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CVS mini tutorial 
CVS mini tutorial 


Date: 1998/05/10

I'm putting together a mini-HOWTO for CVS that focuses on how an individual might set up a CVS repository for maintaining an Internet-style project. The mini-HOWTO covers creating the repository, starting a project, the edit cycle, tagging releases, and making releases.

This is a final draft of the mini-HOWTO and I'd like to get your comments on it if you can spare a moment.


-- Ken


$Id: CVS-mini-HOWTO,v 1.3 1998/05/10 15:38:06 ken Exp $
     Ken MacLeod


There's no special setup required to build and install, it's a typical 'net software install, and all the setup happens afterward. Install RCS first, then CVS. Installing in your home directory is OK.

Pick an empty directory to be your CVSROOT and set the `CVSROOT' environment variable to point there. This can be in your home directory to start and you can move projects to a seperate account when you're ready to make them publicly available.

Run `cvs init'. This will create the directory if you didn't already, and create a subdirectory `$CVSROOT/CVSROOT' to contain log files and other admin files. As you create or import projects they'll each go into their own subdirectory under `$CVSROOT', and they will all be ordinary RCS files, feel free to look around (but don't touch :-).

See the info section “Repository”, and “Creating a repository” under it for more details.


Because renaming files and moving them between directories is somewhat inconvenient, the first thing you do when you start a new project should be to think through your file organization. It is not impossible to rename or move files, but it does increase the potential for confusion and CVS does have some quirks particularly in the area of renaming directories. — in “Starting a project with CVS”

[The rest of this section is copied from info, “Creating a directory tree from a number of files.” I'll use a project name `GeeWhiz'.]

When you begin using CVS, you will probably already have several projects that can be put under CVS control. In these cases the easiest way is to use the `import' command. An example is probably the easiest way to explain how to use it. If the files you want to install in CVS reside in `WDIR', and you want them to appear in the repository as `$CVSROOT/GeeWhiz', you can do this:

$ cd WDIR
$ cvs import -m "Imported sources" GeeWhiz yoyo start

Unless you supply a log message with the `-m' flag, CVS starts an editor and prompts for a message. The string `yoyo' is a "vendor tag", and `start' is a "release tag". They may fill no purpose in this context, but since CVS requires them they must be present.

You can now verify that it worked, and remove your original source directory.

$ cd ..
$ mv WDIR WDIR.orig
$ cvs checkout GeeWhiz
$ ls -R GeeWhiz
$ rm -r WDIR.orig

Erasing the original sources is a good idea, to make sure that you do not accidentally edit them in WDIR, bypassing CVS. Of course, it would be wise to make sure that you have a backup of the sources before you remove them.


Your repository does not need to have anything in it that you, the author, can regenerate on your machine. This includes `Makefile's from `', `configure', formatted docs, etc. All of these files will be generated when you create a release.


A typical edit cycle starts with a checkout, goes through several commits as you make snapshots, and will most often end with releasing and deleting the project directory before starting on the next cycle. I'll leave tagged snapshots to a later section and focus on basic editing here.

CVS will use the project name as the directory name where you'll do your edits:

$ cvs checkout GeeWhiz

CVS will check out your project and you can begin editing right away. CVS doesn't “lock” files like RCS and SCCS do, so you don't have to lock a file before editing it. You'll notice that there are `CVS' directories in your project, this is where CVS tracks adds and removes of files and other admin info, you'll probably want to make sure your scripts ignore these directories.

You add files and directories using the `cvs add' command. You must create the directories and files first, and then add them with `cvs add NAME'. Add the directories first and then files inside the directories. You remove files and directories with the `cvs remove NAME' command, removing all files first if you want to remove the directory. CVS will simply record adds and removes until you commit your changes, it doesn't actually modify the repository at this point.

You can commit your changes at any time using `cvs commit', CVS will start your editor and ask you for a change description, if you've made changes in several directories it will ask you again for each directory, you can redit the comment for each directory or you can exit your editor and type `!' to use the same comment for all remaining directories.

I usually make changes in small batches and commit them as I finish a round of edits. I also try to make sure that I've tested somewhat before I commit, that way if I need to quickly export a copy there's a pretty good chance of it working.

As you are making changes, the `cvs diff' command will give you the diff between your current working copy and the copy that you last committed or originally checked out (i.e. if you're working with others, by default it won't show their changes). I do this often to double check my NEWS and ChangeLog. You can also use tags (described below) to show the diff from previous versions.

When you are finished with a new version of your project and have committed your changes, you can release and delete your work area by running the `cvs release' command in the parent directory of your work area:

$ cd ..
$ cvs release -d GeeWhiz
You have [0] altered files in this repository.
Are you sure you want to release (and delete)
module `GeeWhiz': y

CVS will display files it doesn't know about (leftovers or intermediate files) and ask you for confirmation before deleting the directory. I prefer to release and delete the project directories between versions just so I know this happens. If you notice anything unusual, just answer `n' and nothing will be touched. (You can also use the `-n' option to check first.)


Answering `y' *will* delete the entire directory, even if there are modified files, unknown files, or that file you just spent six hours creating and forgot to add.

I always do a `make clean' before releasing so there are no suspect files and I look for `[0] altered files' before releasing.

See also “A sample session” in the “Overview” section of info.


