Help with putting two-col and one-col text on same page.. 

Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
Date: 1995/12/21

>column and two column text as done in journals.

This is also as done in LaTeX!

\title{This s long title spanning the whole line.}
Donald Arseneau

style definitions in document 

> I put some definitions in my document, but I get the error:
> ! Use of \@ doesn't match its definition.

This is the case where you have to include \makeatletter before the definitions to allow the "internal" LaTeX commands to be accessed.

There are several internal LaTeX commands that are protected from change by having @ in them. Since @ is not a letter, it is normally not allowed as part of a multi-letter command name. To access internal commands you need to tell LaTeX to pretend that @ is a letter. This happens automatically when LaTex reads a style file, but in your main documant you need to surround the offending commands with \makeatletter…\makeatother. Your definitions should be in a style file anyway, and after moving them there you should have no problem.