Table of Contents
Package: xsel Description: More than just cat for the X selection.
XSel is a command-line program for getting and setting the contents of the X selection. Normally this is only accessible by manually highlighting information and pasting it with the middle mouse button.
Package: xclip Description: command line interface to X selections
xclip is a command line utility that is designed to run on any system with an X11 implementation. It provides an interface to X selections ("the clipboard") from the command line. It can read data from standard in or a file and place it in an X selection for pasting into other X applications. xclip can also print an X selection to standard out, which can then be redirected to a file or another program.
Copy your uptime into the selection for pasting: uptime | xclip
Copy your password file for pasting: xclip /etc/passwd
Save some text you have Edit | Copied in a web browser: xclip -o -sel clip > webpage.txt
Open a URL selected in an email client mozilla `xclip -o`
Copy XA_PRIMARY to XA_CLIPBOARD xclip -o | xclip -sel clip
interchange between cut buffer and selection
xcutsel [ -toolkitoption ...] [-selection selection] [-cutbuffer number]
The xcutsel program is used to copy the current selection into a cut buffer and to make a selection that contains the current contents of the cut buffer. It acts as a bridge between applications that don't support selections and those that do.
By default, xcutsel will use the selection named PRIMARY and the cut buffer CUT_BUFFER0. Either or both of these can be overridden by command line arguments or by resources.