including java code 

> As a part of my dissertation I need to include java library (it is rather
> large library).  is there an easy way to include Java code in LaTeX?

I use the listings, and fancyvrb packages:

public void newImage(Object source , ImageData image)
//.. snipped code

including java code 

> > I use the listings, and fancyvrb packages:
> > [...]

Thank you, it works.

> - Have you tried to use \verbatiminput to include the file by latex
> instead of include it yourself, with the fancyvrb & listings package?

I am using it like this (note: \verbatiminput doesn't take additional info) :

\lstset{language=Java, basicstyle=\footnotesize, fancyvrb=true,breaklines}
> - Is that the 'program' package will do a better job than listing?

You need to reformat your code first, but after that you may get better result.