Make And Variables

Table of Contents

Define variable in make-command-line 
override variable definition 
make -e 
variables in Makefile 
variables in Makefile 
Parameter expansion in make file 

Define variable in make-command-line 

> Here is one of targets of my makefile :
> -------------------------
> ttt:
> ifdef AAA
>     @echo Yes
> else
>     @echo No
> endif
> -------------------------
> Can I define the AAA variable *when calling make*

Any variable can be set on the make command line, and that setting takes precedence over any setting in the makefile (actually, in GNU make there's a way to overcome that, but not in most makes):

$ make AAA=bbb ttt

Paul D. Smith

override variable definition 

> > also possible :
> >
> > TAG=tag1 make
> > or
> > make TAG=tag1
>Since you brought it up...
>is it true that the first form can not override variable definition
>in make file whereas the 2nd can? thanks

Generally speaking, yes.

for environment variables, it depends on whether or not you use the "-e" option to make.

Ken Pizzini

make -e 

-e             Environment  variables  override  assignments
               within makefiles.

Example 1. File Makefile

TAG = original

        [ $${TAG} = tag1 ] && { \
          echo "action 1!"; \



$ make TAG=tag1
[ ${TAG} = tag1 ] && { \
  echo "action 1!"; \
action 1!

$ TAG=tag1 make
[ ${TAG} = tag1 ] && { \
  echo "action 1!"; \
make: *** [test] Error 1

$ TAG=tag1 make -e
[ ${TAG} = tag1 ] && { \
  echo "action 1!"; \
action 1!