Gnome session startup programs 

I believe 'gnome-session-properties' is what you are looking for. It has a tab called 'Startup Program' where you can add such apps you want to run at GNOME startup.

Gnome session startup programs 

open the gnome control center, go to 'advanced' and open 'Sessions'.

You can just add programs to the list under the 'startup programs' tab.

Gnome session startup programs 

The syntax for Gnome session startup programs are strick:

  • no following '&'
  • no leading envar setting

I.e., the following commands will fail:

/usr/bin/numlockx on &
LANG=zh_CN.GB2312 /usr/bin/chinput

Only this can work:

/usr/bin/numlockx on

Also remember to set the order very high, e.g. 75, so it starts absolutely last. If you dont do this, it hangs things and gives problems.

documented on: 2005.05.05