multipage tabular - influence pagebreak location 

Date:          Thurs, Jun 12 1997
Groups:                comp.text.tex
> I've got a problem in typesetting some multipage tabular material.
> I use 'supertabular.sty' with LaTeX2e (12/96), but would use any
> package, solving my problem. Here it is:
> I am very pleased with standard page breaks, done automaticaly,
> but sometimes it would be very desirable to mark some spots
> as ''not good for page break'' while other would be
> ''quite good for page break'' and still other one's would be
> ''formidable for page break''.
> So is there something like a ''page break penalty'' taken
> into account while doing multipage tabular material?

I can't speak about supertabular, but the current longtable.sty allows the usual LaTeX \pagebreak[…] items for various break "goodness" as well as \* line separators for inhibiting line breaks at a certain position.

Might be worth a try.

David Kastrup