = %+([0-9]) ]]
                then    n=${n#\%} i=n-1
                elif [[ $n = +([0-9]) ]]
                then    i=0
                else    print -ru2 "$0: error: $n: not a jobid or pid"
                print "$i\t${_bgpid[i]}\t${_bgtag[i]}"

 : '
        initjmon - monitor background process creation and termination

        addjob [pid [tag-string] ]
        deljob [%jobid|pid]...
        dispatchjob [jobs-info]
        showjob [%jobid|pid]...


        The problem here is that "jobs -n" (the -p option is effectively
        incompatible with the -n option) only equates returnstatus with
        jobid, and all we have is a pid, so we have to get clever by
        maintaining an array of information that map the two that is filled
        when the process is placed under job monitor control.




        #XXX these are NOT in the environment!
        _bginfo - array of info from a bg process just terminated #XXX obs?
        _bgpid  - array of pids of background processes being monitored
        _bgtag  - array of optional user-supplied messages indexed by jobid

        coshell(3S) #XXX




documented on: 1999.10.12 Tue 20:06:19