Newsgroups: comp.text.tex Date: 1999/06/28
I have bought 2 books on LaTex, but can not figure out how to compile (print) my .tex file in landscape mode.
My file looks like this:
lots of text....
I run this:
latex data.tex dvips -t landscape data.tex -o gv -swap -antialias -scale 1
> This works, but is not acceptable. Why do I have to tell dvips to use -t > landscape? Isn't this why I specified landscape in the source file? And > why do I have to use -swap on gv? >
You aren't doing anything wrong. The landscape option just sets the paper dimension right. (It swaps width and height) You are supposed to use dvips to rotate the dvi-file. I don't know why your margins are wrong - it works fine for me.
There are two possibilties:
Insert the following code just before the "%%EndSetup" comment line into your PostScript files:
---snip--- /my_beginpage {currentpagedevice/PageSize get aload pop translate -1 -1 scale} cvlit def currentpagedevice/BeginPage known {<< %start of dict construction /BeginPage [currentpagedevice/BeginPage get cvlit aload pop % get the original my_beginpage aload pop % append own code ] %make an array cvx % make executable >> %now the constructed dict contains the key value pair % /BeginPage {old code appended code} } {<</BeginPage {pop my_beginpage aload pop}>> }ifelse setpagedevice ---snip---
I hope this was any help.
Hans Fredrik Nordhaug