
mkbt -x -c c: c:\peboot.bin nt2ldr c:\peboot.bin


timeout=3 default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn C:\peboot.bin="MyoteXPE ram Loader"


BootDevice = "ramdisk(0)" BootPath = "\i386\SYSTEM32\" OsLoadOptions = "/noguiboot /fastdetect /minint /rdpath=MyoteXPE.sdi /rdimageoffset=36352"


documented on: Jun 5 2006


> 1) on internal hdd where WinXP are already stored
> 2) on external (usb) hdd (not pendrive) where SDI will be only
> 3) on external (usb) pendrive (flashdisk)

A NT boot sector load filename ntldr.

1) use a bootsector file.

\ntldr (true ntldr)
\peldr (renamed setupldr.bin)

sdi image according to winnt.sif.

Extract primary partition bootsector and hexedit file. Compare Bart's peinst plugin.

2 and 3)

\ntldr (renamed setupldr.bin)

sdi image according to winnt.sif.


documented on: Jun 5 2006


There is ntldr. This boot windows, dosn't support /minint mode and can't boot PE. If you try that, you get a missing hal.dll.

But ntldr chain load bootcode files. Recory console boot that way. BartPE use the same solution.

c:\ntldr read boot.ini. You select bootcode file. Bootcode file is loaded in RAM and processed. This runs peldr (renamed setupldr.bin) Setupldr.bin support /minint mode.

Go back to partition c: first. If you managed that, take next step.

Run 'mkbt -x -c c: c:\peboot.bin' manually. Do you get a file c:\peboot.bin?

This boot loader file loads file ntldr. File name ntldr is used already, but we have to load setupldr.bin. Bart's solution: hexedit c:\peboot.bin, change ntldr to peldr. Run 'nt2peldr.exe c:\peboot.bin'

Edit c:\boot.ini, point to c:\peboot.bin. Copy files to c:\minint. Copy setupldr.bin to c:\, rename to peldr. Reboot.

Next step: primary partition d: at first hard disk. Run 'mkbt -x -c d: c:\peboot-d.bin' manually. Don't hexedit, therefore copy setupldr.bin to d:\, rename to ntldr.


documented on: Oct 23 2005


For others who may pass this way.

I have given up on PEinst, again. Neither version 3.1.3 nor 3.1.4 worked when run from the CD or the hd. In all cases the BartPE on my backup drive failed in booting after the Windows XP screen displayed. The screen went dark and stayed that way.

However, my backup drive does boot BartPE once again using a different approach. It is much simpler than PEinst and works consistently.

I copy the PEBuilder output files to the hard drive, rename i386 to minint and copy several files to the root. My crude but functional script does the steps.

@echo off&Title Eds PEtoHD script&Color 17&MODE CON COLS=60
rem Ed_Ps BartPE to HD

 :: Script designed to ride in the folder above the output folder of PEBuilder and
 :: with the name of the output folder being BartPE.  In my case the PEBuilder folder.

 :: Set location of destination HD or partition

set HD=P:

 :: Delete existing HD BartPE system

if not exist %HD%\ntldr goto BUILDHD
del   %HD%\ntldr
del   %HD%\
del   %HD%\txtsetup.sif
del   %HD%\autorun.inf
del   %HD%\bootsect.bin
del   %HD%\win51ic
del   %HD%\win51ic.sp2
del   %HD%\winbom.ini
rmdir %HD%\Programs /s /q
rmdir %HD%\minint   /s /q

 :: Begin building HD system

mkdir                 %HD%\minint
mkdir                 %HD%\Programs

 :: Move to PEBuilder output folder

cd BartPE
cd i386

 :: Copy files to HD

echo on
copy     %HD%\
copy txtsetup.sif     %HD%\
copy setupldr.bin     %HD%\ntldr
@echo off
echo Building minint...
xcopy *.*             %HD%\minint /s > nul

cd ..
echo on
copy *.*              %HD%\
@echo off
echo Building Programs...
xcopy Programs\*.*    %HD%\Programs /s > nul

 :: Verify the results

cd ..
dir %HD%\

echo PEtoHD finished.
echo Press any key to exit
pause > nul

As I said crude, but effective. I still use GRUB to boot the backup system and BartPE comes up everytime.


documented on: Nov 6 2005