Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
>Please provide your suggestions on using the footnote. > >The problem I'm facing now is that, I want to avoid Arabic number >for the footnote index. They look no different than $a^4$. So I >changed to symbolic footnote index: > >\renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\fnsymbol{footnote}} > >But the new problem I'm facing now is that I've run out of the >footnote index numbers: > >! LaTeX Error: Counter too large.
there are only 10 footnote symbols (or something equally feeble). symbols are only really usable if you number your footnotes per page.
>I can't split my chapter, my Prof asked me to squeeze many of my >chapters into one. I'm running out of time soon too. So I'd be very >grateful that you reply earlier. Thanks a lot.
this numbers per page, and replace your \thefootnote command with something that's not fazed by footnote numbers >10 (in case some such appears while it's thinking) — it switches to arabic footnote numbering in this case.
(best get the latest footmisc from ctan: its perpage is more stable than the one you'll likely find in your distribution.)
Robin Fairbairns, Cambridge