Example 39. File 10.01-vbox_and_hbox_attributes
#! /bin/bash export MAIN_DIALOG=' <vbox> <frame Space> <hbox spacing="10"> <text><label>spacing</label></text> <entry></entry> </hbox> <hbox homogeneous="true"> <text><label>homogeneous</label></text> <entry></entry> </hbox> </frame> <frame Description> <hbox> <pixmap> <input file stock="gtk-info"></input> </pixmap> <text> <label> "This is a label with a rather long text, so it must be wrapped as the user resizes the window. However, the default label width is 30 characters." </label> </text> </hbox> </frame> <frame Description> <hbox fill="true" expand="true"> <pixmap> <input file stock="gtk-info"></input> </pixmap> <text> <label> "This is a label with a rather long text, so it must be wrapped as the user resizes the window. However, the default label width is 30 characters." </label> </text> </hbox> </frame> <hbox> <button cancel></button> <button help></button> </hbox> </vbox> ' gtkdialog --program=MAIN_DIALOG