Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
> > How can I make my citations look like "[Author_Lastname Year]" > > (eg. [Aha 86]) in the output? > > > You could use > > \bibitem[Aha86]{...}
hmmm, not automatically? hard to believe. I meant that the following BibTeX entry will show up as [Aha 90] both in of my citations and in my bibliography. How can I do that? never used bibitem before…
@misc{aha90study, title = {A study of instance-based learning algorithms for supervised learning tasks: Mathematical}, year = {1990}, author = {D. Aha}, text = {Aha, D. W. (1990). A study of instance-based learning algorithms for supervised learning tasks: Mathematical, empirical, and psychological evaluations (TR 90-42). Irvine, CA: University of California, Department of Information and Computer Science.} }
> > I think this does what you want, but with () instead of []. > > > > \usepackage{apalike} > > > > \bibliographystyle{apalike} > >Unfortunately, no. even worse than simple: > >\bibliographystyle{plain}
Hmm. I tried a simple file using the above. If the latex file has
\usepackage{apalike} \bibliographystyle{apalike}
Reference \cite{reflabel} looks right.
and the bibtex file has
@article{reflabel, author = {John Smith}, year = 2001, title = {A published article}, journal = {Journal} }
I get
Reference (Smith, 2001) looks right.
Jeffrey Weiss
> >> > How can I make my citations look like "[Author_Lastname Year]" > >> > (eg. [Aha 86]) in the output? > > I think this does what you want, but with () instead of []. > > \usepackage{apalike} > > \bibliographystyle{apalike}
Just FYI for all people interested in this style. The APA style is meant for behavioral science. If you are writing thesis of social or natural science (as most of us do), you should use Chicago style to achieve the required result.
There is another one:
They differenct in feature is that the latter:
% - supports an "annotation" field for annotated bibliographies.