pdflatex doesn't like EPS?? 


Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
Date: 2001-06-29 08:10:32 PST
> Having gotten past that, I find that pdflatex chokes when it sees
> an included EPS file. [...] I can get
> a decent-looking Postscript output file, maybe there is some way to
> derive a PDF from that? Thanks in advance for any thoughts.

you made a correct observation, which is reported to this group regularly, really. Have a look at the user guide for pdflatex and at epslatex.


pdflatex doesn't like EPS?? 

Thanks very much to everybody who responded. I have arrived at a makefile I am pretty happy with, which can generate PDF, PS, and HTML output. Since this issue seems to come up frequently, it hopefully won't be out of line to post the makefile below. This all works well on a Red Hat 6.2 box. The document presently includes one diagram done with xfig and maintained as a *.fig file.

.SUFFIXES: .tex .dvi .ps .pdf .eps .fig

        latex $(@:.dvi=.tex)
        makeindex $(@:.dvi=.idx)
        latex $(@:.dvi=.tex)

        sed 's/\.eps/.pdf/' < $(@:.pdf=.tex) > $(@:.pdf=.tx2)
        pdflatex $(@:.pdf=.tx2) $@
        makeindex $(@:.pdf=.idx)
        pdflatex $(@:.pdf=.tx2) $@
        rm -f $(@:.pdf=.tx2)

        dvips -o $@ $(@:.ps=.dvi)

        rm -rf *.bak *.out *.toc *.log *.aux *.idx *.ind *.ilg \
                2pts.pdf book/ book.ps book.dvi book.pdf 2pts.eps

        fig2dev -L ps $(@:.eps=.fig) > $(@:.eps=.ps)
        ps2epsi $(@:.eps=.ps) $@
        rm -f $(@:.eps=.ps)

        epstopdf $(@:.pdf=.eps) > $@

all: book.pdf book.ps html

book.pdf: book.tex 2pts.pdf
book.dvi: book.tex 2pts.eps

html: book/index.html

book/index.html: book.tex 2pts.pdf
        sed 's/\\tableofcontents//' < book.tex > book.tx2
        latex2html -no_math -split +1 book.tx2
        rm -f book.tx2

Will Ware

pdflatex doesn't like EPS?? 

The problem with Will's approach is that the make file assumes the .eps files are in current directory. But I put all my supporting files else where.

Instead, I chose VTeX/Lnx solution. http://www.micropress-inc.com/linux/

VTeX/Lnx is a TeX program for Linux(x86) that generates PDF or PostScript output immediately from the TeX source file. It comes with a complete LaTeX system. In contrast to pdfTeX, VTeX includes a full PostScript interpreter, so inclusion of EPS images is fully supported, as well as inline PostScript programming, i.e. PSTricks, psfrag etc. In contrast to traditional TeX systems, no intermediate DVI files are generated.

pdflatex doesn't like EPS?? 

No, too much burden, ps2pdf is as good.