Table of Contents
bg5ps -if -of $ bg5ps -en gb2312 -if -of $
mpage | bg5ps -en gb2312 -nps y > $ mpage | bg5ps -nps y > $
gv $ & gv -swap $ &
Bg5ps uses the ttf2ps program to convert the Big5 Coding chinese text into a printable postscript file. Since it uses true type font, the quality is much better than using bitmap fonts.
There is a footnote, "printed by bg5ps" or something, which can be annoying. This can be circumvented by using mpage. NB using pipe like the following won't help:
cat | bg5ps > $
$ bg5ps -h bg5ps version:1.1b2 Copyright (C) 1998 Chen-Shan Chin bg5ps -fp fontpath -fn fontname -o [1|0] -e [1|0] -s size -ls linespacing -cs charspacing -tm topMargin -bm bottomMargin -lm leftMargin -rm rightMargin -if inputfile -of outputfile -cf configFile -en encoding -nps y/n Size, linespacing, charspacing, and margins are numbers in unit of pt(1 pt=1/72 in). encoding can be big5 or gb2312. bg5ps -h: print this help bg5ps -nps y: toggle netscape or mpage mode Run as a filter: cat big5text | bg5ps options > outputfile Examples: bg5ps -en big5 -fn ntu_kai -o 1 -e 0 -s 15 -ls 10 -cs 2 -tm 72 -bm 72 -if test -of cat | bg5ps -en big5 -nps y -fn ntu_kai > mpage -2 big5.txt | bg5ps -en big5 -nps y >
zcat /usr/share/doc/bg5ps/examples/ | bg5ps -en big5 -nps y > $
bg5ps -en gb2312 -if -of $
Note, RedHat has prepared etc/bg5ps.conf.zh_CN* files. So:
/etc/bg5ps.conf.zh_CN found. Use configuration file /etc/bg5ps.conf.zh_CN
While debian not, so have to specify '-en gb2312', otherwise:
$ LANG=zh_CN.gb2312 bg5ps -if -of $ No configuration file option is given. Trying ~/.bg5ps.conf ~/.bg5ps.conf not found. Trying /etc/bg5ps.conf. /etc/bg5ps.conf found. Use configuration file /etc/bg5ps.conf running /usr/bin/ttf2psm -b /usr/share/fonts/truetype/arphic/bsmi00lp.ttf < /tmp/tmpK4p2yT
sed 's/\(Encoding=\).*$/\1"gb2312"/' < /etc/bg5ps.conf > /etc/bg5ps.conf.zh_CN diff /etc/bg5ps.conf /etc/bg5ps.conf.zh_CN
cd /etc lns bg5ps.conf bg5ps.conf.zh_TW lns bg5ps.conf bg5ps.conf.zh_TW.Big5 lns bg5ps.conf.zh_CN bg5ps.conf.zh_CN.GB2312
LANG=zh_CN bg5ps -if -of $
Nope, it doesn't work.
Trying /etc/bg5ps.conf. /etc/bg5ps.conf found. Use configuration file /etc/bg5ps.conf running /usr/bin/ttf2psm -b /usr/share/fonts/truetype/arphic/bsmi00lp.ttf < /tmp/tmpTqLvKk
So, guys at RedHat has really did some nice works on bg5ps.
rm bg5ps.conf.zh_*
Summary, to use bg5ps to print GB, LANG should be set to zh_CN.
Under GB Environment
$ bg5ps -if -of $ bg5ps version:1.1b2 Copyright (C) 1998 Chen-Shan Chin No configuration file option is given. Trying ~/.bg5ps.conf ~/.bg5ps.conf not found. Trying /etc/bg5ps.conf. /etc/bg5ps.conf.zh_CN found. Use configuration file /etc/bg5ps.conf.zh_CN running /usr/bin/ttf2psm -g /usr/share/fonts/zh_CN/TrueType//gbsn00lp.ttf < /tmp/@4000.0 Totally 233 different Chinese characters have been processed. 2 of 2 pages postscript file has been generated. gv $ &
Not Under GB Environment
bg5ps -en gb2312 -if -of $ Error: Font file /usr/share/fonts/zh_TW/TrueType//gbsn00lp.ttf not found.
LANG=zh_CN bg5ps -if -of $
Summary, to use bg5ps to print big5, LANG can either by C or zh_TW, just not zh_CN.
$ bg5ps -en big5 -if -of $ bg5ps version:1.1b2 Copyright (C) 1998 Chen-Shan Chin No configuration file option is given. Trying ~/.bg5ps.conf ~/.bg5ps.conf not found. Trying /etc/bg5ps.conf. /etc/bg5ps.conf.zh_CN found. Use configuration file /etc/bg5ps.conf.zh_CN Error: Font file /usr/share/fonts/zh_CN/TrueType//bsmi00lp.ttf not found. Changed to LANG=zh_TW environment and run again: $ bg5ps -en big5 -if -of $ bg5ps version:1.1b2 Copyright (C) 1998 Chen-Shan Chin No configuration file option is given. Trying ~/.bg5ps.conf ~/.bg5ps.conf not found. Trying /etc/bg5ps.conf. /etc/bg5ps.conf.zh_TW found. Use configuration file /etc/bg5ps.conf.zh_TW running /usr/bin/ttf2psm -b /usr/share/fonts/zh_TW/TrueType//bsmi00lp.ttf < /tmp/@4020.0 Totally 233 different Chinese characters have been processed. 2 of 2 pages postscript file has been generated. gv $ &
NB, it is also ok when LANG=C:
$ bg5ps -if -en big5 -of $ bg5ps version:1.1b2 Copyright (C) 1998 Chen-Shan Chin bg5ps comes with ABSOULETY NO WARRANTY, see GNU General Public License for detail. No configuration file option is given. Trying ~/.bg5ps.conf ~/.bg5ps.conf not found. Trying /etc/bg5ps.conf. /etc/bg5ps.conf found. Use configuration file /etc/bg5ps.conf running /usr/bin/ttf2psm -b /usr/share/fonts/zh_TW/TrueType//bsmi00lp.ttf < /tmp/@4231.0 Totally 233 different Chinese characters have been processed. 2 of 2 pages postscript file has been generated. mpage | bg5ps -nps y > $ mpage | bg5ps -s 8 -nps y > $ mpage | bg5ps -s 15 -nps y > $
char size are the same. They are controlled by mpage!