

ftp://invisible-island.net/xterm/ ftp://invisible-island.net/xterm/xterm.tar.gz

which points to xterm-170.tgz 601 KB 10/13/2002 7:14:00 PM

xterm colors 


xterm FAQ 


Ongoing/future work 



xterm -help
xterm -sl 2000 -fn 6*13 -fb 6*13bold -fg darkgreen -cr red -geometry 94X26 &
-l -j -s -aw -rw +ls -rv -si -sk -sb :
+ls    login shell off
-aw    auto wraparound on
-j     jump scroll on
-l     logging off
-rv    reverse video off
-rw    reverse wraparound on
-s     multiscroll on
-sb    scrollbar on
-si    scroll-on-tty-output inhibit on
-sk    scroll-on-keypress on

Quick Help 


/usr/openwin/bin/xterm [-options ...] [-e command args]

where options include:

-help                        print out this message
-/+132                       turn on/off column switch inhibiting
-/+ah                        turn on/off always highlight
-/+aw                        turn on/off auto wraparound
-/+cb                        turn on/off cut-to-beginning-of-line inhibit
-/+cn                        turn on/off cut newline inhibit
-/+cu                        turn on/off curses emulation
-/+im                        use insert mode for TERMCAP
-/+j                         turn on/off jump scroll
-/+l                         turn on/off logging
-/+ls                        turn on/off login shell
-/+mb                        turn on/off margin bell
-/+rv                        turn on/off reverse video
-/+rw                        turn on/off reverse wraparound
-/+s                         turn on/off multiscroll
-/+sb                        turn on/off scrollbar
-/+sf                        turn on/off Sun Function Key escape codes
-/+si                        turn on/off scroll-on-tty-output inhibit
-/+t                         turn on/off Tek emulation window
-/+ut                        turn on/off utmp inhibit
-/+vb                        turn on/off visual bell
-/+wf                        turn on/off wait for map before command exec
-C                           intercept console messages
-display displayname         X server to contact
-geometry geom               size (in characters) and position
-bg color                    background color
-fg color                    foreground color
-bd color                    border color
-bw number                   border width in pixels
-fn fontname                 normal text font
-iconic                      start iconic
-name string                 client instance, icon, and title strings
-title string                title string
-xrm resourcestring          additional resource specifications
-b number                    internal border in pixels
-cc classrange               specify additional character classes
-cr color                    text cursor color
-fb fontname                 bold text font
-lf filename                 logging filename
-mc milliseconds             multiclick time in milliseconds
-ms color                    pointer color
-nb number                   margin bell in characters from right end
-sl number                   number of scrolled lines to save
-tm string                   terminal mode keywords and characters
-tn name                     TERM environment variable name
-e command args ...          command to execute
%geom                        Tek window geometry
#geom                        icon window geometry
-T string                    title name for window
-n string                    icon name for window
-Sxxd                        slave mode on "ttyxx", file descriptor "d"

Fonts must be fixed width and, if both normal and bold are specified, must have the same size. If only a normal font is specified, it will be used for both normal and bold text (by doing overstriking). The -e option, if given, must be appear at the end of the command line, otherwise the user's default shell will be started. Options that start with a plus sign (+) restore the default.


-sl number
     This option specifies the number of lines to save that have been scrolled
     off the top of the screen. The default is 64.
     This option indicates that some number of lines that are scrolled off the
     top of the window should be saved and that a scrollbar should be
     displayed so that those lines can be viewed. This option may be turned
     on and off from the ``VT Options'' menu.
     This option indicates that the shell that is started in the xterm window
     will be a login shell (i.e., the first character of argv[0] will be a dash,
     indicating to the shell that it should read the user's .login or .profile).
-T string
     This option specifies the title for xterm's windows. It is equivalent to
-n string
     This option specifies the icon name for xterm's windows.
-e program [ arguments ... ]
     This option specifies the program (and its command line arguments) to
     be run in the xterm window. It also sets the window title and icon name
     to be the basename of the program being executed if neither -T nor -n
     are given on the command line. This must be the last option on the
     command line.
-name name
        This option specifies the application name under which
        resources are to be obtained, rather than the default
        executable file name.  Name should not contain ``.'' or
        ``*'' characters.
-title string
        This option specifies the window title string, which  may  be
        displayed  by  window  managers  if the user so chooses.  The
        default title is the command  line  specified  after  the  -e
        option, if any, otherwise the application name.

title for xterm 

> Can anyone tell me how to add in a title to xterm(see, the current dir)?

