Table of Contents
This page is devoted to the Orthodox File Managers (OFMs) that are also known as "Commanders". Members of this family of file managers use simple yet very powerful interface which is a generalization of Norton Commander (NC) interface.
I introduced the term "Orthodox File Managers" in 1996 with the first edition of my online book and now it seems to be more or less standard term for this category of file managers. Sometime this type of managers is called 2-pane or two panel managers but this is a superficial term as it does not reflects the importance of command line in the interface, the key distinguishing feature of this type of managers as well as the level of integration with the underling shell (in extension menu, user menu and, especially in the access to the terminal window in Unix screen style). It also hides close analogies of OFMs with such programs as XEDIT, vi and screen. All those programs has nothing to do with two panel concept despite the fact that they are pretty close to each other in key ideas and attract similar types of the users — first of all system administrators.
The author argues that this simple classic interface offers the most efficient way to perform complex file operations, and both users and software developers deserve some help in the form of the standard and some kind of commentary about "the state of the art" of this type of file managers.
I would like to stress that OFMs are an essential (and underutilized ) tool for system administrators, especially UNIX system administrators. Midnight Commander (MC) now seems to be the leading implementation for open source operating systems for Unix. There is also a portable Unix GUI based (X-based) version of OFM called Northern Captain and an excellent KDE-based Krusader.
Copyright 1996-2007 by Dr. Nikolai Bezroukov.
Created Jan 2, 1997. Last modified: July 24, 2007
documented on: 2007.07.28