tfe .../latex/packages/frankenstein.tar.gz
chmod 664 * chmod 775 . gunzip *.gz
make | do_waitp
export MKTEXMF=/usr/share/texmf make achicago.install.q achicago-bst.install.q
The following files compose the achicago bibstyle fileset:
achicago.bst the bibstyle macros achicago-bst.dvi bibstyle documentation achicago-bst.tex may be used to regenerate achicago-bst.dvi from achicago.bst and achicago-bst.ver achicago-bst.ins may be used to generate a fast-loading version of achicago.bst (see below) achicago-bst.ver a file needed by achicago-bst.tex
The file achicago.bst may be used as it is; simply put it where BibTeX can find it. To use the bibstyle, you must load the achicago PACKAGE document.
Certain Frankenstein packages depend on packages that are not part of Frankenstein or the official LaTeX distribution:
abbrevs, achicago, blkcntrl, and dialogue depend on "relsize.sty".
If you install the macro files of one fileset, you should also install all the macro files of the filesets it depends on:
Fileset Depends on (directly or indirectly) .................................................................... abbrevs moredefs,relsize,slemph achicago blkcntrl,moredefs,relsize,slemph,titles achicago-bst achicago,blkcntrl,moredefs,relsize,slemph,titles