The sequence to set the header is

/bin/echo "\033]0;The-text-you-want-as-header\07"

To set the icon name you need

/bin/echo "\033]1;The-icon-text\07"

Jan Wuyts

title for xterm 

\033]0; will set the title and the icon\07
\033]1; will set the icon\07
\033]2; will set the title\07

tiny xterm menus 


Why are the menus tiny?

Everything seems to work, except that the xterm menus (VT options, fonts, etc.) do not display properly; the menus pop up, but only with a tiny display area in which none of the options are visible (and only part of the menu title is visible).

You have specified the geometry for xterm too high in the hierarchy, and that 24x80 (or whatever the -geometry parameter happens to be) is applying to the menus in pixels. This resource makes the geometry apply to the menus as well as the VT100 widget:

XTerm*geometry: 80x24

while this applies only to the VT100 widget (which is probably what you intended):

XTerm.VT100.geometry: 80x24

or better yet (to allow for the toolbar option, which uses a level of widget hierarchy):

XTerm*VT100.geometry: 80x24

xterm menus too small 

Subject: xterm fonts
Newsgroups: gmane.linux.debian.user
Date: Thu, 24 May 2007
> http://www.jw-stumpel.nl/xterm.html[]
> (this uses ~/.Xresources).

Although nice for simple config but couldn't help me get back the xterm menus. It's again, interesting to note that the menus tended to show up but only the first few letters of the first line or first word of the menu only. Like, "Main", "VT O" etc.

Meanwhile I was able to solve the xterm problem after googling for xterm sites. The first site I visited solved my problem. I used the full .Xresources config provided here and ran xrdb -load ~/.Xresources. That's all. Got back the xterm menus.


Nice site.


xterm menus too small 

Subject: xterm fonts - problem solved and able to replicate
Newsgroups: gmane.linux.debian.user
Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 09:18:05 +0530
> Even though I was able to reinstal flubbox after purging it several
> times and after a power failure, fluxbox worked with the menus, now
> still xterm is without a menu. And I am forced to use another term.
> I'm using mrxc\vt because it has tabs and is a lite version too.

I'm replying to my own post since was able to solve this problem and also am able to replicate it as many times as I wish.

I was able to solve the xterm menu vanishing problem with a .Xresources config from fak3r.com as stated in my earlier post.

I was trying some bigger fonts to use with xterm but adding them and then starting xterm would make xterm size very large, more than the screen size. So I edited .Xresources and added a xterm*geometry option to a reasonable geometry size.

The size became okay but all three xterm menus vanish just after adding the geometry option. I remove the geometry option, the menus are back. I add the geometry option, the menus are gone.


xterm menus too small 

> The size became okay but all three xterm menus vanish just after
> adding the geometry option. I remove the geometry option, the menus
> are back. I add the geometry option, the menus are gone.


Thomas E. Dickey http://invisible-island.net

Xterms lacking colour 

Newsgroups: uk.comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.misc,alt.os.linux.suse Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 20:15:28 +0000

> > I have no colour in my xterms unless I am running screen inside of them.
> What happens if you compare the output of `env | grep TERM` both within and
> without screen?
> How about `export TERM=xterm-color', outside of screen?

Thanks, setting TERM to xterm-color did it just fine.

Xterms lacking colour 

> Thanks, setting TERM to xterm-color did it just fine.

adding "XTerm*termName: xterm-color" to ~/.Xdefaults will set this for every xterm you open.

Joel Mayes



Version 11 Release 5
rev 1 for X11R5 (referred to as version 11.5.1).        (patch-level 0)

Lastest file under clients/cxterm/cxterm

Tekparse.def            06-Sep-1988 14:35     1k


http://www.uwo.ca/its/ftp/pub/unix/X-windows/X.V11R5/contrib/clients/cxterm/ ftp://ftp.rpmfind.net/linux/contrib/libc6/i386//cxterm-color-5.0.p3-2.i386.rpm

Related Urls 

[X]Home site from readme ftp://ftp.cs.purdue.edu/pub/ygz/

The Chinese HOWTO http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/Chinese-HOWTO.html v1.04, 2 June 1998
 Tutorial: How to use cXterm?
CJK support of Linux http://cle.linux.org.tw/

CLE — Chinese Linux Extension. It is a GPL software based entirely on il8n.


rpm -ivv cxterm-color-5.0.p3-2.i386.rpm



The rpm version has all the patches updated — show color normally.

