List file with underlines in their names 

Solution / Conclusion 


Analysis / Reason 

Oh, it is the macro error:


is nok, but


is ok!

! Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text>
l.38 ...wsetable.jsp]{code/jsp/db_browsetable.jsp}

Trying History 

Trying History 

! Emergency stop.
<inserted text>
l.45 \finclude{jsp/db_browsetable.jsp}

Trying History 

! Package Listings Error: File `code/jsp/db\unhbox\voidb@x \kern .06em\vbox {\hrule width.3em}browsetable.jsp' not found.

Trying History 

! Package Listings Error: File `code/jsp/db\T1\textunderscorebrowsetable.jsp' not found.

Use \finclude{jsp/db_browsetable.jsp} produced same above error.

Trying History 

! Package Listings Error: File `code/jsp/db{_}browsetable.jsp' not found.