I have to convert several file types (doc,txt,jpg,…, etc) to pdf. After googling and try several solution, i found the best one (I think ..). What i do is, installing "cups-pdf" package and Open Office 2.0, and set default printer for open office to "pdfWriter". Then .., if i want to convert (for example, .doc file) i just type :
ooffice -pt "pdfWriter" /home/wildan/uploads/1138479820proposal.doc
It's no problem.
wildan-maulana Sat 28 Jan 2006
> In this URL > (http://www.talkaboutcomputing.com/group/comp.os.linux.x/messages/200653.html)[], > i read that i can " running a virtual X server (xvfb) and pointing > OpenOffice.org to that." but .., honestly, i don'n understand what this > sentence mean .. Can Anyone help me ? So .., I can convert .doc, .txt , .., > even .jpg, to PDF, through PHP ?
I already found the way to do this ; using ooextract.py and OpenOffice service.
You can read it on my blog : http://wildanm.fisika.ui.edu/datakad/blog/?p=49
wildan-maulana Sun 29 Jan 2006