TrueType Font Setup

Table of Contents

Installation in a newly created directory. 
You must try this on RH8 for good looking fonts! 
You must try this on RH8 for good looking fonts! 
You must try this on RH8 for good looking fonts! 
You must try this on RH8 for good looking fonts! 

Installation in a newly created directory. 

  • Create an additional directory for your own TrueType fonts, for example:

    ~$ mkdir /usr/local/share/fonts/my-tt-fonts
  • Copy your *.ttf or *.ttc files into this directory.
  • Run ttmkfdir to create a fonts.scale file:

    /usr/local/share/fonts/my-tt-fonts$ ttmkfdir > fonts.scale
  • Edit fonts.scale. This is necessary because the current version of ttmkfdir doesn't create the necessary entries for Asian and Unicode fonts. Add entries for all encodings which have not been created by ttmkfdir but whose characters are nevertheless supplied by your fonts.
  • Run mkfontdir:

    ~$ mkfontdir -e /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/encodings/large \
               -e /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/encodings \

    The arguments indicating the encoding directories are important! If you omit these, the freetype module and the font server xfs will not work with Asian fonts. If you are using the xtt module, the encoding directories don't matter though, because the xtt module has all encodings internally hardwired and doesn't care for the files in the encoding directories. See also the man page of mkfontdir.

  • If you are using the “freetype” or the “xtt” module of XFree86 4.x to render TrueType fonts:

    • Add the new directory to the font paths in /etc/X11/XF86Config.
    • Restart X11 or call “xset fp+ /usr/local/share/fonts/my-tt-fonts”.
  • If you are using the font server xfs to render TrueType fonts (see [*]):

    • Add the new directory to the variable catalogue in /etc/X11/fs/config.
    • Make the font server reload its config file by calling “/etc/init.d/xfs reload”.