

Example 44. File 14.01-menubar_icons

#! /bin/bash

export MAIN_DIALOG='
      <menuitem stock="gtk-open">
        <action>echo You selected the open menu item.</action>
      <menuitem stock="gtk-save">
        <action>echo You selected the save menu item.</action>
      <menuitem stock="gtk-quit">
        <action>echo You selected the quit menu item</action>
        <action type="exit">exit by menu</action>
      <menuitem icon="gtk-floppy">
        <label>This is a floppy</label>
        <action>echo You selected the floppy menuitem.</action>
      <menuitem icon="gtk-cdrom">
        <label>This is a CD-ROM</label>
        <action>echo You selected the CD-ROM menuitem.</action>
          <label>This is a text</label>
          <action>echo You selected the text item.</action>
    <button cancel></button>
    <button ok></button>

gtkdialog --program=MAIN_DIALOG