When you commit a batch of changes, CVS doesn't do anything special to record the fact except create new revisions of the individual files. You could view the log of commits and diff or export based on the date of commits, or you can do it the easy way and `tag' after each commit or the final commit. Tagging a project tags all the files at the current, or specified, revision together, not just modified files.

Version numbering is apparently a very personal thing, everyone seems to have their own idea of what makes up a good release number, including betas and developer snapshots. That's OK. You can tag your revisions with any label you want as long as it fits CVS's syntax: Tag names can contain uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, `-', and `_'. They must start with a letter, and sorry, no dots (`.') :-( Personally, I use `_' instead of dot and I start with an `r' for lack of anything better, i.e. `r1_2' for version `1.2'.

You can have more than one tag on a revision. You can tag a revision as `r2_4snap1', release it to a few people, come back later and add a tag `r2_4beta1' and release it to a lot more people, and then finally add a tag `r2_4' when you release it to the public. As I'm nearing a release, I will use `r2_4d1', `r2_4d2', `r2_4d3', etc. as I go through my release steps (below), and when everything builds without fail, I tag it with the final release tag and do one final build with the new tag.

Use the `rtag' command tag the latest revision of your project:

$ cvs rtag r2_4d3 GeeWhiz
cvs rtag: Tagging GeeWhiz

Use the `-r' option to add another tag on top of an existing tag:

$ cvs rtag -rr2_4d3 r2_4 GeeWhiz
cvs rtag: Tagging GeeWhiz

Always use the `-r' option to add another tag, so that you know for sure that you're not accidentally adding any more recently committed files since you last tested.

If you tag a release and then find that you still have an error (before you make it available, of course), you can delete the tag using:

$ cvs rtag -d r2_4 GeeWhiz
cvs rtag: Untagging GeeWhiz

If you mistype a tag, or otherwise want to rename a tag, first add the new tag using `-r' with the old tag, and then delete the old tag:

$ cvs rtag -rold_tag new_tag GeeWhiz
cvs rtag: Tagging GeeWhiz
$ cvs rtag -d old_tag GeeWhiz
cvs rtag: Untagging GeeWhiz


Releasing your project is going to vary a lot depending on how you create release files, how you handle putting revision numbers in your files, how you make your project available to others, and how you announce updates. A lot can, and probably should, be scripted to reduce errors, but leave yourself some checkpoints that you do manually so you can watch logs and catch errors.

My preferred way of making releases is to “freeze” my changes and “start into the release process”. Basically, if nothing goes wrong in the release process then my most recently committed changes will be my release, if there are any errors then I make the change and re-commit, starting the whole cycle again. For minor releases I've found this takes about 15 minutes, for major releases it can be 45 minutes or more, depending on how many errors my users don't have to find for me. :-)

Here are the steps I typically take, starting just before the freeze:

  • update README, NEWS, and double check ChangeLog, if there are any new files then check copyrights, RCS ids, and `cvs add'.
  • build and `make test' one last time in the work area, then `make maintainerclean' (no generated files) and delete any leftovers.
  • freeze and commit
  • I switch to another directory to test building
  • `cvs rtag TAG GeeWhiz'
  • `cvs export -r TAG GeeWhiz'
  • run `autoconf', `perl Makefile.PL', or whatever you need to prep the release
  • run `make dist', or whatever you need to create the distribution for your package

    ==> I have a script `make-rel' for these last three steps that
      also edits in the version numbers based on the tag.

  • create binaries if you do that sort of thing

    ==> I have a script `make-rpm' that creates RPMs from the source
      tar file.
  • if everything works up to this point, go back and retag with a final release tag
  • upload or otherwise make your release available
  • post announcements and update your web page
  • release and delete your work area


    Points to the repository where all CVS (RCS) files are kept.
cvs init
    Creates the repository and initializes the admin files.
cvs import -m "Imported sources" MODULE yoyo start
    Creates the initial baseline of MODULE.  `-m' is the initial
    comment (otherwise you will be prompted), `yoyo' is a vendor
    tag and `start' is the initial tag
cvs checkout MODULE
    Checkout MODULE for editing.  CVS does not lock out other
    people from editing.
cvs add FILE
    Schedules a directory or file to be added to the repository on
    the next commit.  You must add each of the files in the
    directory after you add the directory (i.e. adding the
    directory doesn't add the files underneath it).  The directory
    or files must exist before you run this command.
cvs remove FILE
cvs remove DIRECTORY
    Schedules a file or a directory to be declared not to be part
    of the project when they are committed (i.e. you can still
    retrieve them as part of older revisions, they are not deleted
    from the repository).  The files or directory must already be
    removed before you run this command.
cvs commit
    Commit all changes that have been made since the last commit
    or checkout.  You will be placed in an editor to supply a
    change description.
cvs diff
    Display differences between the current work area and the last
    commit or checkout.
cvs release -d MODULE
    Release and delete the work area.  WARNING:  Be careful with
    this command, you can delete uncommitted files.  Run this
    command in the parent directory of your work area.
cvs rtag TAG MODULE
    Apply a new tag TAG to the most recent commited change to
    MODULE.  Tags must start with a letter and contain only
    letters, digits, `-' and `_'.
    Add a new tag TAG to the same OLDTAG revisions in MODULE.
cvs rtag -d TAG MODULE
    Delete TAG from MODULE.
cvs export -r TAG MODULE
    Export a copy of MODULE using TAG.