Can someone recommend a good image viewer for Linux? I need one that can display pictures full screen and bring up a menu or something with the right mouse button or thereabouts to move on to the next one in a directory, etc. It'd be nice if it could also display pics in a window as well (preferably one that has a list on the left side). Actually, what I'm describing is an image viewer for Win98 called PicView (I think) that I use. Is there anything similar to that for Linux? I'd need JPEG, PNG, GIF, support at least, more yet would also be useful.
> Try gqview which is included with the distribution.
yes, i like gqview, simply cause i like the interface, it is almost like acdsee
The tried and tested xv handles many file formats. The nice thing about xv is it's ability to run relatively powerful command line options:
xv -root -rm 5 -maxpect -wait 5 -wloop ./*.jpg ./*.tiff
e.g. the above command will run xv on the Xwindows root (ie underneath any windows..), it will continuously loop all of the .jpg and .tiff files in the current directory with a delay of 5 seconds, and convert each image to the maximum size that your screen will allow while maintaining the aspect ration of the image (height to width ration).
Of course, you can run xv in a window rather than on the root! xv can also create and update thumbnails of directories for you.
There are other image viewers out there (ImageMagick for example), but I have yet to find one that has the command line power that xv does. (It may be that I haven't looked closely enough recently, I've been using xv for 5 years). xv's only fault (IMHO) is that is not GPL - but the source has been supplied with just about every major distro for a number of years. The license is for non-commercial use only.
According to the homepage ( .png is not supported by default. But there is a patch available, you'll have to intall the patch and recompile..