repeating rows in a table 

Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
From: Kris Luyten <>
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002

Is there a package that allows to repeat (copy) a row in a table n times.

I want to say something like:

blabla & blabla & blabla \\ \hline
\repeat_this_row_n_times &&&\\\hline

repeating rows in a table 

> > [...]
> > \theline
> > \theline
> > \theline
> > \theline
> > \end{tabular}
> That is not repeat "n" times, like my question stated.  I want to
> avoid the copy-paste stuff and "repeat" the LaTeX command like in a
> loop in a regular programming language.

Just like in a regular programming language, you'd do

\def\nlines#1{\expandafter\nlineii\romannumeral\number\number #1 000\relax}

and then in the document you can say


Is this more similar to what you need?

David Kastrup

repeating rows in a table 

> Is this more similar to what you need?

Yes! This works great.

Kris Luyten