:VLC user guide 


Table of Contents 

  1. Introduction

    What is the VideoLAN project ?
    What is a codec ?
    How can I use VideoLAN ?
    Command line usage
  2. Modules and options for VLC

    The modules
    Access modules
    Codec modules
    Video outputs
    Video filters modules
    Audio outputs
    Interface modules
    OS support modules
    Compilation Options
  3. Installing VLC

    Installing VLC
    Uninstalling VLC
  4. The command line interface

    Opening streams
    Modules selection
    Stream Output
    Other Options
  5. The HTTP interface

    The RPN evaluator
    The macros
  6. Other interfaces

    Graphical user interfaces
    Control Interfaces
  7. The Mozilla plugin

    Install the plugin
    Build HTML pages that use the plugin

4. The command line interface 

Modules selection 

VLC tries to select the most appropriate interface, input and output modules, among the ones available on the system, according to the stream it is given to read. However, you may wish to force the use of a specific module with the following options (for the complete list of modules, see the Modules and options for VLCmodules section) :

--intf <module> allows you to select the interface module.
--extraintf <module> allows you to select extra interface modules that will be launched in addition to the main one.
--aout <module> allows you to select the audio output module.
--vout <module> allows you to select the video output module.
--filter <module> allows you to add a video filter module.
--memcpy <module> allows you to choose a memory copy module.

Stream Output 

Architecture and syntax 

the stream output has a powerful architecture that uses modules. Each module has capabilities, and you can chain the modules to enhance the possibilities.

Here is the list of the modules currently available:

  • standard "sends" the stream via an access output module: for example, UDP, file, HTTP, … You will probably want to use this module at the end of your chains.
  • transcode allows you to transcode the audio and the video of the input stream "on the fly" (if your computer is powerful enough).
  • duplicate allows you to create a second chain, where the stream will be handled in an independant way.
  • display allows you to display the input stream, as VLC would normally do. Used with the duplicate module, this allows you to view the stream as you send it.
  • rtp streams over RTP (one UDP port for each elementary stream).
  • es allows you to make separate Elementary Streams (ES) out of an input stream.

Each of these modules may take options. Here is the syntax that you must use:

% vlc input_stream --sout '#module1{option1=...,option2=...}:module2{option1=...,option2=...}:...'

For example, to transcode a stream and send it, use:

% vlc input_stream --sout '#transcode{options}:standard{options}'
Description of the modules 

standard (alias std)

Sends a stream.


  • access: how to send: file, udp, rtp, http.
  • mux: which muxer (ie, which format) will be used. It can be one of avi (for AVI format) ogg (for OGG format) ps (for MPEG2-PS format) ts (for MPEG2-TS format).
  • url: if you use the file access, it will be the location where to store the stream; if you use another access, it will be the unicast or multicast IP address where you want to stream.


Changes the codec and/or bitrates for a stream.


  • acodec: the new audio codec. It can be one of mpga (MPEG audio layer 2), a52 or ac3 (AC3 sound) or vorb (Vorbis).
  • ab: audio bitrate in Kbps.
  • vcodec: the new video codec. It can be one of mp4v (MPEG4), mpgv (MPEG1), DIV1, DIV2, DIV3 (DivX 1,2,3), H263 (H263), I263 (H263I), WMV1 or WMV2 (Windows Media Video 1 or 2), MJPG (MJPEG), MJPB (MJPEGB).
  • width: video width.
  • height: video height.
  • vb: video bitrate in kbps.
  • vt: video bitrate tolerance in bps.
  • deinterlace: deinterlace the stream.
  • croptop: number of pixels removed from the top of the video.
  • cropbottom: number of pixel removed from the bottom of the video.
  • cropleft: number of pixels removed from the left of the video.
  • cropright: number of pixels removed from the right of the video.
  • hq: high quality transcoding (uses more CPU).
  • qmin: minimum video quantiser scale (VBR)
  • qmax: maximum video quantiser scale (VBR).

Other Options 

Audio options 

--noaudio disables audio output.
--mono forces VLC to treat the stream in mono audio.
--volume <integer> sets the level of audio output.
--aout-rate <integer> sets the audio output frequency (Hz).
--desync <integer> compensates desynchronization of audio (ms).
--headphone activates headphone virtual spatialization effect.
--headphone-dim sets headphone characteristic dimension.

Video options 

--novideo disables video output.
--greyscale turns video output into greyscale mode.
--fullscreen sets fullscreen video.
--nooverlay disables hardware acceleration for the video output.
--width, --height <integer> sets the video window dimensions.
--zoom <float> adds a zoom factor.
--aspect-ratio <mode> forces source aspect ratio.
--spumargin <integer> forces SPU subtitles postion.