User report on a very cool Linux image viewer "Gimageview" 

From: Terry ( Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy Date: 2002-05-02 03:28:37 PST

Today I installed "Gimageview" a GTK+ image viewer and I'm very impressed with this GPL app by Takuro Ashie <>.

Upon starting it I was greeted by the familiar GTK window with vertical file manager window. This is a tabbed application where each tab is a selected directory.

When I clicked on one of my picture directories the main Gimageview window was immediately filled with thumbnails.

The thumbnails present file name,location and size in a popup as the cursor is moved over them, plus right clicking reveals a comprehensive menu that includes "edit".

Edit allows information such as subject, date, location, model, url, etc to be associated with each pic, along with a note.

The main screen has eight thumbnail settings including thumbnail, thumbnail and detail, icon and detail, rename mode etc.

Clicking on any thumbnail opened up a separate small window with the pic selected.

The small window has fast zoom and rotate buttons and is easy to use.

There are many more features too numerous to list, but this is indeed a quality picture viewing app that is worthy of consideration inmho.

Thanks for your time.

depends  gtk+
depends  imlib
depends  gdk-pixbuf