PDFlatex losing fancyhdr? 

> I just pushed a paper through pdflatex, and discovered that my
> fancyhdr headings went away on all pages.  Here's the preamble stuff:
> ,----
> |
> | \documentclass[12pt]{article}
> | \usepackage{fullpage}
> | \usepackage{setspace}\onehalfspacing
> | \usepackage{fancyhdr}\pagestyle{fancy}    %* this line...
> |
> | \lhead{Stable Many-Job Systems}\chead{}\rhead{\thepage}
> |
> | \bibliographystyle{alpha}
> |
> | \title{Note on Stable Many-Job Systems}
> | \author{Charles R Martin}
> | \setlength{\parindent}{0pt}
> | \setlength{\parskip}{9pt}
> | \begin{document}
> | \maketitle\thispagestyle{empty}
> |
> | \end{document}
> `----
> Looks fine through regular latex, and the un-fancy version deleting
> the "%*"'ed line looked fine as well.

Perhaps you need to expressly state a paper format somewhere (a4paper as an option of article might be the first good place, and dvips -ta4 another). I had a similar problem once, and this helped.

Heading losing with fancyhdr? 

> My heading goes away also, and for plain ps files too. will try that
> -ta4 later...
> A quick question, Is there a way to specify the paper size in my tex
> source file instead of specifying it every time when using the
> dvips to do the conversion?

you can modify the config.ps file in $TEXMF/dvips/config/ dir to make it the default for dvips. the papersize defined first is the default.

alternatively, if you don't want to modify the config.ps file or you don't have permission to do so, you can put


in you .tex file, probably after \documentclass. replace width and height with the actually paper width and height.


documented on: 2001.03.07