Alternative Booting Solutions

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HOWTO: setup full Debian on USB and boot from there 
installing slackware from HD directory 
Linux boot process 
usual Linux boot process 
CD boot process 
my CD startup process 
Build your own rescue CD. 
Build your own rescue CD. 
Build your own rescue CD. 
Basic Info 
Linuxcare Bootable Toolbox 
Timo's Rescue CD Set 
Boot Scriptor 
Linux that runs on a CD 

HOWTO: setup full Debian on USB and boot from there 

Newsgroups:  gmane.linux.debian.user
Date:        Sun, 14 May 2006 17:40:11 -0400

BOOT DEBIAN on and from a USB-harddisk. How I did it.

Only newer computers allow this.

I used a ThinkPad-T42, sometimes with original harddisk in DVD/CD bay. This will not work with 600e, T20, 240 or 240x thinkpads, too old.

Several months ago, DSL(DamnSmallLinux) and RIP(RecoveryIsPossible) mini-Linux distributions allowed for booting from USB-flash-cards. I did it with RIP, located on USB-sda2-vfat. This involves a boot image containing all files booted into memory and run from memory. USB can be removed after boot.

I also tried to do it with full SUSE and Debian but failed initially.

Lately I noticed that when I copied a Debian partition to a different partition, the kernel would boot completely due to partition info stored in initrd.img by mkinitrd.yaird which is executed at install time.

However, if I temporarily changed /etc/fstab to point to another partition and executed mkinitrd.yaird, I could create a new initrd.img that would work. That gave me the idea that perhaps that was what needed to run on USB as well.

I spent many hours on this and failed until I realized that somehow Debian's annoying change opened up a way of fully executing the kernel from USB.


(0) connect and partition USB flashcard or harddisk

(1) copy a working partition of debian onto a partition

(2) make temp change to your working debian /etc/fstab e.g. " /dev/hda6 / reiserfs noatime 0 1 " change hda6 to sda6 or whatever you want

RUN: mkinitrd.yaird -o /initrd.img.USB


move this /initrd.img.USB to USB partition in / or /boot (you may want to browse this img, go to bottom and see fstab information)

(4) install grub-boot programs onto USB create (BELOW) creat menu.lst (BELOW)

(5) BE CAREFUL: RUN: grub root (hdx,y) setup (hdx) quit

where x= 1 if you have 1 hard disk in addition to USB
      x= 2             2
      x= 0 is what you are using for main/only disk
where y= USB partition# less 1 where your grub files are

(6) try booting, if it does not work, check to see if you have allowed for boot from USB,


To explain my GRUB-MENU-LIST:

I have several PC's + extra drives. I have them mostly setup as:

hda1- WinJunk
hda2- spare
hda4- backup data and RIP bootable for emergency (I bkup this to DVD)
hda5- swap
hda6- Debian-test
hda7- data
hda8- Debian-test or Debian-Sid-unstable
#/boot/grub/ for USB

(hd0)    /dev/sda
(hd1)    /dev/hda
(hd2)    /dev/hdc
#/boot/grub/menu.lst for USB on sda4

# grub.conf:  grub  :  root (hd1,3)  :  setup (hd1)   GRUB_PARTION=hda4/BKUP
#timeout 8
color black/cyan yellow/cyan
#default 3
#fallback 2

title  W2K-vfat (USB-SDA1) executable, marked hidden from other WinJunk
# rootnoverify (hd0,0)                         does not work
# chainloader +1                               does not work
   chainloader --edx=0x0080 (hd0,0)/ntldr

title  RIP-linux-vfat (USB-SDA2->memory)
   rootnoverify (hd0,1)
   chainloader +1

title  FIX-RIP-reiserfs  (USB-SDA4-Locus_of_GRUB-BOOT) [kernel locks up]
   kernel (hd0,3)/boot/kernel root=/dev/sda4 vga=2 acpi=off

title  Debian-reiserfs   (USB-SDA6)
   kernel (hd0,5)/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda6 ro vga=791 selinux=0 noresume pci=assign-busses
   initrd (hd0,5)/initrd.img.USB  # or rename it

   title  RIP-linux-reiserfs-(HDA4)
   kernel (hd1,3)/boot/kernel root=/dev/sda4 vga=2 acpi=off

   title  Debian-reiserfs   -(HDA6)
   kernel (hd1,5)/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda6 ro vga=791 selinux=0 noresume
   initrd (hd1,5)/initrd.img

   title  Debian-reirserfs  +(HDC6)
   kernel (hd2,5)/vmlinuz root=/dev/hdc6 ro vga=791 noresume
   initrd (hd2,5)/initrd.img

George Hein