xnview -browser &
From Readme.txt
To convert files in a specific format, type for example :
nconvert -out 5 file1.pic file2.jpg file3.tga
nconvert -out tiff file1.pic file2.jpg file3.tga
With a resize :
nconvert -out jpeg -ratio -resize 480 0 *.jpg nconvert -out jpeg resize 640 480 *.jpg
The input format is not necessary. If a problem occurs, use the -in option.
Nconvert is able to make transformation
To convert GIF files to JPEG files :
nconvert -out jpeg -truecolors *.gif
To convert JPEG files to GIF files :
nconvert -out gif -dither -colors 256 *.jpeg
To resize :
nconvert -out tga -resize 510 230 *.jpeg nconvert -out tga -ratio -resize 510 0 *.jpeg nconvert -out tga -ratio -resize 0 510 *.jpeg nconvert -out tga -resize 200% 200% *.jpeg
XNview + Nview/Nconvert is a set of utilities for viewing and converting graphics files. These utilities can read 76 graphic formats and can write 29 (Jpeg, Targa, TDI, Softimage bitmap, RGB Sgi, Tiff, Gif, …) They can resize, adjust luminosity and brightness, modify the number of colors, apply filters/effects, create a slideshow, browse pictures, create thumbnails, and do batch conversions.
rpm -ih XnView.i386.rpm openmotif21-2.1.30-1.i386.rpm
Note : This version requires openMotif v2.1.30. The Open Motif 2.2.1 runtime environment installed by default from RH7.3 can not be version-down-casted.
The default stupid csh shell script won't work. Here is the amended version:
Example 1. File: install.xnview
#!/bin/csh -f set VERSION = "1.17" set LIBVERSION = "2.95" if ( -e /sbin/uname || -e /bin/uname ) then echo " OS : `uname -s`, version `uname -r`" switch ( "`uname -s`" ) case IRIX: echo " CPU : `hinv | grep CPU | cut -f3 -d' '` Processor (`uname -p`)" breaksw case SunOS: echo " CPU : `uname -p`)" breaksw case Linux: breaksw case FreeBSD: breaksw endsw else echo "Unknown system \!" exit endif switch ( "`id`" ) case "uid=*(root)*": breaksw default: echo "You must be root \!" exit endsw # # echo This script will install nview/nconvert/xnview in the /usr/local/bin directory set BASEDIR = /opt if ( ! -e $BASEDIR/man/cat1 ) then mkdir -p $BASEDIR/man/cat1 chmod 755 $BASEDIR/man/cat1 endif if ( ! -e $BASEDIR/doc/xnview ) then mkdir -p $BASEDIR/doc/xnview chmod 755 $BASEDIR/doc/xnview endif rm -f $BASEDIR/bin/nview $BASEDIR/bin/nconvert $BASEDIR/bin/xnview rm -f $BASEDIR/man/cat1/nview.z $BASEDIR/man/cat1/xnview.z ## === Install BINARY ## cp bin/nview bin/nconvert bin/xnview $BASEDIR/bin chmod 755 $BASEDIR/bin/nview $BASEDIR/bin/nconvert $BASEDIR/bin/xnview ## === Install APP-DEFAULTS ## cp app-defaults/XnView.ad /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/XnView chmod 444 /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/XnView ## === Install MAN page ## nroff -man man/nview.1 > $BASEDIR/man/cat1/nview.1 nroff -man man/xnview.1 > $BASEDIR/man/cat1/xnview.1 chmod 644 $BASEDIR/man/cat1/nview.1 $BASEDIR/man/cat1/xnview.1 ## === Install LIBRARY ## set LIBVERSION = "2.95" cp lib/libformat.so.${LIBVERSION} $BASEDIR/lib rm -f $BASEDIR/lib/libformat.so chmod 755 $BASEDIR/lib/libformat.so.${LIBVERSION} ln -s $BASEDIR/lib/libformat.so.${LIBVERSION} $BASEDIR/lib/libformat.so ## === Install DOC ## cp *.txt $BASEDIR/doc/xnview chmod 644 $BASEDIR/doc/xnview/*.txt echo echo Done!
csh install.xnview ldconfig -nv /opt/lib