software to record sound from microphone 

Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc
Date: 2002-06-19 09:05:32 PST
>    Can you tell me what software I can use to record sound from the
> microphone?
> I will have to record the English sentencies into files. Lot's of them.
> Is there available software to help me to do this and you know about it?
> Thank you for your help.

you'll need an audio mixer to set the input levels (something like aumix), and you can use gramofile for recording to files. If there are large breaks between the sentences, then you can probably tune gramofile to break up the sentences in one large recorded file into many small files. If gramofile isn't good enough for splitting the files, then the `snd' sound editor will be of help.

There are many other programs that can help you (see for a comprehensive list); the ones I listed are just the ones I'm used to.

Rob Komar