Installed files 


Name        : cxterm-color
Version     : 5.0.p3
Size        : 441910                           License: distributable
Packager    : diakka <diakka@resnet.gatech.edu>
Summary     : Chinese X-term
Description :
A terminal emulator for X11, just like "xterm", but with the
capability of displaying and inputting Chinese.
It supports GB, Big5, JIS, and KS encoding.  HZ support is through
"hztty", a separated program avaliable from:


Name        : cxwin-tools
Version     : 1.0                               Vendor: Sinx Software
Size        : 4182270                          License: MIT
Packager    : Samuel Leo <samuel@openunix.org>
Summary     : CXWIN tools for XFree86
Description :
Tools for CXWIN, include xzhset, ttmkfdir and chinput

Test Run & Twisting 

Change default font 

The default font of cxterm is sonti, which seems ugly to me (too bold). Change it, and put the chnage in ~/s/scripts/tdat/app-defaults to share with all plateforms.

xterm color scheme 

Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.x
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2002 12:45:51 GMT
> I'm using xterm in Red Hat 7.3. The default color scheme in xterm makes it
> very hard to read bold texts in color (e.g. in man pages, ls --color).
> How do I setup xterm resources to have a color schmeme similar to the "linux
> console" color scheme in gnome-terminal, which is great.
man xterm

color names found with showrgb


XTerm*cursorColor:      Red
XTerm*pointerColor:     Black
XTerm_color*background: Black
XTerm_color*cursorColor: Orchid
XTerm_color*foreground: Wheat

Bit Twister

xterm color scheme 

> man xterm

also colorBD and related resources.

Thomas E. Dickey

color xterm 

>where can I get a color xterm for solaris?

Search the Web for rxvt. If you have problems to compile it, send me a mail and you can get my binary.


Some lines from the man page:


rxvt (ouR XVT) - a VT102 emulator for the X window system


rxvt [options] [-e command [args]]

DESCRIPTION rxvt - version 2.4.5 - is a color vt102 terminal emulator intended as an xterm(1) replacement for users who do not require features such as Tektronix 4014 emulation and toolkit-style configurability. As a result, rxvt uses much less swap space - a significant advantage on a machine serv- ing many X sessions.

color xterm 

The XFree86 xterm supports ANSI color and VT220 emulation There's an faq at http://dickey.his.com/xterm/xterm.faq.html ftp://dickey.his.com/xterm

Thomas E. Dickey

xterm: input method problem 

Newsgroups: comp.unix.questions
>When I launch xterm &, I got the following message in one Sun box:
>input method doesn't support my preedit type
>I don't have a clue what is wrong. where should I look into? thanks

That looked like a strange enough message that I wondered what it could be coming from. By UTSL(*) methodology, I find that "input method" is "an X11R6 feature which deals with translation of composite characters".

Further casual reading of the source (I'm not so curious as to spend time actually studying it carefully) suggests that you might try setting the "openIm" resource to "false":

xterm -xrm 'XTerm*openIm: False'

If that helps, and you don't need the composite character support, add that resource to your .Xresources file.

Ken Pizzini

(*) It's be quite some time since I've seen this usenet acronym used, so I figured I probably need to explain: UTSL stands for "Use The Source, Luke" (which is a somewhat date joke, even if there is a new wave of interest in the Star Wars movies).

xterm: input method problem 

Did someone build xterm from Thomas Dickey's XFree86 source? If this is the case, I found that I had to build it using the "—disable-i18n" configure option, to avoid seeing the input method (localization) warnings at runtime.

If that host indeed has this type of xterm, you can use "xterm -version" to query the exact version that was built.

Larry C.

make xterm stays 

Newsgroups: comp.unix.questions
>How can I make xterm stays there even the -e command is finished?
>I want to directy my program output to a xterm window so that I can
>use my mouse-click for the paging & scrolling. But the problem is
>that the xterm windows disappears after my program finishes. Is
>there a way to let xterm windows stays there? thanks
xterm -e sh -c 'command;echo Type Control-d to close window;cat'

When the command finishes, the "cat" command will wait for the user to type something followed by Control-d.

Barry Margolin

Current Directory in XTERM Window Title 



Current Directory in XTERM Window Title 

How about…

function xtermpath
  print "\033]0;$PWD\007\c"
trap xtermpath DEBUG

Matthew Landt

rxvt can't use xfs fonts 

Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.x
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 20:37:02 GMT

I have found it and now want to confirms that rxvt can't use fonts from xfs.

Is it so? thanks


The symptom is that rxvt can show my Chinese fonts rendered through xfs in its menu, but can't display any Chinese text in its text window. Everything would work fine if my Chinese fonts are rendered through X.


Name        : rxvt                         Relocations: (not relocateable)
Version     : 2.7.8                             Vendor: Red Hat, Inc.
